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Someone Else's Shadow

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When I see the tall, imposing man in pressed slacks and a white shirt in front of me, I know without a doubt he’s a detective. And from his stiff upper lip, it’s clear he’s a detective who means business. “My colleague tells me it’s your house that caught fire.”

“Yes,” I reply, keeping my arm around Ellie. “Lacey called and told us what happened.”

He nods, examining us all closely. “Who is Lacey?”

“That’s me.” Lacey steps forward with her hand raised low. “I live a few doors down. Cayden is my brother. He was on a date with Peyton.”

The detective focuses his attention on Cayden, who steps closer to me. “Okay. I’m the lead investigator. I’m Detective Kyle Parks. When you’ve got a moment, I ask that you three come down to the station so I can get your statements.”

“Statements?” I question, a shiver running through me. “We weren’t here. You’d have more information than us.”

“It’s standard procedure,” he explains, but nothing is standard by the way his steel-gray eyes narrow. “Besides, from what I can gather, this seems to be arson. I’m sure you’d want us to be vigilant in catching the perpetrator. So the more information we have, the sooner we can find the culprit.”

“Arson?” I almost gag on the word while Cayden seizes up beside me. The action doesn’t go unnoticed by Detective Parks.

“Yes, Ms. Lane.” He digs into his pocket and retrieves a business card. “Please call me. I’ll be seeing you all very soon.” He gives Ellie’s head a small pat before he bypasses the barricade and walks down the road toward the flames engulfing my home.

It’s not until I see the back of him that I realize he called me by my name. He’s obviously done his research. I look up at Cayden, who sighs, his jaw clenched tight. He nuzzles into my neck, and it would appear he’s consoling me to onlookers, but I know better.

“Don’t say anything. That cop will be watching. We have to be careful.”

And he’s right.

Although, isn’t this our chance to tell the truth? We can tell him about Cayden’s dad and how he is most likely behind starting the fire. But it’s our word against a dead man’s. There is no proof to support our claims, and if we divulge what we did, they’ll scour this lake to ensure we’re telling the truth. And from this cat and mouse game Cayden’s father plays, I have no doubt he prefers to stay hidden.

I can only imagine what that would do to Ellie. She’d be ridiculed at school. Kids can be cruel. And so can their parents. Oh, God. This is a fucking mess.

With no other choice, we stand on the sidelines, waiting until we’re given the all clear to go back home. Well, for me, to see what’s left. We’re far enough that I can’t see what’s happening, but the crackling alerts me to the devastating fire that has most likely consumed my whole house. The place that was once upon a time our sanctuary is now in flames, and I am certain I’m in hell because the heat I have no doubt will flay the flesh from my bones.

The flames are cruel. They blister a bright red, setting the sky and everything in their path on fire.

After what seems like hours, the crowd begins to disperse, and those who are left are my neighbors who just want to go home. They marvel at the sight before them. Things like this don’t happen in a nice neighborhood such as this. Well, not anymore. But it seems with my arrival, I’ve somehow managed to awaken the ghosts of my past.

When the police remove the barricades, and the fire trucks begin to leave the scene, I know it’s over.

Thankfully, Detective Parks isn’t in sight, but I know if I don’t call him come morning, he will be banging down my door, or whatever door I’m behind.

“Okay, folks. You’re free to go home. Please call us immediately if there are any issues.”

I don’t even wait and practically run down the road, desperate to see what remains. But when my home, or what is left of it, comes into view, I stop dead in my tracks, blinking in disbelief. I thought I was prepared, but I’m not because before me stands a smoldering pile of ashes—remnants of my home.

The twisted black lumps of wood that once held up my house are barely recognizable. Was this space always so big? With no house, everything just seems so…empty.

“It’s gone,” Lacey cries, echoing our thoughts. Not only have I lost my home, but Lacey and Cayden have also lost it as well.

We stand on the outskirts, eyes never leaving the sad sight. But it suddenly becomes too much for Cayden. “You motherfucker!” he roars, turning in a circle, arms spread out wide. “I’m right here! Stop hiding like the coward that you are!”

“Cayden, stop!” I latch onto his arm, but he’s furious, and I’m afraid his wrath will soon burn brighter than my engulfed home.

There isn’t anything we can do. Are our memories going up in flames an omen of things to come? The heat from the fire still lingers, but it can’t thaw the chill from my bones. I rub my arms, transfixed on watching everything I built go up in flames before my eyes.

Cayden eventually calms and stands by my side, watching helplessly once again. The savage stance of the man beside me can only mean one thing—this is war.

With the smoldering ashes as our backdrop, Cayden coolly links his fingers through mine. “What does this mean?” I whisper, numb inside.

He stands unmoving, but his stillness is far scarier than any violence he could inflict. “It means he’s back to finish what he started. But this time…I’m ready.”

If it’s a fight my demons want…then I’ll bring a war. No more hiding. It’s time I claimed back what is mine.

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