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A Secret Proposal (Falling for Sakura 2)

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No. She needed to stop thinking about other people and concentrate more on herself. She needed to get her life sorted out. She needed to get this mess sorted out. She wasn't going to be a frightened kitten, afraid of that big bad wolf Mrs. Byrd who abused not only her, but the other children in the orphanage and burned down their only home.

She lifted her head and said, her voice stronger and calmer, "Are you sure it's okay with you guys? Things I'm about to tell you will affect how you see certain people. I mean, I don't know, but it might."

Nicolas said, "Sakura, you're a Princeton, and we Princetons stick together. We're your brothers. We're here to help."

Sakura turned her eyes to James for support. At his affirmative nod, she continued. "I suppose the story started the day I was born. I'm not sure how, but I was told I was found on the doorstep of the orphanage with just this." She pulled out her necklace with the cherry blossom pendant made out of pink diamonds."

Sebastian remembered she'd always worn that necklace since she'd been little.

"And a letter. I think it said, My daughter's name is Sakura. And that's it."

"Sakura," Conrad said, "I didn't know any of this." He came to sit next to her, squeezing himself between Sakura and his father, and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry."

Sakura chuckled brokenly. "I was always called the devil child, Conrad, with my very black hair and pale skin."

The rest of the brothers remembered that. Tara had always called her the devil's child, and now more than ever, it really hurt that they just stood by and did nothing.

"I was abused lot by Mrs. Byrd, Tara's mother. You know, whipping and slapping and all sorts of things. Not to mention not having meals now and again."

"Is that why you got used to it?" Nicolas asked. "Missing the meals."

Sakura nodded. "Yes. I got used to missing meals and it kind of stuck." She sighed deeply. "That night eighteen years ago, I had one of my nightmares." She skipped the part about her being so scared and alone and then her prayer to God to be adopted by the Princetons. They didn't need to know that part. Thinking back, she must have seemed so desperate and lonely.

"I was thirsty and went down to the kitchen to have a glass of milk. I made sure no one saw me, especially Mrs. Byrd. Because if she had seen me... Well, anyway, I went in and there she was, pouring liquid on everything. I didn't realize until later that it was gasoline. She saw me there, and I think she was afraid I'd tell. She slapped me and demanded I not tell. I... I..." She took a deep breath as tears began to brew in her eyes. "She struck me on the head with a rolling pin."

Sakura didn't know this, but the brothers looked angry and flabbergasted that a grown woman would strike an innocent child. Conrad looked like he wanted to cry. Nicolas scowled darkly and nudged his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Hayden fisted his hands into balls and wanted to commit murder. Logan gritted his teeth at the brutal treatment, and on their beloved sister no less. Tristan looked like he wanted to punch someone's face.

Sebastian's face was hard and cold, his body tense as he stared at the woman he loved, the woman who had been abused and mistreated when she was a child. All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and comfort her and protect her.

Darcy, too, had his eyes on her. The mauve-gray color glinted a cold, frosty gaze, reflecting the anger for Mrs. Byrd and passion and love for the young woman before him. His face was a dark mask as he listened to Sakura's tormented past, her abused childhood that none of them knew about and could never imagine the depths of her pain.

"I was bleeding and she just left me lying there in the kitchen," Sakura said. "The whole place was on fire."

"Ugh!" Conrad said. "That is disgusting. She was leaving you for dead."

"I could have died," Sakura said. "If the fire alarm didn't go off and one of the staff didn't come into the kitchen. She saw me and screamed. But she got ahold of herself and took me out before it was too late."

Conrad tightened his arms around her again and said, "I'm so glad Dad decided to adopt you."

Sakura chuckled. "Me, too." She rested her head against his shoulder, a smile on her lips, though there were tears in her eyes.

Conrad was happy she accepted his embrace and beamed delightfully at his brothers. Tristan decided to be jealous of Conrad, to which Logan chuckled and said teasingly, "Do you want to hug Sakura, too?"

Tristan was about to reply yes when Sosuke's panicky voice came loud and clear from the door. "Oba-chan!" he shouted.

"Oba-chan!" Akira screamed, tears in her eyes.

Sakura and the brothers turned to see Haruka collapsing there at the door in Sosuke's arms.

