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Mister Bennett (Mister 1)

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Chapter TWENTY-SIX ~ Merrygold Park

It’s been an entireweek since my world blew up before my eyes and I haven’t spoken a word to Grant. I’ve left messages on his voice mail, texted him and even showed up at his house, but he’d just vanished. I wanted to talk to him so much it’s been on my mind the entire week, and I couldn’t bring myself to even tell Gabriella. Grant’s my primary concern and once that’s figured out, then maybe we could decide how to deal with Gabriella together. Just like a mother and father should. Just like a family should, but there’s no way in hell I could see Grant wanting a family with me after what I’d done to him. I’d betrayed him in the worst way and found it hard to even forgive myself for what I’d done.

“There’s just so much work to be done today...” Amelia sighed as she rested her elbows on my desk and looked at me. “I don’t know how I’m going to manage it all and I hate to ask you for a favor right now.”

“What’s going on, Amelia?” I asked as my eyebrows knitted together with concern, and this was the first time I’ve heard about this. From the looks of our agenda, the day appeared pretty straightforward, or so I’d thought. “You know I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

“So, would you be okay with doing an emergency photo shoot at a runway event today at Merrygold Park?” Amelia asked as she rose from the desk, smirked, and clasped her hands together. “I mean, it’s going to be a big event, and I just found out about it this morning. If you can’t do it, then just say the word and I’ll have to cancel.”

Amelia looked down at the ground and I knew I had to help my friend out. It appeared urgent, and I could tell how much this meant to her. “No, of course I will do it, and it’s not a problem. When do I need to leave?”

“Oh, well, right now actually.” Amelia chirped cheerfully as she came around my desk and scouted me out of my chair. “I’m just going to touch up your hair and makeup before you go.”

“My hair and makeup? Why would you need to do that? This has nothing to do with me because I’m just going to take pictures.” I asked with confusion as I tried to look at Amelia, but she started combing through my hair.

“Well, I heard the media will be there so we must make a good impression now, shouldn’t we? Don’t argue with me and let’s get this done.” Amelia commanded, as I sat on my desk and let her apply my makeup. I wouldn’t win this fight and Amelia had a point about the media.

“There, all finished!” Amelia exclaimed as she held up a mirror for me to view my reflection and felt satisfied with the results. “You look beautiful and you’ll knock them out of the park!”

“Okay, well I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.” I sighed and stepped towards my office door.

“Yes, now go knock them dead and remember to smile at the good times ahead. You’ve got this and I’m so proud of you.” Amelia smiled and pulled me in for a tight embrace.

“Seriously, Amelia, calm down, you’re acting like this is some enormous deal.” I laughed and Amelia giggled right along with me.

“Okay, I’m sorry, you’re just so damn good at your job and I always want what’s best for you.” Amelia admitted, and pulled away.

“I know and the same goes for you.” I smiled brightly, and a thought came to my mind. “What about, Gabriella, I was going to pick her up from school?”

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve got that covered.” Amelia winked and reassured me. “Now go get those life-changing photos!”

She pushed me out the door, and I walked out of Amelia’s Photography. My camera dangled from my shoulder, and I couldn’t help but feel like something was going on. I had this nagging feeling deep down and didn’t even see what was coming next.


I PULLED INTO MERRYGOLDPark and my mouth went wide at the sight. Amelia wasn’t kidding when she said this event would be huge. There are cars parked in the parking lot and up the side streets. I recognized news vehicles pulled up on the grass near the runway set up right in the center of the park. I’m amazed at the sight and see flowers cluttered together around the runway. The crowd’s quite large and gathered around the stage. I wished Amelia would’ve told me about this sooner, so I could’ve gotten set up properly.

“This is going to be fun...” I sighed to myself as I gathered everything I needed and left my car.

Walking quickly towards the runway and noticing people peering in my direction. I frowned as I went, but shrugged it off. Ignoring it, getting my camera ready and aiming it towards the crowd to get some test images for lighting. I clicked some pictures and stopped to gaze down at them on my screen. The lighting looked just about right, but I noticed people looking towards me in the photographs. Glancing back up at the scenes, I shot and smiling faces looking my way. Frowning and becoming curious as I drew closer towards the runway. People stepped aside for me when I usually have to push my way through. I looked at each one of them as I crept past, nodded my head, and smiled. The runway stretched out in front of me as I peered up at it and stopped in my tracks. There at the beginning of the runway was me on a huge flatscreen television for everyone to see. Just a still photograph of me smiling for the camera and I stared at it, bewildered.

What on earth was going on here?

Suddenly, cameras clicked and lights flashed. I blinked as my eyes focused on a figure that walked down the runway and right in my direction. He’s breathtaking as he struts towards me with his hair perfect and wearing a dashing tux. I couldn’t breathe as his masculinity took my breath away like it always had. I felt my knees buckle and grabbed the runway to hold me up. Grant extended his hand towards me as he drew closer and I felt a pull towards him. My hand magically reaches out for him, taking it into his own hand and pulling me up on the stage. Guiding me over towards the center as I forgot about everyone else, it’s just him and I. His piercing green eyes stared deeply into my soul as my eyes locked with his and never let go. Grant raised a microphone in his hand and I held my breath as I watched the scene unfold before my questioning eyes.

“Thank you for coming, everyone. I’m glad you could all make it, and we’re all here because of this beautiful woman that stands before me. Her name’s Becca and she doesn’t know what’s about to happen right along with the rest of you.” Grant announced as he looked at me, but addressed the crowd surrounding us. “I met this creative creature many years ago, and she stole my heart right at first sight. I never knew what love was until I laid eyes on her, and she was everything I craved. She was everything I’ve ever wanted and still is after everything we’ve been through.”

I listened to Grant speak, tears filled my eyes, my heart pounded in my ears and blood rushed throughout my body. My mind whirled, but all I could see was him and felt his words deep within my soul. I couldn’t believe this moment was happening in front of all these people, but I didn’t give a damn. All I ever wanted was him, and here he was confessing our love for everyone to see.

“I brought you all here to make an announcement and for you to see firsthand how much this woman means to me. I’m choosing to resign so I can finally be where I’m meant to be, and that’s with my family.” Grant breathed into the microphone as he reached out and brushed his fingertips slowly across my crimson cheek. “You’ll all know soon, but I’m just going to tell you now. I have a beautiful daughter with this woman and I plan on spending every day for the rest of my life proving to them I’m worthy of their love.”

Loud gasps erupted over the crowd and lights flickered from all around as we gazed into one another’s eyes. Grant never took his eyes off of me and I never wavered as I smiled through tears. “I love you; Grant Bennett and I always have.”

“I love you too, beauty and I never stopped.” Grant admitted as he took me into his arms and his lips touched mine. “I will love you for the rest of my life.”

That’s when he kissed me and his lips danced with mine as the crowd cheered. His tongue swept me away as he swept me off my feet and lifted me into his powerful arms. He kissed me until I was dizzy and I longed for more, but knew he had business to attend to. The crowd gathered closer as he sat me down upon my feet once again and searched my face with his gorgeous gaze. “There’s going to be a lot of questions, and I want you to be ready. I’m by your side and we will do this together from this day forward.”

“I’m more than ready for this and always have been.” I reassured him with a smile. I’ve got this under control and could do this.

With Grant by my side and my family together at last, anything is possible.

Grant intertwined his hand with mine as we smiled lovingly at one another and turned towards the crowd. Voices swirled, and the media stepped forward to ask the questions that were on everyone’s mind. Bright lights flashed as we smiled brightly towards them and I felt right where I should’ve been all along. Right where I should’ve always been with my famous Grant Bennett by my side.

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