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Thick & Thin (THIRDS 8)

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Sloane wasn't surprised. Dex hated keeping secrets from his family. Too bad they'd soon be up to their ears in information they wouldn't be able to divulge to anyone.

"Cael wanted to kill you at first."

"Can't say I blame him for feeling that way." Sloane wrapped his arm around Dex. He pulled Dex close and nuzzled the top of his hair. He loved the way Dex smelled. It made his inner Felid very happy, knowing its mate was here. "And how's he feel now?"

"He just wants to kick your ass."

Sloane could hear the amusement in Dex's voice. "I guess that's... better?" Certainly an improvement over dead. He listened intently as Dex recounted everything that was said, along with Cael's reaction.

"I don't blame him," Dex admitted. "He's been through a lot of shit."

"And you haven't?"

"Yeah, but my job is to keep him from all that shit."

Sloane rubbed his arm, knowing Dex was more worried about Cael than he was about himself. Dex always put everyone before himself, and although that was an admirable trait, this wasn't the time for it. Not with the unpredictable mutation now inside him. "He's all grown up, Dex. You can't protect him from the world."

"I can damn well try."

"And when we're sent to the middle of God knows where, what then?" Sloane kept his tone gentle. It worked both ways. With them soon setting off to parts unknown, Dex wouldn't be around to ride in on his white horse to protect his little brother. It had to be worrying him.

"You're right. I won't always be around, and I won't let something happen to you because my head's somewhere else. Ash will have to look out for him then. I mean, he already does, but it's up to him to keep my family safe."

"Does this mean you still want to go through with it?"

Dex sat up, his eyes searching Sloane's. "Does this mean you don't?"

"I meant what I said. Wherever you go, I go."

"Will that be enough?"

"What do you mean?" Sloane turned and brought one folded knee up so he could face Dex comfortably. Dex did the same.

"What if you hate it? What if it changes us? It's enough for you now, but what about tomorrow? How about a year from now? Two years? Five? I wouldn't be able to stand it if you ended up resenting me for dragging you into this."

"Dex." Sloane took Dex's hands in his. He'd come to know his partner so well by now that he'd prepared for this. "I love you, but that's not the only reason I'm doing this. Not anymore."


"I've done a lot of thinking. This is my opportunity to do what I set out to do when I joined the THIRDS. I wanted to prevent what happened to me, Ash, and the other Therian kids in that facility from happening to anyone else, but those responsible for the hell we lived through, for the deaths of innocent Therian children, were never within my reach. Not as a THIRDS agent, and not without TIN. Don't get me wrong. We make a difference out there, but you're right. As THIRDS agents, we can only stop the pawns. As TIN, maybe we can stop the ones controlling the board."

"Everything's changing," Dex said with a frown. He looked down at his hands, his brows drawn together. "I need to know that whatever happens, nothing will change us, or what we have. I love you, Sloane, and I'm willing to make sacrifices for this, but I won't sacrifice you. You're my family now too. Nothing means more to me."

"I know that, sweetheart. We're in this together, and that means keeping each other grounded. TIN operatives, agents, spies, whatever name they give us, it doesn't matter." He brought Dex's hands to his lips for a kiss. "The only title that matters to me is the one on our marriage license."

"I like that." Dex's smile stole his breath away, and the tension seemed to ease out of him. Dex's cheeks turned a pleasant shade of pink, and Sloane's heart skipped a beat. Dex wasn't usually bashful in front of him. "So, um, have you thought about what that title might be?"

Sloane pretended to think about it. Actually he'd known from the moment he proposed. "Sloane Daley has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

Dex's eyes went wide. "Really?"

"I think for work purposes, I should go by Brodie, but legally? I'd like to be a Daley if that's okay with you."

Dex's bright blue eyes turned to liquid gold before he leaped forward, tackled Sloane, and kissed him within an inch of his life. Sloane wrapped Dex tight in his arms and returned his kiss, his insides alight with love and joy at the happiness he'd brought Dex. It was no contest really. Brodie had no ties to his family, and his past was something Sloane had been trying to get away from for so long. Dex's family name stood for something. There was so much love and goodness behind it. Sloane wanted to be a part of that. This was a new chapter of his life, one he faced with a man he adored. It was fitting he take on an appropriate name.

When they were forced to come up for breath, Dex laughed softly, his forehead resting against Sloane's. "Have I told you how much I love you?"

Sloane kissed the tip of Dex's nose. "Like I would ever get tired of hearing it."

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