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Bare Yourself (Consumed)

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I laugh, then lean up to kiss his cheek. “Where are we going?”

He looks down at me and smiles crookedly. “Somewhere.”

I look around as he carries me over to his truck. “It’s pretty obvious we’re going somewhere, stud.” I point out. “My question was, where are we going?”

He smirks and places a kiss on the tip of my nose. “You’ll see.”

He sets me down, opens the truck door, then picks me back up and deposits me in the truck. Before I can question him further, he closes the door. I watch as he walks around the hood with a secret smile on his face. I can’t help the big grin that takes over mine. This man makes me so incredibly happy.

As soon as Tegan’s in the truck, he picks up my hand and brings it to his mouth, laying a lingering kiss on the back.

“What are you up to?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

He grins. “Nothing.” He drops my hand long enough to start the truck, then picks it back up again and laces our fingers together. “We’re just going out.”

Intrigued by his secrecy, I sit back and just let the euphoric feeling of having such a wonderful man take over. I lean my head back, but keep it turned toward him. I love looking at him. Sitting casually with his wrist over the steering wheel, he looks relaxed as he watches the road ahead of him. He’s wearing his signature sunglasses on the top of his head.

He looks over at me and smiles, making my heart jump. “What are you looking at?” he asks.

“You,” I reply simply and smile in return. A though comes to mind. Something I’ve never asked him before, but have been curious about. “Why do you wear your sunglasses so much, even when you don’t need them?”

He looks at me like I’m stupid or something, then swipes them from his head. “Have you seen these glasses? They’re cool as shit. Who wouldn’t want to wear them?”

I laugh, because that is definitely a Tegan answer. I reach over and snag them from him and put them on. They are pretty cool.

With them still on, I look over and smile. Even through the dark lenses, I can see his big grin.

“Told you they were cool as shit,” he says with a wink.

I laugh again.

We’ve only been together for a little over seven months, and for the most part, our lives have been wonderful. I have my brother back, and he’s healthy, which meant no terrible surprises for Logan either. Tegan’s still okay with the news about his mom. Come to find out, Bruce was already in prison for molesting four other boys and one girl. His sentence was fifty years without parole. After speaking to the prosecuting attorney over the case, Tegan found out that his mom never told them what Bruce was doing, something both he and his dad already assumed. The question was, why didn’t she? They’ll never know the answer to that.

We’re on the road for about twenty minutes before he turns into a familiar parking lot.

“Blackie’s? We’re going to Blackie’s?”

It’s not that I don’t like going there, on the contrary, it’s one of my favorite places, because it was where our relationship really started, but I assumed we were going somewhere else.

“Yep” is all he says before climbing from the truck and walking over to my side.

Instead of grabbing my hand to help me down, he picks me up by the waist then slowly lowers me to the ground. My girly bits stand at attention as I slide down his body. I moan when his hard length nudges between my legs, and it satisfies me immensely when his eyes heat.

“You don’t play fair,” I whisper breathlessly, gripping his shoulders to hold myself steady.

“Never said I did, baby,” he replies, leaning down to steal my lips.

The kiss doesn’t last near long enough for me. I want to strip him bare, climb his body, pull my panties to the side, and sink down on him. He’s been a very naughty influence on me, because I couldn’t care less that there’s people walking the street behind us. If anything, it just heightens my need.

He lifts his head, and before I can snatch him back to me, he’s grabbing my hand and leading me toward the door. It’s crowded inside, just like it always is on a Friday night, but not suffocatingly so. We stop by the bar, where Tegan orders me an Amaretto Sunrise and himself a beer, before heading over to our usual spot. On our way over, I notice Colt talking heatedly to a redhead, with Lukas Black standing behind her. I haven’t met Tera, Colt’s sister, yet, but I’d bet that’s her. Tegan’s told me a little about the animosity between Colt and Lukas.

When we make it to the table, the whole gang is there, including Ava’s ever-changing date for the night. Abby sits on a stool, looking worriedly over at Colt and Tera. Nathan’s drinking his beer with his eyes on the dance floor.

“Yah! Party’s complete!” Ava yells from across the table.

I take the only seat left, while Tegan does his thing he always does to Abby; picks her up in a tight hug and slings her body back and forth. I can’t help the laugh that slips out at her pained expression.

“Damn it, Tegan,” she wheezes. “You’ve got to stop doing that shit.”

“Well, come out more so I won’t miss you so much,” he responds, smiling wide when he sets her down.

“Hey,” a deep voice says from behind us. “Don’t you have your own woman to manhandle?”

Colt steps up beside Abby and slides his arm around her waist, effectively pulling her from Tegan and into his side.

“That I do.” Tegan leans down and kisses my lips before pulling back. “And I’ll definitely be manhandling her later.” He tries to slip his hand up my skirt, but I stop him.

“Hands off, stud.”

Ava snickers.

“You won’t be saying that in a few minutes,” he murmurs against my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

Just then, Justin Timberlake’s “Can’t Stop This Feeling” blasts over the speakers and Ava jumps from her seat.

“This is my jam!” she screams, grabbing her date’s hand and hauling him to the dance floor.

I take a sip of my drink and Tegan moves behind my chair. He cages me in with his arms placed on the table in front of me. Next, I feel his lips trailing up my neck and goose bumps appear on my arms. I tilt my head to the side and close my eyes. His hands stay on the table, but I swear I feel them all over me. My imagination starts running wild, and I squirm.

“Mmm… you smell good.” Tegan’s voice rumbles in my ear, right before he bites down gently on the skin where my neck meets my shoulder. “But you taste even better.”

My body hums at his praise and a pressure starts to build between my legs. If it wasn’t for us facing Abby and Colt, I would totally shove Tegan’s hand underneath my skirt, even though I just stopped him a few moments ago from doing just that. This man knows just what to do to make me not care about my surroundings. His seduction skills are an art form.

“Dance with me,” Tegan says, and doesn’t wait for an answer before he’s dragging me out to the dance floor.

Just as we find a clear spot, the song changes to a slow one. My arms go around his shoulders, and his go around my waist with his hands on my ass. I’m hauled up against him, and I immediately feel the hard ridge in his pants.

I smirk up at him. “Why, stud. I do believe you’re happy to see me.”

He leans down and nips my bottom lip. “I’m always happy to see you. But you know this already.”

I nod and grin. “I do.”

My fingers fiddle with the hair at the back of his head as Tegan slowly moves us to the beat of the slow song. Each movement of our hips rubs my stomach against his hardness. He digs his hands into my ass he and starts to slowly grind his thigh between my legs. A moan slips free, and his lips quirk up.

“You are sooo mean,” I whimper, then drop my forehead against his sternum.

He chuckles and kisses the top of my head.

We continue dancing until the song ends and a new one starts. My body is vibrating from all the stimulation from his thigh. Air breathes on the back of my legs when he slips my skirt up higher. I lift my head and look up at him. The desire blazing in his eyes fuels my need even more.

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