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Daisy's Decision (Icehome)

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I slide down next to her, my cock stabbing against her soft body, and even that feels so good that I have to close my eyes. She will laugh if I come the moment I brush against her thigh. I must control myself. Bracing my arms against the sides of her head, I remain still as she spreads her legs and then bends one, her thigh against the outside of my hip. “Do you want to touch me?” she asks softly. “To see where everything fits?”

“Yes,” I blurt. “Yes, I should do that.”

She spreads her legs a bit wider. I try to think of all the things I have heard other males brag about while mating—especially A’tam—but my mind is blank. I can think of nothing but D’see’s soft skin. D’see’s hot cunt and the folds between her thighs. I brush my fingers over them, learning her body. She is damp, but I do not know how damp a cunt must be. Nor do I find an entrance to her body. It takes a moment before I realize where I am supposed to enter her, and then I grimace. “You seem very small.”

“Everything stretches,” D’see promises me. “Maybe kiss me and put a finger in there to stretch things out?” She lifts her arms, reaching for me.

Kiss her? I would like nothing more…well, I would like one thing more. But for now, I can kiss. Hungrily, I slant my mouth over hers so our noses do not bump, and slide my tongue against hers. She gasps, the sound full of delight, and her cunt twitches under my fingers. My sac tightens, as if preparing to release, and I abruptly lift my mouth away from hers, dragging in deep gulping breaths. “D’see—”

“No kissing,” she says, voice quick. Her hand brushes my cheek. “It’s fine. You greased everything, right? How about you just put the head of your cock at the entrance to my body and we figure it out from there?” She spreads her legs wider. “We’re doing great.”

“Yes. Great,” I manage thickly. My pulse is throbbing in all the wrong spots and I feel as if I will shatter if I so much as breathe wrong, but if she says we are doing great, I believe her. I take myself in hand, guiding toward that impossibly small opening, and thrusting gently.

D’see gasps, and her hands go to my shoulders.

“Is that bad?” I ask before I try again.

“No. You can keep going. It just felt surprising.” She smiles at me, her hands sliding down my body to grip my buttocks. “Push deeper if you need to this time. It doesn’t hurt.”

Groaning, I aim myself at that spot again, and thrust once more. This time, her body clasps around me and the head of my cock wedges into her body. She shivers, and I feel it. By all the ancestors, I can feel everything, and her cunt is squeezing my cock impossibly tight—I thrust again, unable to help myself.

D’see makes a little noise of encouragement and arches her hips, encouraging me.

I push deeper, my body running on instinct, and hammer into her welcoming body. Nothing has ever felt so good. Nothing has ever squeezed my cock so tightly, or so wetly, and the breath explodes from my lungs even as my thighs tighten and my body shakes. “D’see—I cannot—”

“It’s okay,” she says, and grabs my buttocks harder, encouraging me deeper. “You can come—”

With a guttural cry, I spill into her, my body bowing from the tension that erupts out of me. I am the Great Smoking Mountain, bursting and filling her with lava that boils out of my cock, heedless to stop. I am exploding. I am a great surging wave that will destroy everything in its path. I am—

I collapse atop my mate, only dimly aware of her body under mine, and the fact that my cock is only halfway inside her.



Well. That was definitely not the experience that songs are written about.

I wrap my arms around O’jek, noting how sweaty his skin is as he gasps for breath over me. I’m not upset. For some reason, I saw the worry and stress on his face when he returned, and all I wanted to do was make it go away. I knew our first time wasn’t going to be great if we didn’t have resonance driving us both to wild heights. With both of us being virgins, I figured it was best to just get it over with.

Strangely enough, I feel incredibly close to O’jek right now. It’s like he’s shown me the vulnerable side of himself and I intend on protecting it—and him—with all my might. It doesn’t matter to me that he barely came inside my body, or that it hurt intensely while he was trying to squeeze his (admittedly incredibly thick) cock into my dry body. I was hoping the lotion would help with that, but maybe it didn’t do enough. Doesn’t matter. His seed is all over the insides of my thighs and inside me, and I’m no longer a virgin.

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