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Thick & Thin (THIRDS 8)

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Hobbs tapped his watch, his expression deadpan.

"What do you mean you don't have that long? Smartass."

The table burst into laughter.

"Yeah, yeah. You're all hilarious. And the answer to your question is no, I haven't had any box urges."

The girls found that particularly funny, and Cael gasped.

"Oh my God, Dex, we have to bring a box over to Dad's so you can get in it. Can you imagine his face?"

"I don't think Dad's finished with me where this is concerned."

Cael's smile fell away. "Oh, right. Yeah, I was kind of surprised he didn't say anything about it."

"He's going to kick both your asses," Ash said, motioning to Sloane and Dex.

"You don't have to look so happy about it," Sloane muttered.

"I am happy. That's what you get for not telling me first. Asshole."

"I said I was sorry, didn't I? Why can't you just let things go?"

Dex let out a bark of laughter. "Let things go? You're talking to a man who is still pissed off about a fern."

"It's not about the fern," Ash growled. "It's the pissing on my property. Or the having sex in my bathroom."

Sloane tapped his earpiece, then jumped to his feet. "Oh damn. Sorry, Ash. As much as I would love to continue what's likely to become a very lengthy conversation of slights committed against you, Sparks wants us in Sparta."

Everyone laughed, and Ash cursed Sloane out as they cleaned up after themselves, then headed for the elevator. Just as they reached it, Sloane tapped his earpiece.

"Yes, Lieutenant?" His eyes widened, and he swore under his breath. "We're on our way."

"What happened?" Whatever it was, it was bad, judging by the way Sloane rushed everyone through the doors when the elevator arrived. Dex noticed Sloane tapped in his security clearance, the blue digital screen displaying the subbasement as opposed to Sparta.

"Juarez and Turner are dead," Sloane replied, his jaw clenched.

Everyone stared at Sloane.

"You care to elaborate?" Ash chipped in, and Dex begrudgingly was with Ash on this one. Not that he'd ever admit it.

"I don't know what happened. All I know is our perps are dead. Sparks wants us down there."

The elevator quickly arrived, and they all hurried out after Sloane. They headed for the double doors leading to the holding cells. Outside the doors, two rows of agents stood at attention, weapons in hand as they stood guard. When the one closest to the door saw them, he opened one of the doors and motioned inside.

"Lieutenant's waiting for you."

"Thanks." Sloane went in first, followed by Ash, Dex, and the rest of the team. The area had been cleared, with only Sparks standing in front of a cell. Dex imagined that was where Juarez or Turner was. When they reached her, Dex swore. Juarez was lying in a pool of his own blood, a clean bullet hole in the middle of his forehead. In the cell next door, Turner shared the same fate. It didn't take a genius to deduce the two Therians had been executed.

Sloane turned to Sparks. "What the hell happened?"

"Follow me." Sparks headed toward the end of the room where a set of secured double doors housed the subbasement's security office. She placed her hand on the panel by the door, it unlocked, and she held the door open for them, then secured it closed once everyone was inside. Why was there no one posted inside? Normally several agents monitored the cameras, overseeing to the safety and security of the cellblock. Dex could only assume it had something to do with Sparks.

The huge subbasement was divided into several cellblocks, each one serving a different purpose. Section One housed detainees awaiting trial or transport, while Section Two housed those serving up to a year of jail time. Section Three contained lethal Therians who refused to shift back to their Human form. Then there was the section they were in. It was reserved for high profile cases and detainees requiring discretion. It didn't bode well that Sparks had Juarez and Turner placed here. It confirmed there was more to these two, just as they'd suspected. Otherwise why not just throw them in Section One?

On one end of the security office, a high-tech console sat unmanned, its hundreds of lights like a Christmas tree. Above it, several flat-screen monitors displayed different angles of the cellblock. Sparks took a small remote from atop the console before heading for the other end of the room where the majority of the wall was occupied by a flat-screen.

"I have something to show you." She tapped her nail on the small digital remote. The screen on the wall came to life. Dex frowned at the security footage. It was of the Therian holding cells just outside this room.

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