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Tried & True (THIRDS 10)

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Fred sneered at him. “They want their attack dog back.”

“Oh, I don’t like being called a dog, Fred. It upsets me.” Wolf pressed the power drill button, and an agonized cry tore from Fred’s throat.

“Fuck’s sake, Wolf,” Dex growled.

Wolf shrugged. He turned his attention back to Fred. “Explain.”

“They wanted someone with your skills under their thumb, and figured it was also good revenge for you reneging on your contract to kill Agent Daley. Two birds with one stone.”

“And what exactly did they wish to do with my skills?”

“They….” Fred swallowed hard. He looked from Wolf to Dex and back. “After they got what they wanted from Sparks, they planned to use your brother to get you to torture Sergeant Maddo

ck and then kill him.”

Dex’s blood ran cold. They were going to kill Tony anyway. What the hell was he thinking? Of course they were going to kill Tony. The Makhai wasn’t going to just let him loose, especially after they got what they wanted. No, they’d string Sparks along until the damage to TIN was done and the Makhai was well and truly in control, and then they’d kill Tony.

“I swear, that’s all I know. Please.”

Wolf nodded. “I believe you, Fred.” He placed the power drill in the toolbox, then pulled out his gun and shot Fred in the head.

Dex stared at him. “What the fuck did you just do?”

Wolf returned his gun to the holster inside his jacket. “Removed a loose end, Dexter. What were you planning on doing? Arresting him? You certainly couldn’t hand him over to TIN, not with the Makhai on the inside. He had no more information. You arrest him, and the Makhai would simply find him and do what I just did, only make it look like he’d done it to himself. I saved the city time and money. Lucky for you, you happen to have the Chief Medical Examiner just outside.”

Wolf opened the door, and Dex ran after him.

Damn it, he should have known Wolf wasn’t going to just walk away from Fred. He’d probably made the decision to kill the guy from the moment he’d agreed to interrogate him. Hell, maybe that was why he’d agreed to this whole thing, knowing that at the end he could end the guy’s life. How much killing had Wolf done to feel no remorse for his actions? He didn’t think twice about pulling the trigger and planting a bullet in Fred. Was that what TIN expected from Dex? From Sloane? Dex quickly shook those thoughts from his head. Right now, the only thing that mattered was finding his father. Everything else would have to wait.

“WHAT HAPPENED?” Sloane asked the moment Wolf and Dex emerged from the interrogation room. The look on Dex’s face said it wasn’t good. Damn it. Sloane had hoped that son of a bitch would give them something. One lead. They just needed a place to start.

“We got a lead,” Dex said somberly, “but it’s not much. I doubt they’ve taken Tony to where they were going to take Hudson, but we need to check it out anyway. They tried to kidnap Hudson so Wolf would do what they wanted.”

“Which was what?” Hudson asked.

“After they got what they wanted from Sparks, they were going to get him to torture my dad and then kill him.”

Sloane balled his hands into fists at his sides and told himself to breathe.

“And we’re just going to let him walk out of here?” Ash asked, pointing to Wolf. “What if, God forbid, they manage to get their hands on Hudson? You really think Wolf isn’t going to do exactly what they want him to do?”

Hudson looked horrified. He turned to his brother. “You will do nothing of the sort.”

Wolf arched an eyebrow at him. His expression turned dark. “You expect me to do what? Stand by and allow them to kill you?”

“You honestly believe they won’t kill me anyway? That they’ll hold up their side of the deal? Like they plan to do with Sergeant Maddock? I will not be the source of someone else’s grief, Alfie! Do you understand me?”

“And who bloody said I’d leave the decision to you?” Wolf growled at Hudson, crowding him menacingly.

Hudson held his head high. “You won’t have a choice.” There was no mistaking the conviction in Hudson’s voice.

Wolf stared at him. “What are you saying?”

“I will not allow myself to be used to hurt someone I care about. Perhaps you forget who I am. Death is not your specialty alone, brother.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.”

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