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Mister Bennett (Mister 1)

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Chapter FOURTEEN ~ Flow

Work had gone by easilythis past week and stolen moments with Grant hadn’t come easily. Having to hide our affair makes the sex that much more amazing, but it’s hard to deal with emotionally. It’s been hard to keep my powerful feelings for him to myself when all I want to do is scream it from the rooftops. Not wanting to hide our relationship, but knowing it’s for the best. The best for my career and his image. The hidden moments we’ve shared run through my mind constantly. Comprising make out sessions in his dressing room with no one around. Our hidden pleasure taking place in an empty office away from prying eyes. Loving it when he sits me on a desk and has his way with me. His hands caressing my entire body and his kisses leave a passionate trail. His thrusts are greedy, but made me feel so wanted and alive. My head spinning with just the memories of our hidden moments, my body throbbing for him, wanting him inside me and filling me to my core once more. I just couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

“Let’s get today over with...” I sighed as I fixed my camera lens and adjusted it just right for those close-up images.

Today, Merlin announced we’d have someone new on the team. A new face and model, but a familiar one. A model that Merlin was very excited about, and it had me curious. I’ve heard the name of the famous female supermodel before, but I’ve never thought Merlin would want to shoot anyone else. I was surprised when he announced that Grant and Flow would shoot together. Guessing, it’s normal from time to time to produce a gorgeous couple for companies. I just never guessed Grant would go for something like that. He’s always photographed by himself, but there’s nothing wrong with change. I just had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach about the entire situation that wouldn’t go away.

“All right, people, the show’s about to begin!” Merlin announced as he stood on set and smiled brightly.

I fidgeted with the camera and tried to tweak it to make sure it’s just right. Keeping my eyes on the camera functions, the stage for the set and awaiting their arrival. My breath caught in my throat as I swallowed hard and Grant appeared. His presence was always breathtaking as I watched him stride across the set, but something seems off this time. His eyes weren’t looking my way like they usually do, connecting with mine and having me lose all concentration. He kept glancing back the way he came, and I couldn’t read his body language.

Something is definitely wrong, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

Suddenly, a younger woman struts out with her hair waving behind her. Her long luscious locks follow with her tall and lean body. This woman was absolutely gorgeous with long legs, black hair and striking eyes. She quickly peered my way, but the rest of her journey had her gaze locked with Grant’s and my stomach turned. Knots crunched inside of me and I saw waves of red. Feeling a heat rising, but not the good kind. It’s bubbling jealousy I feel as her eyes never leave Grant’s and her arm connects with him. They look perfect together and my nostrils flare. Seeing double, looking at them together and realizing I need to calm down. I needed to pull it together because this was my career on the line here. I didn’t have time to be acting like some jealous teenager who could just very well lose her boyfriend. Gazing on as Flow throws her head back in laughter and places her hand on his chest. Grant paid no attention to me and my heart ached for him. He only appeared to have eyes for this gorgeous supermodel that had literally walked into the room. I glared as they both turned towards me and struck a pose. Taking the firm hint and knowing they were ready to begin. I needed to focus and do my job. Remembering what’s most important here, and that’s not this breathtaking supermodel. Who appeared to whisk in and want everything that I had. I click as they pose, flash as they twirl, and capture as they fall into one another’s arms. Trying my very best to contain myself and act professional as I gaze upon them through my camera lens. Hands touching one another’s bodies, arms embracing and light kisses caressing each other. I’m thankful to have my face hidden behind the camera because if it wasn’t for that, everyone would see how enraged I was. Everyone would see my genuine feelings for Mr. Bennett, and I couldn’t have that. I couldn’t afford to lose everything I’ve worked so hard for. I drew closer towards the pair; Flow took a stumble and Grant caught her in his arms.

Mr. Bennett was always a true gentleman.

“Oh, Grant, you caught me!” Flow cried out gratefully and peered up towards Grant. “Thank you, baby.”


What in the bloody hell? No one calls my man, baby, but me!

The flashes of anger return as my head spins and Grant finally looks up towards me with Flow still cradling in his arms. I could read his expression and his eyes pleaded with me to understand. His beautiful green eyes pierced into me and helped me calm down. Taking some slow and deep breaths as I watch him help steady her. She wobbles a bit in her extremely high-heeled shoes, but manages fine at last.

“Oh, Grant, you’re amazing, baby. I definitely need more of you in my life.” Flow purred, and she playfully teased Grant’s hair.

“Oh, well, I couldn’t have you falling to the floor on my set because there might be a lawsuit.” Grant admitted and looked at her uncomfortably.

“Oh, silly, there’s no way I could sue you because you’re too handsome for that.” Flow teased and playfully winked towards Grant.

Grant remained silent, and I couldn’t believe how forward this woman was. My mouth was almost hanging open and I’m left staring at her in disbelief. If it weren’t for the shock, I would’ve gone over there and explained to her how it is. I didn’t need that right now, and I’ll take the feeling of shock any day.

“Why don’t we call it a day?” Merlin demanded as he came closer towards them and didn’t leave room for a response. “I’m sure you and Flow have some catching up to do.”

Catching up to do?

Does that mean they already knew one another?

Is that why Grant was acting so strange when he came out on set?

Why in the hell wouldn’t he tell me?

So many questions ran through my mind as I watched Grant and Flow leave the set hand in hand. I’m left feeling all kinds of emotions, but I try my best not to jump to conclusions. Trying to remember Grant’s pleading eyes to understand, but I couldn’t help my wandering thoughts.

Is there something more going on?

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