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Mister Dixon (Mister 3)

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Chapter ONE ~ Back in Time

Time moves at its ownspeed. Sometimes too fast or too slow. But the new year of 2018 came around quickly for me and this year was bright. This year in the small town of Dawson, my dream was coming true. A dream I’ve strived towards my entire life and it has finally come together.

“I’m so relieved I was accepted for the business loan.” I smiled happily towards my best friend Lexi and reached for the foamy beer. “Everything is coming along smoothly.”

“And that’s why we’re here for you to celebrate your success and live in the moment.” Lexi exclaimed as she outstretched her arms and shook her brown hair wildly.

Laughing at her craziness and happy for her solid friendship. Lexi’s my girl and has always been by my side since forever. We’ve always had that connection and clicked. She’s been there for me through the thickest and worst times of my life. The times where my mother should’ve been there for me, but my best friend was. Growing up was a disaster waiting to happen and at twenty-three, I finally feel like me.

I took a sip of the beer as the cool liquid rolled down my throat with a bitter edge to it and I savored the taste. Licking my lips and gazing around the busy bar. The Dirty Dawson was the only one in town where the fun never stopped. It’s been around even longer than I’ve been in town. It’s the place everyone always ends up at in our small town.

I sat at a table near the dance floor as I watched couples dance, laugh, and mingle. Watching people sway to the upbeat rhythm and fall in step with one another. Trying to get lost in the night, but my mind is full of paint colors, floor tiles and crown moldings. I knew this would be my only shot at my dream of owning my business and doing everything my way. No help from family and I’m doing everything independently from the ground up. The building structure was ready and just needed my creative insights. My floral business will be mine and a place for me to set my roots. Something that had never been possible for me to achieve until now. I’ve never had a place I could truly call home and Cassie’s Blossoms was just the place to start.

“Earth to Cassie. Are you there?” Lexi asked as she tapped me playfully on the shoulder and released me from my thoughts.

“Sorry, I'm lost thinking about paint colors, tiles and molding.” I sighed as I laid my beer down on the table and peered into her brown gaze. “I just want everything to go perfectly because this is my only shot.”

“And it will because you’re a genius.” Lexi announced proudly. “But you still need to live your life.”

“I’ve been living my life for years and look where it got me?” I sighed as my mind wandered back to the past and my body cringed.

Thinking back to the old life I had growing up with no help, proper care or safe haven. Every child deserves a parent who cares for them and loves them, but that was never mine.

I was raised by a deadbeat.

A mother with a drug problem who had no time for me and a father who was nonexistent. It would’ve been nice to at least know who my dad was if my mother would have kept her legs closed. But the next high was always the major priority, and I had to learn the hard way.

One day everything changed when I made the choice to take all the savings I earned through work and left home. At the tender age of eighteen, I was finally free from hell and moved in with Lexi. Living together and working every day to make a better life for myself. Never wanting to look back at the mess of a life that I didn’t even create. I just wanted to move forward and follow my dreams.

“Girl, I know exactly what you’ve been through. But you still need to learn to live in the moment and forget about all those priorities.” Lexi declared and rested her elbows on the table.

“Ya, I’m not sure, Lexi.” I frowned apprehensively and felt unsure.

Should I just forget about it all for one night?

I’ve worked so hard to get where I am and I don’t want to waste this chance with distraction. I couldn’t afford it, but maybe she’s right. Maybe I need this time to let it all go and get back to it tomorrow. To get out of my own way and out of my head. Living in the moment and doing something I normally wouldn’t do. Forgetting about all the worries I have for tomorrow and what’s coming. It actually didn’t sound too bad.

Maybe I should let it all go just for one night?

“Come on, Lexi, let’s go dance.” I smiled wickedly as I decided and grabbed my friend’s hand.

“That’s my girl!” Lexi giggled as we swayed our asses and headed straight for the dance floor.

