Mister Bennett (Mister 1) - Page 18

Chapter EIGHTEEN ~ Gabriella

I’m looking out towardsthe beautiful field of flowers surrounding me. The colors of yellow, black and green all radiate as I point my camera lens at them. The sunlight shined down to create the perfect natural light, and I pointed my camera lens towards the field. The sunflower field was in full bloom this time of year, and it’s always the perfect sight to see. Clicking and capturing many angles as my bare feet graze the cool grass below. I saw dirty blonde hair flow with the breeze in the sunflower fields and smiled. Ducking down low as I come closer and slowly creep up. I saw a tint of light blue as I drew closer, and the color blended into the green stems of the sunflowers. The breeze picked up, and I gazed into a beautiful pair of piercing green eyes. She giggled, and pointed her camera at me. We clicked and captured each other at that moment in time. Her beautiful face poked out from behind the camera and smiled towards me.

Her little face warmed my heart as I came forward and lightly caressed her dirty blonde locks. “Are you just about ready to go, Gabriella?”

“Yes, momma, but please just a couple more pictures?” Gabriella pleaded with her beautiful eyes shining in the sunlight.

“Okay, sweetheart, just a couple more and then it’s time to go.” I said and smiled with delight.

She has not only her father’s features, but her confidence was astounding. I held up the camera to capture her features, and she knew just the right way to twirl or show off the clothing she wore. Gabriella reminded me so much of Grant as she posed for the camera, but she very much had a love for photography. Her creativity shined through just like me as she snapped away and took the most gorgeous photos.

“Momma, look, isn’t it so beautiful?” Gabriella exclaimed as she showed me the camera screen and smiled brightly. “The sunflowers look so pretty, don’t they?”

“Yes, sweetheart, they’re absolutely exquisite.” I breathed as I smiled down at her and hugged her close. “Now, we should get going because momma’s going to work and Annette should be here any moment now.”

“Okay, momma, but I will miss you when you go.” Gabriella frowned as her sad eyes looked up at me and I wished so much I could stay.

“I know and I will miss you too, but I always come home.” I chimed as I took her tiny hand in mine and clenched it while we walked towards our house.

Walking hand in hand, peering ahead towards the house and feeling pride warm deep inside me. This was what I’d always dreamed of, and now my dream has come true. A beautiful home out in the countryside and far away from the bustling city. This never would’ve happened if it wasn’t for the career that landed me in the focus of Mr. Grant Bennett himself. This beautiful home was exactly what I’d imagined it would be, but having Gabriella and being a single parent wasn’t part of my plan. Plans changed and I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it. Gorgeous Grant Bennett had given me my daughter. I’m more than grateful for this gift, but I couldn’t help feeling like something was missing.

Gabriella had always wanted a father figure in her life. She’s ten years old and growing every day. She’s asked me about her actual father and I’ve told her the truth. I’ve always been honest with her because she deserved that and so much more. She knew her father didn’t know about her, and I needed to keep it that way. She doesn’t quite understand it and always asks questions. She knew her daddy loved the camera and that he’s a very important man.

So, every time she saw a magazine when we’re out she’d point and ask me, “Momma, is this my daddy?”

I didn’t bother with the media and stayed as far away from it. I couldn’t stand to come across Grant and bring myself to see his handsome face staring back at me on a magazine cover. All those unforgettable memories would rush back, and I couldn’t have that. I just couldn’t bear it, so I kept the media as far away as possible.

“Annette, you’re here!” Gabriella yelled at the top of her lungs, her tiny grasp let go of me and she raced towards the front porch.

Annette swooped her up into welcoming arms and smiled brightly. “Yes, I’m here, my child, and we’re going to have so much fun today.”

I couldn’t ask for a better human being to watch over Gabriella while I’m gone. She treated her just like her own, and that’s exactly what I needed when I first hired her. I’d been through one too many bad nannies before I found Annette, and when she finally stumbled upon my doorstep, it was like a sign from above. Finding her had been a pure coincidence with her being lost. Her car broke down right on the countryside road close to my home, and she stumbled upon my house in need of help. We got to talking, and she was amazing with Gabriella. Before I knew it, I had found a nanny, and she’s been with us ever since.

