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A Secret Proposal (Falling for Sakura 2)

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Mr. Tachibana was ready to tear his hair off. He was stalking toward the line of models who were wearing his latest spring-summer collection, waiting to go on the runway here at the famous Princeton Hotel in New York. And yet, his finale, his best piece--his pride and joy--couldn't be on the show because his first choice of model refused to come on stage? Because she wanted a limo and a proper escort? Yes, Mr. Tachibana was ready to scream the hotel down and kill himself when suddenly he spotted his master piece on the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. She really took his breath away as he gazed at her. Instantly, he calmed down and cocked his head to one side.

Oh my Lord, she looked exactly like that spring Goddess he had seen in his dream. She was beautiful. She awed him. She was perfect. But she wasn't Sakura Taito. At this moment, however, Mr. Tachibana had no choice. Then there was also the fact that he was so impressed and taken by the pink hair beauty that he just didn't care anymore and raced forward.

He came to stop mere inches away from Sakura and stared at her long and hard.

Sakura was taken by surprise. Oh God, she thought, he was going to rip her to pieces. And where the hell was Jane?

Mr. Tachibana reached out and arranged the diamond necklace around Sakura's neck properly. "Now you're perfect," he said, his eyes shining.

Ms. Ruka appeared behind him and looked at Sakura. "But she's not Sakura?"

Mr. Tachibana waved his assistant aside. "Doesn't matter. She's perfect. Get ready girls, we're on in five."

Sakura could only stare at Ms. Ruka, her heart thumping loud and hard within her chest. Finally, she thought, she was able to meet her biological mother. Here of all places.

Sakura licked her lips, and was about to say something to Ms. Ruka when the woman walked away after Mr. Tachibana.

Akira chuckled. "What? Are you taken by him?" she asked.

Sakura turned to look at Akira in confusion. "What? You mean Mr. Tachibana?"

Akira laughed. "No silly, I mean Haruka Tanaka. Or I should say Ms. Ruka."

Sakura blinked in confusion. Akira could only laugh even more at Sakura. She said, "Haruka Tanaka was a man. She looks pretty as a woman, yes?"

Sakura's brain went numbed. Wait! What?

She turned to Akira. "What do you mean?"

"Haruka Tanaka had a sex change. She was a he before," Akira said, emphasizing the word 'he'.

Suddenly, Sakura felt her world spinning around her. Then when that information finally sunk in, she gasped. She couldn't believe it. She was here to see the woman who was supposedly her biological mother named Haruka Tanaka, and here she was, finally meeting that particular woman who turned out to be a transgender. Sakura wanted to die.

She turned to Akira, just to confirm that the information she had just received was a fact--a real, hard fact. "You mean Ms. Haruka Tanaka who liked to be call Ms. Ruka was actually a male?"

Akira smiled and nodded her head pleasantly. "Hai."

Sakura felt as though her heart was going to burst out of her chest any second now. But she didn't have time for that when only a few lines down some girls were giggling loudly.

"Really? Oh my Gosh! I have to do my best then," one said.

"I can't wait until this is over and we get to meet the brothers," another said.

"I'm going for Tristan. He's so hot." One giggled.

"Be careful, he's a one night stand."

"I don't care. He's totally hot."

"The hottest one is Sebastian."

"I'm going for Darcy. I think he's the hottest. He's also one of the youngest billionaire in the world, according to Ford's magazine. That new game he created was amazing. What was it? Snow White and the Seven Knights or something. It literally took over the gaming world by storm, so my brother said."

"Oh I'm totally into dark hair guys."

Sakura gritted her teeth, and her stomach flipped uncomfortably. Oh God! They were here? Now? Yes, she knew this was their hotel. Yes, she knew they all now lived in New York. But she knew for a fact that she'd never have to meet them again since there were millions of people living in New York. In fact, she had been hiding from them and had been avoiding them for a year now. She had done that marvelously, and she wasn't going to ruin that great record by stomping down the runway and letting them see her in her full glory, was she?

She was about to bolt when Akira caught her by the arm and said, "We're on."

Sakura froze. Now? On stage now?

At that moment, a couple girls up ahead of them glanced at Sakura.

"So that's the famous Sakura from Japan? She's short," one said.

"And she gets to wear the best gown," another muttered. "Just because she's Japanese."

"And the best necklace," yet another said.

"She doesn't look Japanese to me," another commented.

Sakura, however, wasn't listening to them. She was too busy being freaked out by the thought of going out there on the runway. The girls giggled and pretended to fall on each other, bumping into Sakura.

Sakura fell to her knees, causing the delicate mask to fall from her face, landing on the concrete floor and breaking into pieces.

"Shit!" she swore under her breath, staring at the broken mask.

"Hey, what was that for?" Akira shouted at the girls. "You definitely did that on purpose."

The girls laughed. "You got a problem with that, Kimono girl?"

Akira gritted her teeth and was about to head over to give them a piece of her mind when Mr. Tachibana appeared. "What happened?" he asked, his face red.

Sakura looked up. Mr. Tachibana could only stare at her in disbelief.

"Sorry, the mask, it's broken," Sakura said apologetically.

"It wasn't her fault," Akira interrupted.

"It was an accident," Sakura said, feeling pleased all of a sudden. "I suppose I can't go on after all."

Mr. Tachibana didn't answer. He simply stared at Sakura, his eyes wide in wonder. Without the mask on, she was simply too beautiful for words, especially with the gold glitter lining the recently broken mask still stuck to her flawless face. And those two different colors eyes of her. They were simply amazing. One was the color of summer, a bright azure blue like the wide-open spring sky. The other was the color of the cold winter, a mauve grey that he'd never seen before.

Mr. Tachibana couldn't be more pleased.

"Tachibana-sama, we're on," Ms. Ruka shouted from the other side.

Mr. Tachibana nodded. He said to Sakura, "Do your best. I'm depending on you."

Sakura blinked. Come again?

"You're my best work. Don't you dare let me down."

Sakura blinked. Is he crazy? She'd never done a catwalk before, let alone on a runway this big and in front of the richest and most famous people of all.

Suddenly, Mr. Tachibana was gone and the music blared all around them. The line started to move up, and Sakura shook from head to toe. Oh God, she felt sick. Very sick.

Then she realized something. My mask! She needed her mask. How could she go out there without a mask on like everyone else? What if the Princeton brothers were out there? What if they recognized her? Even with this pink hair, glittered face, and fancy gown?

Breathe, Sakura, breathe! She closed her eyes, wondering what she should do.

"I'm next," Akira said lightly. "And then it's you. Don't forget. Don't think about what you're doing. Just listen to the music and walk."

Sakura nodded, and then Akira was gone, as Mr. Tachibana and Ms. Ruka signaled for her to go.

"Sakura!" Jane suddenly appeared and called out to her. "What are you doing?"

Sakura was about to explain when Mr. Tachibana grabbed her by the arm and nudged her onto the stage.




Sakura wasn't prepared for today. In fact, she wasn't at all prepared for any of this to happen to her. There she was, standing in the middle of the endless runway, watching Akira expertly doing her walk, her slim hips slightly swaying as

she elegantly held one hand to the long dress, showing it off. Meanwhile, a few other girls were heading back toward her.

Thump! Thump! Thump! What was she supposed to do? She nervously glanced at Mr. Tachibana, who nodded at her to start walking.

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