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My Forbidden Royal Fling

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The invitation is husky, his voice deep and accented. I blink, not understanding. His finger inches lower, towards my lips. I have to swallow back a groan. ‘I can’t.’

‘Come to see my casino there. You cannot truly form an opinion on the merits of my proposal until you have witnessed one for yourself.’

My eyes sweep shut, reality intruding on the fog of awareness that has momentarily incapacitated me. It’s a timely reminder of who he is and why I have to fight this drugging attraction with everything I have. I snap out of my haze, pulling away from him, jerking backwards, trying to load anger into my eyes. ‘I know enough.’

He’s surprised by my rapid shift, but surprise quickly morphs into determination. ‘Are you afraid to be proved wrong?’

‘There’s no chance of that. I’ll never approve of gambling.’

‘Casinos are so much more than gambling,’ he insists.

‘Next you’ll be telling me people play with tokens and no real money is ever wagered.’

‘There’s no fun in that,’ he drawls sardonically.

‘There’s no fun in people losing their money, gambling until their debts get out of control.’

‘No,’ he agrees. ‘And we have safeguards in place to try to prevent this.’ He closes the distance between us. ‘Come to Spain and see for yourself.’

My heart twists, my ability to think clearly impeded once more.

‘Or are you afraid of what will happen once you leave this gilded cage?’

I blink up at him. ‘Afraid?’

‘Just you and me, no rank, no staff––no reason to ignore what we both clearly want.’


HIS WORDS POUND through my mind with the force of a sledgehammer: the challenge, the assertion, the statement of intent. A frisson of danger and need runs down my spine. I stare at him for a long time, losing myself in the vortex he’s created. I need to say something to set aside his ridiculous suggestion.

‘My rank goes where I go, I’m afraid.’

‘Then I’ll call you “Princess” at all times.’

It’s a sensual promise that does little to calm my raging bloodstream.

‘Santiago...’ His name is a plea, but for what?

‘Your Prime Minister and Treasurer do not oppose this development because they know what you do not: this development is good for your country, your people, your future. And while, yes, there are some down sides associated with casinos, mine is probably the only casino group in the world that actively provides gambling support and interventions. But I think you’re afraid to be proved wrong.’

‘I’m not afraid of that,’ I deny swiftly.

‘Then what are you afraid of?’ Has he moved closer? Our bodies are almost touching. My breath is uneven, loud in the silent room. ‘Or do I even need to ask?’

‘I’m not...’

Now it’s my turn to stare at his lips. Of their own volition, my eyes drop to his mouth, chasing the outline, and such raw, primal need surges through me that I make a soft, gasping sound. It’s as though I can will him to kiss me.

Kiss me?

Alarm spears my side.

I can’t seriously want...

But, oh, I do.

‘You despise me,’ he says gruffly, his body position changing just enough for me to feel as though he’s forming a wall around me. I like it. ‘You despise my life, my choices, my business.’

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