Falling into the crowd and dancing to the beat. My short skirt rises up my thighs as the beat takes hold and I sway my head. Feeling the upbeat rhythm and running my hands through my red wavy hair.

The purple blouse I chose was the perfect fit for the evening and provided me with exceptional cleavage. I danced with Lexi as her body pressed against mine and her hands touched my face. Outlining it as they move lower and we sway together. Lexi pushes her ass up against me and bends over. Whipping her hair back as she joins me once again and we move to the beat. Grabbing the attention of every man in the room, but we didn’t care. It made my body sizzle and feel sexy. The way I should feel if I’m going to forget about everything for one night.

“Now this is living!” Lexi shouted as she spun around and grabbed my hand. “Spin me, gorgeous!”

I followed her instruction, raised my arm and she twirled around. Giggling as her body falls back against mine and her hair clouds my vision. Pushing it aside, only to reveal a man leaning against the bar with a beer in his hand. Sipping on it with his tongue, licking his lips.

My eyes caught the black muscle shirt he wore with blue jeans that hugged him rather perfectly. He’s extremely fit, with tattoos on his muscular arm. It bulged with veins and he didn’t even need to flex to show them off.

My gaze traveled up towards his short cut brown hair and landed on his magnificent brown eyes. Devouring my body as I dance and he watches from the sidelines. Of all the men in the bar, he’s the only one to catch my eye. The only one who caught my attention while all the rest lurk and I couldn’t give a flying fuck.

Everything about him screamed edgy and interesting. He spikes my interest, but I continue to dance and don’t make a move. Unsure if I love his lingering stare or if I’m actually afraid to make a move.

I glance his way and feel the beat. Moving my hips from side to side as the tune takes hold and I’m dancing just for him. Sneaking stares his way with his eyes on me and my body grows hot. Shaking my ass and throwing my head back. Whipping my red locks through the air and wishing his hands were on me. Feeling them on my hips and gazing down to find a drunken pair instead.

“Hey!” I called out as I pushed greedy hands away, but he remained persistent.

Pushing his way in between Lexi and I. I’ve attracted the wrong attention and this drunken asshole wanted a dance. But I wasn’t interested, and he needed to know.

“D-dance with m-me, b-beautiful.” He stammered in a drunken haze and grabbed my hips once again.

I tried to push against his chest, but he held me in his tight grasp. Pressing me against his body as my hands push against his chest and I want it to end. The smell of strong whiskey fanned my face and made it unbearable to breathe. My body pushed against his body repeatedly as his hand ran from my hip and landed on my ass. Squeezing there as my skin crawls and I want him to leave me alone.

“Get your fucking hands off of me!” I shouted and pushed against him.

“Let her go, you fucking creep!” Lexi shouted over top of the blaring music and grabbed his shoulders.

He pushes Lexi out of the way, and my blood boils. Banging my fists against his hard chest as he gives a short ugly chuckle that makes my skin crawl. His hand pulled up my skirt and I’m sure my black panties were now exposed. He squeezed the meaty flesh that laid there and I slapped him as hard as I could. But he didn’t budge.

“Yes, you like t-that, don’t...” He said, his words cut short and the man that caught my eye grabbed him.

Pulling the creep up close with both his hands clenching his shirt collar. “The lady told you to let her go.”

“What the fuck?” The creep choked out, and the mysterious man pulled even tighter on his shirt.

I watched with shocked surprise as his arms flexed and veins popped out of his tattooed skin. He threw him to the side like he weighed nothing. “Now, get lost.”

“What’s y-your fucking problem, man?” The creep asked as he stumbled to his feet and peered up at him.

The mysterious stranger didn’t answer him and simply glared. His gaze bore into him and I could feel the tension rise. The asshole quivered under him and he turned to flee. Not giving it another thought as his feet went running and he didn’t look back.

“Are you alright?” The mysterious stranger turned his attention towards me and his gorgeous eyes peered into mine.

