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Mister Bennett (Mister 1)

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Chapter TWENTY-THREE ~ Promised Return

It had been a longday with work dragging on endlessly, and I couldn’t wait to get home. I knew Gabriella would wait for me, but I’d be home sooner than normal. I could envision her surprised green stare when she noticed my arrival, and I couldn’t wait. Smiling to myself as I stepped on the gas and took off from the red light. Home wasn’t far and just a country road away. Loving the emptiness of the road and rolling down the window. The wild breeze grabbing hold of my perfectly neat hair and making it a mess, but it feels so right. The cool breeze surrounding my skin as it drinks it in and I bask in it. Turning the steering wheel and heading up the dirt driveway towards home. Seeing it come into view and picturing my daughter’s sweet smiling face. The lights were on in the house, and I knew Gabriella would probably be finishing up her homework. I cut the engine, grabbed my belongings from the lengthy workday, and stepped out of the car. Heading straight for the front door and couldn’t wait to put my feet up.

“I’m home!” I announced as I opened the front door and pulled my key out of the lock.

“Momma!” Gabriella shouted as I heard little feet run towards me and her sweet face came into view. Her arms outstretched, and she smiled the brightest smile. “You’re home early!”

“Amelia let me go home early because I had an endless day, and she thought I could use the rest.” I explained as I smiled and hugged her tiny body against mine.

“I missed you so much, momma.” Gabriella breathed and her sweetness filled my soul.

“I missed you more, sweetheart.” I whispered in her ear and kissed her head.

Squeezing her tightly and pulling back to have a good look at her. Her hairs still placed just the way I had it this morning, with tiny wispy hairs falling out of place. Her face showing off with her hair pulled back and her cheeks rosy from the commotion. Smiling back at me, and her innocence always takes my breath away. I love her more than life itself and I’d do anything for my child.

“Where’s Annette, Gabriella?” I asked as I glanced around the house and frowned.

“I’m right here, Becca, just finishing up the laundry.” Annette announced from the other room.

“Perfect, thank you so much for tending to it.” I sighed, gratefully. “I was dreading it after the day I just had.”

“Well, that’s what I’m here for.” Annette said as she poked her face around the corner and smiled. “I’m almost done and then I will head out.”

“Take your time and there’s no hurry.” I said as I took Gabriella’s hand in mine and led her towards the dining room table. “What’s for homework this evening?”

“Boring math, momma.” Gabriella frowned as she peered up towards me and back down at her dreaded homework.

“Math isn’t my specialty, but I will help as much as I can.” I explained as I looked it over and patted her back.

“That’s okay, momma, I’ve got this.” Gabriella announced with confidence and nodded. “Annette helped me, and I know how to do it. It’s not my favorite subject though.”

“I can relate with you on that one.” I giggled and caressed her cheek. “You work on that and I’ll start some supper for two.”

“We make a great team.” Gabriella beamed as she grinned towards me and gazed back down at her homework.

Smiling as I headed out towards the kitchen and considered her words. We made a great team after all these years. Working together through life with just the two of us. Struggling in the beginning as we make our way through, but finding strength together. Leaning on one another and growing every day. Life had treated us well, but we still had that one thing missing. The essence of a family and not just two. A family with a mother and a father taking care of their child together. I longed for that for us, but knew it couldn’t be. We’ve gotten through all these years, just the two of us, and we could make it. We’d pull through, but I couldn’t help wanting more for Gabriella. One could always hope, but now it could never be.

Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door as I’m about to open the cupboard to find something to make for supper. Not having anything in mind, but knowing I could whip up something quickly for two. Frowning as I headed towards the front door, only to see Annette standing there grinning widely. Smiling at someone on the other side and wondering who it could be.

“Annette, who could be here at this hour?” I asked as I stepped forward and pulled the door open wider. “I wasn’t expecting any...”

“Well, you have some company now.” Annette beamed as her eyes opened wide and she gazed at the visitor.

My breath caught in my throat and my pulse quickened. Everything in me froze as I stared upon his gorgeous face, and he grinned back at me. His dirty blonde hair tousled by the breeze and green eyes piercing into mine. He stood there holding a pizza box in one hand with a fresh garden salad balanced on top. He held in the other an expensive bottle of champagne and I couldn’t help being consumed by the memory. The memory of us inside that luxurious limousine all those years ago and falling into one another. His touch, kiss, and body consuming me. Turning me on like no one ever has in my lifetime and knowing I’d never recover. His presence drew me in, and I risked it all. Knowing it wasn’t right, but not caring. Just wanting to feel him deep inside me and taking me over. Falling over the edge as he came right along with me and never looking back.

“May I come in, Becca?” Grant breathed as he broke me from the memory of us and looked down at the pizza box. “I brought dinner and I’m hoping to spend some time with you?”

