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Secrets and the Bride

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It takes me a moment to register what’s happening. I think my brain short-circuited when Cillian said he was going to get me pregnant. That's what he said, wasn’t it? Maybe I imagined it in my lust-filled, orgasm-fogged brain, and he never actually said that out loud. My own mind was jumbled after what we’d just done.

That would make more sense than Cillian actually saying that to me. Because thirty minutes ago, I thought he hated kissing me and didn't want anyone to know he’d done it. Now he wants to put a baby inside me. Yeah, right. Though he did clear up a lot of doubts, so maybe.

“Baby,” Cillian whispers, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Someone is here.” Another knock sounds at the door. Shit. I can’t think straight to save my life right now.

Cillian finishes putting on his clothes as I glance around the room.

“All my luggage is in the living room!” I hiss. The only thing I had Cillian ripped from my body. Damn. That was hot.

“Go to the bathroom. I’ve got this.”

As I get up from the bed and go toward the bathroom, he suddenly stops me. He holds my hand and pulls me back to him while pressing a hard kiss against my mouth. When he releases me, I can do nothing but stand there, breathless.

“Okay, now you can go.” He gives my ass a small tap, and I jump back into action and dart into the bathroom.

My heart races as I wonder who might have caught us. What would happen if anyone found out? I’m curious what his mom would think. She’s all about true love, but she’s also about tradition. She and her husband had an arranged marriage. She also had a hand in setting up her daughter Amelia to marry my brother.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror out of the corner of my eye, and I turn to face my reflection. My lips are puffy, and the area around them is red. So are my nipples. My hair is tousled and my eyeliner slightly smudged, yet I look sexy. It’s not a word I’ve ever used to describe myself. It’s not even something I’ve ever strived to be. Clearly Cillian thought I was because he ripped my undergarments from my body.

I part my legs and see Cillian’s release coating my thighs and my sex. I can still feel his warm release inside of me, and I can’t believe we did that. I mentally do some math in my head while my brain is functioning, and I’m most definitely ovulating.

Cillian's reaction when I told him was not what I thought it was going to be. I was sure he was going to jump off me and run to the bathroom to try and get a towel or something. It was the complete opposite, so what does this mean? He wants to get me pregnant, but he doesn’t want to take my virginity. When I think clearly and line up what we’d done, he definitely said the baby comment. I’m not sure what to think of that.

I press my ear to the door, wondering who came knocking. The other voice is too soft for me to make out any words, but I’d guess it to be female.

“She’s not feeling well. I’m going to stay and take care of her. She’s taking a shower now,” I hear him say. I bite my lip as a wave of unexpected emotion fills me and tears spring to my eyes. Spotting a robe hanging on a hook next to the giant tub, I grab it and put it on. A second later, the door opens.

“Julie, one of the kitchen staff, brought over food,” Cillian says. He grabs my hand and spins me around to face him, and the smile on his face falters. His big hands come up to cup my face as she leans close. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” I must not answer him quickly enough because he goes to check for himself. He pulls the robe open to do a full inspection of me with his own eyes.

“I’m fine.” I close the robe and wrap it around my shoulders.

“You’re not.” He towers over me, and I can tell from his expression and how he’s standing that we’re not going anywhere until I tell him why there are stupid tears in my eyes. Why do I have to be so emotional? I swear it’s only him that makes me this way.

“I’ll stand here all night if I have to because what I’m not going to do is let another misunderstanding come between us,” he declares. “Whether you’re thinking some crazy shit like you’re a terrible kisser because you’ve never done it before—which, for the record, is hot as hell for me, and that happened to be my first kiss too. All the while I’m thinking I mauled you and you're disgusted with me. I mean, maybe you should be disgusted because that didn’t stop me from jacking off while thinking about that kiss.”

I open my mouth and then quickly close it. I’m not sure what I want to ask first. Not that it matters ’cause Cillian is willing to wait until I get it together. “I’m really your first kiss?” How has Cillian not done this a million times? I’ve wanted to kiss him since the first time I saw him.

“Yeah.” He nods while smirking. I’m sure it’s because out of everything he said, I go there first.

“You touched yourself and thought of me?” I lick my lips, wanting to see that for myself.

“All the time,” he says unapologetically. “Have you ever touched yourself?” I shake my head no. “I wouldn't be mad if you did, but I kind of love the idea of you only getting your orgasm from me.”

“I wouldn't mind that either,” I admit as my face fills with heat. I never talk about these kinds of things with anyone. It’s nice to be able to do it with him.

“Now are you going to tell me why you had tears in your eyes when I came in here?” I know I have to. I don’t want the misunderstanding either.

“I thought maybe you didn’t want anyone to know that you’d been with me in the room alone. You know, like doing things. Of course you don’t want anyone to know, and I shouldn’t either. It could cause problems.” Problems he doesn’t want to deal with and really shouldn’t have to. He’s not the one with crazy parents.

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