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Turn Up the Heat

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At least they could have good food. Maybe she could con-tribute the meal. Smoked oysters or salmon, beef tenderloin, raspberries, some kind of French pastry or—

“With take-out pizza.”

That was fine. Pizza was fine. Practical certainly. They could eat it by candlelight maybe.

“I was also thinking…”

“Yes?” She was still hopeful. Ever hopeful.

“…of all the things I’ll want to do to you after the mov ie.”

She smiled. Now they were talking. Many guys who couldn’t express romantic feelings substituted sexual ones.

This was not a bad thing. And the way her body reacted to him was definitely not a bad thing.

“You mean like…” She pitched her voice into sultry territory. “Make me clean up the kitchen?”


yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.”

She clamped down laughter, spirits rising again. “I’ll scrape your scraps, boy. Scrub your stubborn spots.”

“Mmm, tell me more.”

“Then I’ll rub down all your surfaces. And if you’re really good…”


“I’ll squeeze your sponges.” She had to pull the phone away from her mouth to let out a snort.

“You know you are turning me on, Candy. Even joking around.”

“Really?” She returned to her normal voice, or as normal as her voice could get when she was euphoric and turned on herself.

“Really. Want to do me a favor?”

“I probably shouldn’t. What is it?”

“Go into your living room and sit on your couch.”


“Hey, bay-bee, you know you want to.”

She laughed at the cliché and the grin in his voice. “Tell me you didn’t just say that.”

“Say what? I didn’t say anything.” He made a crackly noise.

“Bad connection.”

“Uh-huh. What will I do on the couch?”

“Show me your beautiful cushions.”

She burst into more laughter. When had she ever had this much fun talking to a guy on the phone? “What’s in it for me?”

“An orgasm that will bring human sexual consciousness to a new level?”

“My goodness.” She shouldn’t do this. But she had a feeling she would.

“Seriously, I don’t want to bug you, Candy. If you have things you have to do, do them.”

“Don’t you have a chapter to write?”

“I tried. Believe me. But all I could think about was how you look, how you taste, how you feel around me. It’s hopeless.”

“Hopeless, huh?” It was anything but.

“And you’ve been frosting just fine, I suppose.”

“Just fine. No problems.” She sauntered into her living room, perched on the edge of her sofa. “I seem to be sitting on my couch.”

“Yeah? Hmm. I think you’re wearing too many clothes.”

“How do you know what I’m wearing?”

“I’m at my window. I can see your head and shoulders.

White shirt. Long sleeves.”

She turned and found him standing at his second-floor window, phone pressed to his ear. He waved. A car passed.

Otherwise the block was silent and still.

She took off her shirt.



His voice was low, reverent. She shivered in delight. “Do you get to keep your clothes on?”

“Yes. Keep going.”

She unhooked her bra, slid it off, listening to his breathing accelerate slightly. “Done.”



“I’ll have to stand up.”

“If anyone walks by I’ll tell you.”

She hesitated only for a second then stood, took down her jeans and stepped out of them.



She worked them down. Between the room’s cool air and the imagined heat of Justin’s gaze, so private in a public venue, she could feel every inch of her skin in sensuous detail.

Panties got twirled around her finger and tossed across the room. He gave a half laugh, half groan. “Perfect. You’re perfect.”

She kept her back to him, glanced at the street, one way then the other. No one. She turned slowly and stood, feeling stupidly naked and vulnerable until she heard his reaction, a long, low sound that flooded through her body and focused her attention on the way he made her feel—strong, female and powerful, the rest of the block be damned. She wanted him shamelessly, his skin against hers, his tongue and breath and fingers all over her.

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