I blinked at him and couldn’t believe he’s here. Standing at my front door with dinner just for us and unannounced. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Looking from him towards Annette and unable to move.

“Becca, are you okay?” Annette asked as her eyebrows knitted together and she peered at me with concern. “You’re as white as a ghost.”

“I-I am?” I stammered as I shook my head and cleared my throat. “I’m not sure what got into me there, but I was just about to start supper and...”

“You came back just like you promised!” Gabriella shouted as she ran towards the door and an enormous smile lit up her face. “I just knew you’d come back.”

“Yes, I couldn’t forget about you, Gabriella.” Grant chuckled as he turned his full attention to her and held the pizza box out towards her. “Do you think you could help me with this?”

“Sure, I can.” Gabriella beamed as she took the pizza box from his hand and balanced the salad on top against her body. “This smells so good and I can’t wait to dig in.”

She balanced the food as she headed for the dining room; I smiled and stepped back. “Well, I guess that settles it, come on in, Grant.”

“Don’t mind if I do, beauty.” Grant announced as he smirked and held up the champagne. “I brought this just for the adults because I know how much you love it.”

“Well, I guess I’ll get going and leave you to dinner.” Annette grinned as she eyed Grant and stepped outside. “I’m Annette, by the way and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“You as well, Annette. I’m Grant Bennett.” Grant said as he extended his hand and firmly took hers in his.

“Enjoy your evening and Becca...” Annette breathed as she raised her eyebrows and half smiled. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”

Her eyes twinkled at me as she gazed from me towards Grant, and I wondered what ran through her mind. I’ve never had a man over or talked about one and I could imagine the questions swirling about. Feeling my cheeks heat at just the thought and trying my best to hide my embarrassment.

“Yes, we will see you tomorrow and thank you for today.” I said as I swallowed hard and smiled.

Annette gave one last wave, and I closed the door behind her. Turning my full attention towards Grant and feeling different with him inside my home. His tall body loomed close to mine, and I caught his gaze as it roamed over my heated body. Peering up into his eyes as they twinkled into mine and I lost all sense of everything around me. Drawing me in like he always had and making me want more. Feeling that undeniable pull towards him, even inside my place of comfort. Shaking myself to snap out of it as I grab the bottle of champagne and realize I could use a drink.

“Come on in and make yourself at home, Grant.” I breathed as I walked towards the dining room, and Grant followed behind.

“Your home is beautiful, Becca.” Grant beamed from behind me as his footsteps came into the dining room and stopped beside me. “It’s immaculate and reminds me of you.”

“Well, I can’t take all the credit.” I explained and giggled slightly. “Annette is Gabriella’s nanny, but she’s like family. She takes care of the house while I’m gone.”

“Well, you make a great team and I’m impressed.” Grant chuckled and took a seat beside Gabriella, who had already placed out everything neatly for dinner. “But this young lady surprises me the most. Thank you for setting everything up, Gabriella.”

“And thank you for bringing us a delicious supper.” Gabriella beamed as she looked towards the pizza and licked her lips. “May I start?”

“Absolutely you can. Dig in!” Grant announced as we all laughed and grabbed a slice of pepperoni pizza.

Placing some fresh garden salad on the side that had tomato, cucumber, pepper and onion tossed all into one. I poured Grant and myself some bubbly liquid. Taking a sip as the coolness rolls down my throat and I close my eyes. Smiling at the deliciousness of it all and just how right everything feels. Looking from Grant towards Gabriella and seeing the similarities within them. Secretly knowing the truth as I gaze at them with awe and they get along smoothly. Talking like they’ve known each other all their lives and laughing at the silliest things. Making my heart swell at the sight and I’m left in awe of this man all over again. Knowing he’d make the perfect father and Gabriella could love him easily. Feeling sadness creeping in that it could never be and it’s all because of me.

“You’re so funny, Grant and I’m so happy you came back.” Gabriella smiled with tomato sauce smeared across her sweet face. “I enjoy having you here and I think my momma does too.”

“Is that right?” Grant asked with disbelief, but a gorgeous smile lit up his face. “Maybe I should stop by unannounced more often, beauty?”

My body heats at his intense gaze, and I lick my trembling lips. Willing them to stop, but my entire body shakes with his nearness and just the thought of him stopping by more. I couldn’t have him discovering the truth, couldn’t risk it, but Gabriella taking such a liking to him leaves me wanting more. Not just for me, but for her. Feeling selfish for keeping them apart for so long and wanting more than anything for them to discover the truth. He could just stumble upon it and maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, but who am I kidding. Everything could blow up in my face and I’m left uncertain.

“I don’t know, we will have to see.” I answered nervously, but tried to hide it.

“I wish I had a daddy just like you.” Gabriella whispered as her face fell to sadness and the light that once shone, burnt out.

