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Against The Grain (THIRDS 5)

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“That yellow and baby blue album with the little lion on it is Dex’s baby album.”

Dex gasped. He made a dive for it, but in true Dex fashion, he lost his balance and hit the carpet instead. With a smile, Sloane plucked the album from the table. “Thanks, Cael.”

With a groan, Dex sat up. He kicked at Sloane’s foot.

“Ow. Why are you assaulting me?”

“You could have saved me, you big dork. Instead you went for the album?”

Sloane blinked at him. “But if I grabbed you, then I wouldn’t have the album.”

Dex prodded their dad’s leg. “And what’s your excuse?”

Their dad didn’t even bother looking up from the album in his hand. “It’s not my job to kiss your ouchies anymore.” He jabbed a thumb in Sloane’s direction. “That’s his job now.”

“So you let me fall?” Dex whined.

“If I caught you every single time you fell, you’d never learn how to get yourself up.”

Dex gaped at their dad while Cael snickered.

“Ha! You just got schooled by Dad.”

“Be quiet, Chirpy.”

“Stop calling me that!”

Cael jumped to his feet, grabbed one of the couch’s throw pillows, and launched it at Dex, who was getting to his feet. His brother swatted it away, and it smacked Ash in the face. There was a collective gasp from everyone.

Ash looked down at the pillow in his lap, then up at Dex.

“Hit the deck!” Dex leaped over the coffee table, rolled, and disappeared behind the armchair. Cael slowly backed away as Ash stood, gently put the album on the table, and took hold of the pillow he’d been smacked with. Cael dove behind the love seat. His brother was a de

ad man.

“Don’t break my pillow,” Tony muttered, unfazed by whatever was about to transpire. Cael crawled to the edge of the love seat and peeked out. His dad continued flipping through the pages of the photo album in his lap.

“Sloane, save me!” Dex used the furniture for cover as Ash stalked him. At least Dex had one advantage over Ash. Having grown up in this house, Dex was familiar with every nook and cranny.

“Sloane? There’s no Sloane here,” Sloane replied. “Apparently just a big dork.”

Dex popped his head up from behind an armchair. “Have you no sympathy for my impending demise?”

Sloane opened Dex’s baby album and chuckled. “Aw, look at you! You look like a little burrito.”

Dex looked uninspired. “It’s called swaddling.”

Cael watched as Ash got ready to pounce. His brother had to know he was there.

“Whatever it’s called,” Sloane said, “it makes you look like a burrito. An adorable baby burrito.” He turned the page. “Oh, now this is precious. Dexter Justice Daley in sheriff footie pajamas.”

Ash froze, pillow raised high above his head. “Hold the phone.” He arched an eyebrow at Sloane. “What did you say?”

Tony closed the album in his lap. “Look at the time. I think I’ll head up to bed.” He placed the album on the table and stood. “You break it, you buy it.”

With that Tony headed upstairs. Cael slowly crawled over the armrest of the love seat, grabbed a throw pillow, and sat with knees drawn up to watch the chaos. Man, he wished he had some popcorn.

“What?” Sloane asked. He looked down at the album when it seemed to dawn on him. “Oh shit.”

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