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A Secret Kiss (Falling for Sakura 1)

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thirteen years ago, summer

“Snow,” nine-year-old Darcy said softly, his eyes on Sakura’s sleeping form, his finger gently touching her silky black tresses. He moved his fingers to gently caress her cheek, then stroked his fingers across the length of her lips. He grinned, feeling his heart beating faster and his pulse throbbing irregularly.

Rays of bright sunlight shone through the library’s windows, making her even more beautiful, just like a little angel. He hadn’t seen her in a year and now look at how grown up she’d become.

Ten-year-old Sakura opened her eyes, fluttering her long, dark lashes that so fascinated him. She adjusted to the brightness of the room, and once she saw him she smiled. It was a beautiful smile, and it caused Darcy’s heart to flutter with joy.

“Darce,” she said softly, sitting up. “You’re back from boarding school.”

“I am,” he whispered.

“Well? How was it? Did you like it? I haven’t seen you for so long. What?” she asked, noting that he was staring at her for a bit too long.

He grinned and held up a book. “Read this to me,” he said instead. “I missed you reading to me.”

She noted that the book was old. She smiled when she saw that it was Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.

“All right,” she replied, taking the book from him. In an instant, the book was snatched from her hand and thrown to the floor. Sakura looked up to see Alaina and Tara standing before them, glaring down at her.

Tara pulled Darcy away so hard that it caused him to fall back and land on his backside.

“Get away from her, Darcy!” she said. “She’s the devil’s daughter, don’t you remember? Or have you gone away for so long that you’ve forgotten?”

Alaina said, “Yeah, Darcy. She’s the devil’s daughter.”

“She’s not.” Darcy protested, frowning at the girls. He got up and glared at them. “Now leave us alone.”

“No! We won’t leave you alone,” Tara said. “Can’t you see? She’s here to take your mommy and daddy away. Didn’t you see how your daddy loves her? And your mommy too?”

“Don’t be stupid,” Darcy said, picking up the book.

Alaina snatched the book from him, then started ripping out the pages in anger.

“Alaina! Stop it. What are you doing?” he asked.

“I hate this book,” Alaina shouted, furiously ripping the book even faster, venting all of her anger and frustration. Once she was finished, she threw the torn book at Sakura, smacking her in the face.

Sakura was sore. She bit her lip and held back tears that began to well up in her eyes.

Darcy gritted his teeth. “Why did you do that?”

“Because I hate the book and I hate her.” Alaina pointed a finger at Sakura. “Please, Darcy, hate her. She’s here to steal Mom and Dad away from us. You have no idea what vile things she did when you were gone. Mom and Dad practically hate me now. She lied to Mom and Dad that I did things I didn’t do, Darcy. Please believe me. If you don’t believe me, ask Tara.”

“Please, Darcy,” Tara said, touching his arm. “She is evil. Just come with us. Don’t go near her.” She turned to Sakura and sneered. “God will never forgive you for what you’ve done, bitch.”

“Come on, Darcy,” Alaina said, pulling Darcy by the hand and leading him out the door. “You’ll see one day. She’s evil.”

Darcy looked over his shoulder at Sakura, who was now hiding her face by hugging herself into a small ball, her body shivering like a leaf in an angry storm.

As he walked farther away, the world around him faded and turned pitch black. A split second later, when he saw light again, he saw Sakura in a tree house.

“Go on,” Alaina said. “What ya waiting for? Get out of here. You don’t belong here. Daddy made this tree house just for us. Not you. Now get out!”

Sakura blinked back tears. “But Daddy James said I can play, too.”

“Daddy James?” Alaina shouted at her, smacking her fist against Sakura’s face, sending her against the wooden wall. “How dare you call our daddy Daddy James? He’s not your dad. He’s ours!” she screamed.

“Why don’t you just piss off and die?” Tara said to her. “Go jump off the tree house. Just kill yourself already. The world would be better off without you.”

Sakura blinked back tears and gently rubbed her sore cheek.

“Oh, God! You’re pathetic,” Alaina said.

“Why don’t we help her kill herself?” Tara suggested.

“Yeah, why not?” Alaina said. “Come on, witch. Go and hang yourself or something.” She grabbed Sakura by the collar of her shirt and pulled her forward.

“No, please don’t!” Sakura screamed. “Please don’t!”

They wouldn’t listen to her, however, and laughed as they dragged her to the door of the tree house. They tried to shove her out so she could fall backward down the tree, but Sakura was holding on with all her might, pulling back, fighting to stay inside the tree house.

As they were struggling, Tara noticed Darcy running across the length of the lawn toward the tree house, calling Alaina’s name. Obviously, he was looking for her.

“Darcy!” Tara screamed out at the top of her lungs. “Help us! Please! She’s trying to kill us!”

Alaina caught on instantly. She glanced over and saw her twin brother racing at full speed toward them. She smiled gleefully, adrenaline coursing through her veins. “Now he’ll find out just how evil this bitch is.” She chuckled to Tara.

Tara nodded, and on cue they both screamed at the top of their lungs, “Help us! Darcy! She’s trying to kill us!”

Darcy raced to them and stopped at the bottom of the huge tree, looking up. “Alaina!”

Tara chose that moment to take action. This is it, she thought. She let go of Sakura’s hand and shoved her back into the tree house, causing Sakura to tumble and hit against the wall.

Sakura fell and landed on her backside, confused that she hadn’t yet fallen off the tree house. Then she watched in horror as Tara grinned like a maniac and shoved Alaina out the door, letting her fall out of the tree house all the way down to the ground with a thud.

Tara smiled with satisfaction as she watched her little best friend fly down and land by Darcy’s feet. She couldn’t help feeling the excitement within her when she saw the surprise, the shock, and the fear on Alaina’s beautiful face.


Alaina landed there on the grass, her body like a little doll, all broken and torn. Oh how it pleased Tara. It pleased her so damn much.

“Alaina!” Darcy screamed, his face white with horror as he picked up his unconscious sister in his arms. “Alaina!” he cried. “Please don’t die!”

Tara managed to compose herself from her excitement. She rushed down the tree house and pretended to cry her heart out. “Alaina! Alaina! It’s her. She’s trying to kill us. Can’t you see, Darcy? She’s the devil’s daughter. She’s here to kill all of us and take our mommy and daddy.”

Darcy, his heart suddenly torn with anger and hatred, let go of Alaina and climbed up the tree house. Once he was inside, he grabbed the shocked Sakura and shouted at her. “Why? I never believed them before, but now! Why? How could you? How could you?” Then, as if he were revolted by her, he shoved her from him.

Sakura landed against the wall. She hugged herself into a ball, rocking herself as she whimpered, “I didn’t do it. I didn’t. Please believe me. I didn’t.”

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