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Room One

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I try to get in my car and drive away but she’s not having it. “Talk to your son or I swear to God he’ll never be welcomed in this family again. Him and the boys. If this gets out what will the community think? I’ll be ruined. All my charity work...No! I won’t tolerate this.”

My stepfather crosses his arms over a broad chest. He nods a couple of times and frustration washes over his otherwise unworried expression. You see, we’ve had this discussion before, and it always ends the same way. My mother telling me I’ll go to hell and then telling Joe to fix it.

But this time she’s gone too far.

“Don’t blame Atlas for something he had no control over.” I palm my keys.

“Donna, back the fuck up a minute and think about what you’re saying.” Joe starts rubbing at the back of his neck. If anything, the man who stepped into my life well after my fifteenth birthday is more on my side than the mother who raised me since birth.

“Don’t Donna me. Fix this sickness in our family, Joe. Or else.”

My mother, Ms. Politician wannabe of Southern Texas storms back to her car and throws gravel as she speeds off to one luncheon or some church group or another. And I’m left looking at my feet feeling dirty. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I be normal and like someone normal?

Comforting arms wrap around me, and I lay my head against Joe’s chest. Atlas, Brogan, and Ryder all three stand a moment longer before Atlas speaks up.

“We’ll be gone by sunup.” And then they follow my mother’s exit. All three roaring out of the marina.

I fight back more hot tears wanting to spill down my cheeks.

“I can practically hear your thoughts, baby girl. Nothing is wrong with you. You’re just growing up is all. She’s having a hard time accepting you’re not in pigtails anymore.”

“I think I embarrass her. I just want to be normal, Joe.”

Joe pulls back and levels his dark brown eyes on my blue ones. “And who says you’re not?” A familiar smile warms his expression and I see so much of Atlas my heart aches for the man I can’t have.

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