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Pretty Little Sins (Kings of Bolten 2)

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Isat in my chair and looked out over the party. I’d sent Levin to find Vincent and Bianca after he'd told me he was successful in securing the weapons deal with Vander Veer. The terms weren’t terrible on my end, but they seemed rough on Levin’s.

“You don’t have to do it,” I said, eyeing him for a response. “I’ll find another way to get what we need. Other dealers. Other avenues.”

He straightened his shoulders. “I already agreed. There are no others who can provide what we need like Vander Veer can. ”

“And Bianca?”

“We’re over. I’ve got shit to do now.”

And so that was it. Levin was with Celeste, as per the terms of the arrangement, and my wife was now most likely fucking one of my best friends.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

I eased my hand from my face as Bianca slid onto my nap and nuzzled my neck.

It was a strange thing for her to do, but I wasn’t going to question it. She’d been a lot more affectionate the past few days. Either she was starting to give a damn again, or she’d just accepted this would be her life now.

I draped her legs over mine and cradled her against me.

“Hello, wasp,” I said softly, kissing her forehead.

She rested her hand on my cheek and urged me closer for a kiss. I did so, needing to make sure she knew this meant something to me as I held her tightly against me.

“What’s wrong?” I murmured, my forehead pressed to hers.

“Nothing,” she answered in a thick voice that let me know she was lying .

I let it go. I knew it had to be Levin’s appearance with Celeste.

“Where were you?”

“With Vinny,” she mumbled.

I ran my fingers through her blonde hair. “Did you fuck him?”

She hesitated for a moment before nodding.

“Did he come in you?” I hated the possibility of anyone but me getting my wife pregnant. I’d have to deal with it if it happened, and just hope my dad wouldn’t question it since she was married to me.

“He came in my mouth,” she said.

I sighed in relief. “You do realize I’m going to punish both of you again, right?”

“Or you could just fuck me, and we could forget about punishment.” She licked her lips as her hand drifted between us, and she tugged at the button on my pants.

I let out a soft laugh at the enticing idea. “You want me to fuck you as punishment?”

She nodded. “Yes, Dominic. I want you to fuck me hard.”

I loved when she submitted, but part of me loved it even more when she resisted. I’d been starved of her long enough.

“I think something can be arranged,” I said, gripping her chin and pulling her into my kiss.

Her lips parted immediately for me, allowing me to sweep into her mouth and devour her.

I was lost in her, my hands roaming all over as she allowed me free rein of her body.

“Hey, um, Dominic?” a voice called out uncertainly.

I snarled and reluctantly broke away from Bianca, spearing the intruder with a glare. Jason Manning. One of my court members.

“What?” I snapped at him as he fidgeted.

“I was told to give you a message. Um, Stella said you have an appointment with a god later. Midnight. That’s all I was told. She’s over there making out with Ivanov though.”

I chuckled at her coded message. I followed the direction he nodded and saw she was practically fucking Ivanov against a tree. Little slut. I knew she was good for something. So far she was proving more useful than Vasiliev was. At least, she did what I told her to do—keep tabs on the lords and don't get caught. That meant doing whatever it took. Maybe Fallon would finally come through at midnight tonight.

I gave him a nod. “Message delivered. Find somewhere else to be.”

He scurried away like his feet were on fire.

I turned back to Bianca. “Where were we, mia regina?”

“Dom,” Vincent called out, interrupting my bid for pussy.

My plan to put my baby in her hadn’t changed. In fact, I was practically clawing at the walls to sink deep into her tight heat and plant my seed. But I was trying to give her fun, love, and proof of my feelings before I took everything away. I wanted her to understand she was more than a warm hole to hide in or a pawn in this twisted game.

I sighed and pulled back from Bianca to stare at him. “What?”

“Are you aware of what this asshole has done?” He jerked his thumb to Levin.

“I’m aware,” I said as Bianca nuzzled deeper into my neck. I wanted to think it was affection, but I knew it was more likely her trying not to see Levin.

“And you’re OK with it?”

“Levin knows what he’s doing. He likes Celeste enough. Let him do it.”

“But baby B—“

“Levin made his choice. Let it go,” Bianca snapped, sitting up and glaring at Levin. “We’re over.”

“You’re fucking ridiculous,” Levin said, shaking his head.

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