Her words pierced my heart and stabbed it straight to its core. Gabriella's happiness left in the glimmer of an eye, and it’s all my fault. Her daddy was sitting right before her and I’ve been keeping it a secret from her. Living a lie her entire life and wondering if I’ve made a huge mistake. Wishing I could take it back for the both of them, but fearing it’s too late. Too much was at stake, just like it was in the past. Grant’s career ruined all because of a secret child that he never knew was his, and he’d hate me forever.

“It’s getting late and I should get going.” Grant announced as he cleared his throat and tried to change the subject.

Probably sensing the tension rising in the air just as much as I feel it deep inside. Feeling anxious and looking from him towards my daughter. Feeling like I should speak the truth, but knowing this wasn’t the time. Gabriella needed comfort, but I didn’t know how to give it to her. She needed her father, but it could never be. Opening my mouth to speak, but no words would come out, and Grant’s green eyes met mine. They searched mine with apologies that he didn’t even need to give. I should be the one apologizing and making up for everything I’ve done.

“Please don’t go just yet...” Gabriella begged as her eyes pleaded towards Grant and she tugged on his sleeve. “Could you stay to help tuck me into bed?”

Grant gazed from Gabriella towards me and smiled. “Only if it’s okay with your momma?”

I shook myself out of my sadness and smiled brightly. “Yes, of course Grant can stay for that, sweetheart.”

“Well, then it’s settled.” Grant smiled brightly and nodded towards the stairs. “Why don’t you show me your room?”

“Yes, I can show you everything.” Gabriella beamed and grabbed his hand in hers. “Come on, let’s go.”

Smiling as I watched them go, and cleaned up the mess we’d made. Grabbing the empty pizza box and dishes. Heading towards the kitchen to load the dishwasher and get everything ready for a brand-new day. Hearing footsteps from above and knowing Gabriella was hurriedly getting ready for bed. Her excitement filled my heart and wished for more. Grant could be everything she’s ever needed, and I just had to decide if I ever could. Wandering if I could ever speak the truth and do it just for her. Pushing the thoughts aside and heading upstairs with my feet dragging across the smooth carpet. Feeling it between my toes and loving the softness. Heading straight for Gabriella’s room and peeking my head inside. My hand landing over top of my heart as I watch Grant reading to her and tears fill my eyes. It’s the sweetest sight. Leaning against the doorframe as he caressed her hair from her eyes and she stared up at him. Her eyes slowly blinked with each that fell from his gorgeous lips until finally they tightly closed shut. They didn’t open as Grant stopped reading and made sure she’s tucked in tightly before he turned towards me.

His green eyes shone with question as he stepped closer and waved his hand in front of his face. “I will never understand why her father wants nothing to do with her?”

The room fell silent as the question lingered in the air, and I remained quiet. Not wanting to speak the truth and unable to bear it. Grant shook his head with sadness and frowned as he left Gabriella’s room. I turned to follow and shut her door tightly. Willing the secret I kept to be shut right along with it. Knowing it should never get out, but feeling uncertain all over again. I sighed with frustration and ran my fingers through my hair as I headed towards the front door to see Grant out. It’s getting late and tomorrow was a brand-new day.

I watched on as Grant gathered his belongings and I drew closer. Not able to keep myself away from this gorgeous and creative being. His body pulled me forward, and I fumbled, trying to find the right words. His eyes met mine and burned with passion. I swallowed hard, opened my mouth to speak, but knew I was a goner. His eyes searched mine for an answer I couldn’t bring myself to speak, and his lips drew closer towards mine. Knowing full well what was about to happen, but unable to stop. The magical pull towards him was much too strong to fight, and his hand grabbed the back of my neck. I gasped as his nose brushed mine and I felt the lust sizzle in the air. He groaned and pulled me into his feverish kiss. One I hadn’t felt in so long, and I melted into him. Feeling like no time had passed as his lips danced over mine. The wall crashed into my back and his hands cupped my face. Opening my mouth as his tongue surged inside, and I moaned only for him. My hands laid upon his chest and gripped his shirt. Holding on for dear life as he took me on a wild ride, and I never want it to stop. Breathing in his masculine scent and becoming lost. Dizzy as the world spun out of control, and it was just us. The kiss slowed down, and he set the pace. Following right along with him as he took me to a place that I’ve always loved and never stopped. His soft lips brushed mine sweetly, and he stroked my hair from my eyes. Opening them to gaze into his beautiful green ones, and I’m left breathless.

“Goodnight and thank you for this evening, beauty.” Grant whispered as his lips brushed mine once more and he’s gone.

I dabbed my lips and couldn’t move. His kiss threw me off, and I wasn’t expecting it. I’m left with just the memory of his lips on mine and wishing I could turn back time.

Have I made a huge mistake?

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