“Well, I better get going because my boss is waiting and you know how she can be when I’m late.” I sighed and headed towards my car to unlock it. “Gabriella will need lunch, Annette. She wanted to take her time photographing the sunflowers this morning.”

“Okay, Becca, we will see you after work.” Annette announced as she waved and Gabriella stood beside her, blowing me sweet kisses that I caught in the air. “Have a great day!”

“Thank you, Annette! I love you, Gabriella!” I cried out from my rolled-down window.

“I love you too, momma!” Gabriella exclaimed as she smiled and I drove down the long dirt driveway. Gazing into my rear-view mirror and watching her sweet, smiling face disappear.


I PARKED OUT FRONTof my workplace and gathered my belongings from the car. Gazing up towards the extensive building with enormous shiny windows that were always sparking clean. I stride up with confidence and underneath the bright company sign.

Amelia’s Photography

Continuing on and entering the spotless entryway, heading straight towards my office. Photographs hung upon the spotless walls as I walked past and felt pride. It’s always such a delight to admire my work walking about the workplace. Just knowing how much my photographs mean to so many others and putting them out on display for everyone to see. I smile as I enter my office and look at the neat stack of papers on my desktop. Setting my purse down and taking a seat in my comfortable office chair and feeling right at home.

“Oh, thank god, you’re here!” Amelia cried out as she entered my office and her face looked stressed. “I have news for you and you better be up for the job, Becca.”

“Amelia, you know I’d do anything for you and you can always count on me. So, what’s going on and why do you look so stressed?” I asked with concern and gazed up at my friend.

“Well, you see, I took this job right at the last minute, but it’s a tremendous opportunity for us! We’re a small company, but this is big, Becca!” Amelia announced with excitement as she waved her hands out in front of her and I braced myself. “We’re going to be doing a live photo shoot at the fundraising event called, Young Model. It’s all based around raising money for younger models and helping them get the attention they need. There’s going to be popular models there to help support the event, and we need to make this show a success.”

My entire body turned numb as soon as Amelia announced the news, and my voice trembled. “P-popular models? Which ones?”

“Oh, right, silly me, I have a list here of the ones attending the fundraiser. Here, look for yourself.” Amelia chimed as she smiled with excitement and my stomach tied in knots as I peered down upon the list. My eyes scan the page, running down the list and double checking it just to be sure.

“This is all of them, Amelia? Are you one hundred percent sure?” I asked firmly and glanced up at her through my eyelashes with a serious look upon my face.

“Yes, that’s it. Why do you want to know who will be there? Why’s that so important to you?” Amelia asked as she stroked her chin and her face lit up with realization. “Oh, I bet it’s because you want to see which fine piece of ass you could follow around to shoot for the day. I know how much you need to get laid, Becca. Ever since I’ve known you, your focus is always on Gabriella and you never date. You’ve never been with a man and it’s about damn time you got yourself out there again.”

Amelia knew something had happened to me before I met her, but I’ve never spoken a word to her about Grant. She knew I left Gabriella’s father, but I’ve never told her why. He’s always been my secret, and he’d remain that way because it’s what’s best for Gabriella. She’s what mattered most, and Amelia must never know the truth.

“I wish you would let that go, Amelia. I don’t have time for a man, and I certainly don’t need one.” I sighed with relief and didn’t see Grant’s name on the list of guests.

“Every woman needs a fine piece of ass in her life. Maybe you’ll find yours at the Young Model fundraising event.” Amelia beamed as her eyes danced with excitement and she raised her eyebrows.

“Yep, that would be something, but it’s definitely not going to happen.” I muttered as I laughed and dove into the neatly organized stack of papers on my desk. This fundraising event would be sure to bring back memories, but at least I don’t have to worry about the tall, handsome and famous Mr. Grant Bennett being in attendance.

Tags: Breanne Bergie Mister Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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