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My Forbidden Royal Fling

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‘I’m glad to hear it.’

A woman’s voice interrupts in the background of the call. I cannot make out what she’s saying—t’s too fast, her Spanish fluent, whereas mine is only passable—but I hear enough. It’s a woman, it’s late at night and I can only guess what I’ve interrupted. My heart goes into overdrive, my stomach in knots.

Claudia’s appraisal of his bedroom antics plays in my mind. I’d be a fool to forget—even for a moment—what he’s all about.

‘Perhaps I should call back at a more appropriate time?’

I wince at my icy tone and can just imagine his smirk in response.

‘Why is this not an appropriate time?’

Of course he’d call me out on this instead of just letting it slide. I expel a sigh. ‘It doesn’t matter. This won’t take long.’

‘Go on.’

My heart thumps. ‘I’ve decided to take you up on your offer.’

‘I see.’

‘Is that a problem?’

‘To clarify, which offer?’

I frown. ‘To come and see your casino in Barcelona?’

A beat passes.

‘You do remember suggesting that?’ I prompt.

‘Oh, yes, Princess. But there was another offer we discussed that afternoon, if memory serves.’

Heat spirals through me, and indignation too. Of all the cheek! He really is as bad as Claudia said. To proposition me while he’s with another woman! ‘I don’t remember that,’ I respond with saccharine sweetness. ‘But, rest assured, seeing your casino is all I’m interested in.’

His laugh is soft. ‘We’ll see.’

Warning bells chime.

‘I’ll have the presidential suite made available.’

‘That’s not necessary. My aide’s arranged everything. Oh, And Mr del Almodovár?’ I intentionally use his surname, wanting to undo any expectation he might have that this trip is about more than the casino. ‘My visit is to be of a secret nature. I don’t intend to tip anyone off that I’m coming and I’d appreciate it if you’d do the same.’

‘You’re so ashamed to be seen in one of my casinos?’

‘In any casino,’ I correct, wondering why I’m being so rude to him. After all, any other business contact would warrant a modicum of respect, yet with Santiago I’m deliberately baiting him.

And enjoying it.

And do you like being argued with?

‘Fine. I’ll ensure your privacy is respected. A car will meet you at the airport.’

‘That won’t be necessary.’

‘When do you arrive?’

For a moment I contemplate not telling him, but that would be somewhat churlish. ‘I’ll have my assistant email some details. But don’t worry about freeing your schedule. I won’t need much of your time. After all, I’m coming to see the casino and not you.’

Another laugh, deep, short and throaty. ‘I get the picture, Your Highness.’

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