“Y-yes, I’m fine.” I mumbled in disbelief and fixed my skirt.

Everyone in this damn bar had gotten a show.

The man checked me over with only his intense gaze and gave a simple, tight nod. His eyes leave mine as he turns away and walks towards the exit. Carrying his muscular body with long and powerful strides.

“What the hell?” Lexi said as she stared after him, puzzled, and I gazed over at her.

“I don’t know what the hell just happened...” I breathed and took off after him.

My little legs sprinted as fast as they would go, and I pushed through the crowd. Calling out to him, but receiving no answer. He’s outside the bar and moving with rapid speed. Almost like he’s on a mission and won’t turn back. Making me even more curious of him and what makes him tick.

“Hey, I didn’t get your name.” I panted as I caught up to him and grabbed his wrist.

“Trust me, you don’t want it.” He mumbled as he pulled his wrist out of my grasp and wouldn’t stop his mission forward through the parking lot.

“Yes, I do, that’s why I asked you for it.” I argued and wouldn’t give up.

Suddenly, he halted in his tracks, and I bent over to catch my breath. Relieved that, he finally stopped and would give me a chance. Whoever he was, he’s stubborn and gets on my nerves. People don’t just help others and take off.

“What the hell do you want?” He asked roughly and on edge.

“Well, I simply wanted to thank the man who saved me back there. But I can’t do that without a name.” I replied as I stood up straight with my hands on my hips.

“There’s no need to thank me, it was nothing.” He sighed with clear irritation in his voice.

I gazed up at him with confusion. “It’s not everyday someone helps you like that and it wasn’t nothing. It meant a whole hell of a lot to me.”

He simply looked at me, remained silent, and crossed his arms across his chest. The muscles flex there and my mouth goes dry. That’s when I notice the dog tags dangling from his neck.

“You are in the military?” I asked with curious surprise.

Unable to believe that the man who just saved me from that creep was a part of the very people that saved us every day. This complete stranger that came out of nowhere and helped me. A gorgeous man who appeared to be just as rough around the edges. I watched as he stood there and touched the dog tags. His hands fidget with them, but his eyes tell another story. Going somewhere else and glossy. He’s lost in his thoughts and I pondered what could replay in his mind. Possibly many things that I wouldn’t even be able to understand, but it draws me to him even more.

“Are you okay?” I breathed as I stepped closer and snapped my fingers in front of his face.

Big mistake.

He reacts fast. His eyes turned into an icy glare. He grabbed my wrists swiftly and effortlessly pressed me up against a parked car. Pinning my body against his and breathing rapidly as he squeezes my wrists over top of my head. His breath fanning my face and mine lingers with his. My nipples are fully erect and piercing against his broad chest. Not frightened or surprised.

I’m completely turned on.

Suddenly, his eyes soften. He releases my wrists, lets out a growl of disapproval, and gives a stern warning. “Don’t do that again.”

“O-okay...” I sighed in a soft whisper at the shock of what just occurred. My body went from curious to aroused in two seconds. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t realize...”

“Many people don’t when they haven’t seen the shit I have.” He grumbled angrily and ran his hands through his short hair. “Now that I’ve made you fear me, can I go now?”

My eyes narrowed at him and pondered how often this occurred. How many people run in the opposite direction when he reacts the way he does. For him to think that he should be so closed off from the world because of what he’s been through. What it had made him become. He’s a hero and fights for our country. He should feel respected and not feared.

Instead of turning the other way, I walk slowly forward. Laying my hand gently over his dog tags as his chest moves up and down with each breath. Careful not to upset him and peering deeply into his milky brown eyes. “I still don’t know your name?”

His eyes searched mine for an answer I’m unsure of and his hand reached up to sweetly caress my cheek. “It’s Dixon. Dante Dixon.”

My eyes closed to his touch, I leaned into him like a moth drawn to a flame and his lips captured mine.

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