Sakura shot up and headed straight to Haruka. The woman's skin was sheet white, and it worried her sick. Akira was beside her aunt, calling Haruka's name while the maid who had opened the door for them stood to one side, her face shocked with concern.

Sosuke easily and gently picked up Haruka and brought her into the living area, laying her on the sofa. The maid hovered about until Brenda told her to go and resume her chores. She nodded hesitantly and rushed away.

Akira, who looked almost as pale as her aunt, kneeled on the floor, her hands holding on to Haruka's tight.

"Oba-chan. Please be all right. Please?" she said softly, her voice shaking.

Nicolas was behind her, his hands gentle on her shoulders. Akira glanced up, her eyes teary. "She was okay on our way here and then..." She couldn't go any further and threw herself into his arms, snuggling her face against his chest as her body shook.

Akira's reaction shook Nicolas to his core, and he felt his stomach churn with sickness. He'd never felt like this toward any woman before. Of course, he loved his mother and Sakura. They, however, didn't make him feel the way he did right there. Akira made him feel connected, and when things like this happened and she was scared and upset, he felt as though he were in the same boat as her. He felt her pain and wanted to help ease it.

He tightened his arms around her and said, "She'll be fine."

Akira raised her head to stare up at the handsome man and nodded, blushing a little for showing her weakness in front of him.

Sosuke took a deep breath and turned his attention to Sakura. "Sakura-chan?"

Sakura, who was staring at the pale woman before her with concern, turned her attention to Sosuke. "Yes?"

"Please go and sit beside Oba-chan. She was so worried about you last night."

Sakura, realizing she was the one responsible for the woman's worry, obediently came to sit on the floor beside the sofa.

A few moments later, Haruka fluttered her eyes open. "Sakura," she called out weakly.

"I'm here," Sakura said, moving in closer. "I'm okay. I'm sorry I worried you."

Haruka stared long and hard at Sakura through teary eyes. She brought her hand up and touched Sakura's face, stroking her soft skin. The woman smiled sadly, which confused James, Brenda, and the br

others. They could tell by her action and the affection and adoration on her face that the woman really loved Sakura. But with such a deep devotion? How? Why?

"I'm so sorry," Haruka mumbled, shaking her head. "I'm so sorry. It was all my fault. I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have. I..." Tears flowed down her cheeks and her body shook.

Sakura grabbed for Haruka's hand and held on to the woman tight. She said soothingly, "It's all right. It was my fault. Not yours. I should have taken more care to tell you where I was going."

"No. No. No," Haruka mumbled. "That's not it. It was my fault." She raised herself up and pulled Sakura into her arms, hugging the girl tight, never wanting to let her go. "It was all my fault. I left you there on the doorsteps of Queen Mary Orphanage, thinking you'd be safe, thinking you'd be all right. I'm so sorry."

Those words, uttered in her broken voice, shocked Sakura to her very core. She stiffened in Haruka's arms as, unbeknownst to her, tears flowed down her cheeks.

James and Brenda eyed each other while the brothers sported a confused and shocked look on their faces.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked, her voice trembling with emotion and bewilderment.

Haruka moved back so she could look at Sakura properly. She cupped the girl's face and smiled through teary eyes. "I'm your biological mother, Sakura. My maiden name is Haruka Tanaka. Suzuki is my late husband's surname."

Sakura sucked in her breath and her heart pumped loud and fast as she gazed at Haruka.

Haruka touched the pendant of the necklace about Sakura's neck and said, "That was mine. My very first jewel I designed myself. I left it for you. It... and the note. My daughter's name is Sakura."

She caressed the girl's cheek with her thumb. "You were born in spring, Sakura. I remember that day so clearly, and I've never, ever forgotten it. I couldn't. It was such a beautiful spring day. And you were so beautiful. So tiny and pale and so much beautiful black hair. That morning, I took the ferry to St. Joseph Island from New York. I sat there watching the cherry blossoms and thought how beautiful they were. I remembered the Sakura flower back home in Japan and thought it would be a beautiful name for my daughter. So I named you Sakura. I walked along the street, wondering what I'd do with you. Then I saw the orphanage. And..."

She tightened her arms on Sakura again and whimpered, "I'm so sorry. I should have never left you there. I should have taken you back to Japan with me."

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