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Fay's Six

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And then maybe again.

He smiled. “I can be an impatient man.” He slowly lowered his hands and cupped her ass. “I’m ready to go upstairs, are you?”

“Is that a proposition?”

“Something like that.”

She should turn him down. She should tell him that it wasn’t a good idea for them to keep mixing pleasure with work.

But her body took over her critical thinking skills.

“Sounds like we should take this to the bedroom.”

* * *

Walker was never goingto be able to get enough of Fay. She was under his skin. In his blood. When his mind wasn’t busy with work, it was daydreaming of the next time he could feel her skin under his fingertips. No woman had ever made him feel this way. No one had ever made him question his life decisions the way Fay did.

When he’d left the military, he still didn’t question being single. He thought about possibly settling down, but it wasn’t the first thing he thought about. Work was still more important to him than anything.

Having a family wasn’t even on his radar.

He never pictured himself as a father. It wasn’t that he didn’t think of himself as capable. He just hadn’t the inclination. Nor had any woman captured his attention enough.

Love hadn’t been part of his vocabulary, outside of his immediate family.

He chased Fay up the stairs, laughing.

She glanced over her shoulder, her long hair cascading down her back. She put her finger over her lips. “Shhhh.”

This was his house and Lee was a guest in it. He couldn’t care less how much noise he made or if it disturbed Lee. He grabbed her waist and wiggled his fingers.

“Stop,” she protested.

“Not until you’re naked.”

“That’s no way to get me out of my clothes.” She climbed to the top, breathless. She smiled as she turned the corner and ducked into his bedroom, lifting her shirt over her head and tossing it in his direction.

He groaned.

Gently closing the door behind him, he shed his clothes, tossing them in a pile in the corner, and joined a very naked Fay in bed. “Anyone ever tell you how sexy you are?”

“A hundred men have.”

“That’s not funny. I’m a jealous man.”

She waggled both her brows as she propped her head up with one hand. “Are you now?”

“I actually don’t know if I am or not,” he admitted. “But I suspect I would be when it comes to you.”

“I’m not sure if I like the sound of that.” She squinted. “I had one serious relationship and it kind of ended, not only because he went into politics, but he also had a jealous streak that was obnoxious.”

He ran his fingers up and down her bare arm. “Was he possessive and controlling or just jealous of every man that looked at you?”

“Both,” she said. “But what really got to me was he would freak out if I went to dinner with say someone like my buddy Tuck. He didn’t think men and women could be friends.”

“Ah. The whole When Harry Met Sally rule,” he said. “For the record, I’m not that kind of jealous unless this Tuck guy is a past lover, then I might freak out a little.” He traced a path up her neck, across her chin, and down her chest until her found her puckered nipple.

She hissed and arched her back when he rolled his thumb over the top of it and pinched.

God, he loved the way her body responded to his touch.

“Don’t tell Tuck this, but ew. Gross. No way. He’s a great guy and all, but not my type.”

“And I am?” His gaze shifted from her breasts to her hazel eyes. He swallowed his heartbeat.

“I’m lying naked in your bed while you’re fondling me and you have to ask?”

Butterflies filled his gut. He felt as though he were a teenager asking out a girl for the very first time. Every insecurity or vulnerability he’d ever had surfaced. His sister used to tell him that love was the most amazing thing that could ever happen to someone and he was missing out the most beautiful thing a person could experience.

Yet, it was the most terrifying thing ever.

Could this be the beginning of true feelings?

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