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The Billionaire's Hired Girlfriend (Kiwi Bride 1)

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Try as she might, Alex just couldn’t get up the next morning. What happened yesterday in the yacht was still fresh in her mind. Thank God Jayden didn’t return to their room. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to face him. She thought he was probably back with Sarah, making out.

She felt guilty she had told Gracie not to bother her last night when the woman came in to ask if she wanted dinner. She lied that she had a terrible headache and she didn’t feel like eating because the food made her feel sick. It was true about the food part, at least. A normal dysfunction, surely, when one was in a depression—the heartbroken type.

She slowly and reluctantly got up, showered, and dressed. No makeup for her today, as she didn’t feel up to the task and the fact that the makeup artist was coming anyway to do a trial.

When she finally came downstairs, the makeup artist, Laura Andrews, was there. She was busy chatting away animatedly to Kelly, Gracie, and Beth in the drawing room.

“Alex, did you sleep well?” Gracie asked.

“Yes,” Alex replied, but her tone and her eyes told a different story. “I’m starving.”

“And so you should be,” Gracie said. “Not good missing dinner, you know.”

“I know,” Alex replied. “Hi,” she said to Laura.

The beautiful woman replied a polite greeting.

“Morning, Beth,” Alex said to the elderly, regal woman.

“Morning,” Beth replied stiffly.

“Hey, Kelly, I’ll be back after breakfast,” she said. Once she received a confirming nod from the bride-to-be, she headed to the dining room.

“She looks awfully pale,” Laura commented. “Is she not well?”

“Maybe just tired. She’s from New Zealand,” Kelly said. “Don’t you love her accent?”

“Yes, it’s unique,” Laura commented. “She’s Mr. McCartney’s girlfriend?”

“Yes,” Kelly replied, a bit too enthusiastic in Beth’s mind.

“What a lucky girl,” Laura said, and then they returned to their makeup consultation.

A moment later, Stephanie barged in through the door with uncontained enthusiasm. “I have the most exciting news,” she announced to her audience.

The four women looked at her with raised brows.

“You will never believe what I saw yesterday.”

“What?” Kelly asked, her eyes half closed as Laura expertly applied a golden-brown eye shadow on her left eyelid.

“It’s Jayden,” Stephanie shrieked excitedly. “I saw him and Alex at Tiffany’s.”

“And?” Kelly asked. Now Laura was applying a thin layer of black liquid eyeliner on her right eyelid.

Stephanie took a deep breath and then shouted, “Jayden was buying Alex an engagement ring.”

Kelly shot up and growled, “You’re kidding me!” The black liquid liner spread up to her temple.

“Oh, dear.” Laura frowned at the mark she made on Kelly’s pretty face. But Kelly didn’t seem to mind.

Gracie said, “This is great news.” Then she rushed up to Kelly, who looked dumbfounded, and hugged the girl. “Alex is going to be a part of the family and—”

“And the baby,” Stephanie shrieked, jumping with joy.

“What?” Beth shot up from her seat and glanced from Gracie to Stephanie. “Alexandra is pregnant? And now they are engaged?” She turned accusingly to Kelly. “Why am I the last to know about this?”

Kelly was at a loss for words. Apparently, she didn’t know about it either. Heck, weren’t her brother and Alex only acting?

“I can’t believe Jayden didn’t tell me,” Beth said bitterly.

Gracie put in, “Jayden hasn’t told anyone.”

“And?” Beth prompted, frowning, obviously upset about the whole thing.

“And we should all pretend we don’t know and keep it quiet until Jayden tells us himself. They are probably waiting for the right time.”

“I agree,” Stephanie put in. “Maybe he’s going to tell everyone on your wedding day, Kelly.”

“That would be the perfect time.” Gracie agreed.

“What’s all the commotion about?” An unwelcome familiar voice said at the door.

Stephanie turned and folded her arms across her chest. “Who invited you, Britney?”

Britney brushed her long hair over her shoulder. “Beth, of course.” Then she did a catwalk into the room, her hips swaying from side to side. “So what’s going on?”

“Jayden and Alex are getting engaged,” Stephanie said.

Britney glared at Stephanie, her face red. “What? That’s impossible.”

“Well.” Stephanie shrugged her shoulders, implying she didn’t have to believe it.

Laura knew she was about to see a catfight between Stephanie and Britney any moment now if she didn’t do something soon. “Very exciting news, I must say. Kelly, what do you think about this look? Good? And Stephanie, please come here and get yourself ready so I can do your face.”

Stephanie narrowed her eyes. Britney folded her arms across her chest, telling Stephanie with her look to bring it on. Stephanie itched to oblige, but she knew not to do anything stupid because they were in the company of the two most respected women in New York, Beth and Gracie. She shrugged her shoulders and went to sit beside Kelly.

Beth walked up to Britney and said quietly, “I think you should leave.”


“Come with me.” Beth led Britney to the door. “You know I was not pleased with the way you treated Alex the other day at Vera Wang.”

“But I thought we agreed she’s not good enough for Jayden.”

“Things change, Britney. I hope your behavior toward Alexandra will change, too.” She turned and went back into the house.

Alone at the front door, Britney gritted her teeth. “Stupid old witch,” she muttered under her breath. One way or another, she had to get what she wanted—and that was Jayden’s money.

She strolled to the side of the house and flipped her cell on. She dialed a number and waited. A second later, a male voice said, “Hello?”

“It’s me, Britney.”

“Darling, I’ve missed you. Shall we meet somewhere?”

Britney didn’t beat about the bush. “Kyle, I need your help.”

He paused. “How can I help you, my dear?”

She could hear the playful mocking in his voice, but she ignored it. “I need to get that stupid slut Alexandra far, far away from Jayden.”

“Alexandra? Jayden?” Another pause, as though he were trying to think who these people were. “Ah, that Alexandra.”

“Well?” Britney prompted.

“I think in this case, sweetheart, you and your enemy will have to work together. You two have the same goal.”

“Are you talking about Sarah?” Britney snapped.

“Who else, darling?”

Britney took a deep breath. “Fine, I’ll see her. Where?”

“Good, darling.”

After Kyle gave her the location where they needed to meet, Britney flipped her cell shut and sighed. “Shit!” she swore and stalked to her car.

In the music room, clutching her trusty duster against her chest, Maggie felt sick to her stomach after hearing the monologue outside the window. Ignoring her half-finished job, she hurriedly made her way to the door to find Gracie.

* * * * *

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