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Pretty Little Sins (Kings of Bolten 2)

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Istared at my captors talked in a room near where I was tied to a chair. Vincent was slumped over across from me in his seat, his hands and feet bound to the metal bars of his chair.

With the tape over my mouth, I couldn’t call out to him. I struggled against my bonds, hoping to break free. What I’d do once I got free was another story. I couldn’t carry Vinny out on my back. The only thing I could do was run and hope I made it out to get help. My head was still fuzzy from whatever drug they’d given me.

“Easy, Bianca.”

I snapped my gaze to the owner of the voice. Cole. The beautiful blond. He stood in front of me. I’d been so focused on breaking free I hadn’t noticed his arrival.

I stared up at him, trembling. The other three guys joined him, all large and menacing. And totally captivating. I bet they broke plenty of hearts with the women they encountered.

“We’re going to take the tape off, if you promise to not scream,” the one with the messy, dark hair and blue eyes said. “OK? Nod for me.”

I nodded, my heart in my throat.

He stepped forward and peeled the tape off my mouth. I gasped at the pain before letting out an ear-shattering scream.

“For fuck’s sake,” Enzo snarled as the blue-eyed guy taped my mouth again.

I bucked as hard as I could against my bonds, glaring at them while silently vowing I’d seriously kick some ass if I managed to get free.

“Bianca. Come on now,” Cole said “Doll, this isn’t going to get us anywhere. We only want to talk, OK? Talk to us, and things might go better than you expect. So we’re going to take the tape off again, and you’re going to be good. Right?”

I glared at him.

He nodded. “Go on. Take it off.”

The blue-eyed guy came back and pulled the tape off again.

“I’m sorry about that,” he said, looking like he might mean it as his dark brows crinkled.

“Fucking assholes. Do you even realize how fucked you are once my husband gets here?” I seethed, glaring at all of them.

“I think it’s him who’s going to be fucked,” Cole said with a smirk.

“W-who are you?” I asked, my voice shaking as I tried to calm myself with a deep breath.

“My name is Fox,” the blue-eyed guy spoke up. “This is Enzo, Cole, and Ethan,” he continued, nodding to each in turn.

“The horsemen,” I whispered, saying aloud what I’d been fearing. “You’re the leader.” I looked to the dark-haired guy, who’d taken me in the hall. Enzo.

“We all lead in one way or another,” he said, kneeling in front of me and pushing a blonde wave away from my face. “But yes, I suppose I am.”

“Are you going to kill me?”

My heart jumped in my chest as I waited for his judgement.

He cocked his head as he studied me. “You’re really beautiful. I’d honestly hate to hurt you, but yeah, I’m going to kill you if De Santis doesn’t show.”

My chest constricted more. “What about Vinny? Please don’t hurt him.”

“Vincent Valentino. A king.” Enzo clicked his tongue. “Well, my dear, he’s part of the problem, and the deal I struck with your husband dictates he dies.”

“What? No. Please. Dominic wouldn’t want that. H-he wouldn’t make that deal! I don’t want that. I’ll do anything you want. Just let him go.”

“Anything?” Cole asked, perking up.

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