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Taken by the Rebel

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No one was hiring. Several of the ads had already been taken, and some she just couldn’t do.

The elevator door pinged, and she was moving again.

“I’m going to be sick.” It was a little lie. She hadn’t eaten all day.

Her stomach, as if to prove her wrong, started to growl.

Blaze paused. “When was the last time you ate?”

“This morning. I’m fine. I’m not hungry.”

This earned her a spank.


And another.

“Blaze, what the hell are you doing?”

“Don’t lie to me, and you should learn to take better care of yourself.” He let himself into his apartment, closing and locking the door behind him.

She had to wait for him to put his keys down before lowering her feet to the floor.

Fay wanted to kiss the floor, but instead, she folded her arms and glared at him. It was kind of fun … no, she wouldn’t give in to Blaze.

“Take off your clothes.”

“What?” She shook her head. “No.”

“Take them off, or I’m taking them off for you.”

“Why do you need my clothes?”

“Because I’m going to cook for you, and you’re going to use that opportunity to run. Not happening. Not on my watch. Clothes. Now.”

She glared at him. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a giant dick?”

“You have, but then, no one’s ever complained about me having a giant dick.” He closed the distance between them. “Do you want to touch mine? Want to test if I’ve got a big enough one?”

“I’m not in any position to judge, am I?” She folded her arms.

“Take them off, or I take them off for you. Trust me, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to stop once I get my hands on you.”

As threats went, Fay didn’t think it was a very good one. She wouldn’t tell him that though. Blaze would love to know that she wanted his hands on her.

Even as she was a little angry at him bossing her around, she kind of … liked it. What was wrong with her? She was supposed to be her own person. Not depending on a man, and Blaze was taking over her life.

He took a step toward her, and she jerked back, quickly going to the buttons of her dress. It had been way too hot when she’d been at her apartment to wear jeans.

After releasing the buttons, she handed him her dress.

“And your underwear.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Do I look like I’m joking?”

Muttering that he was an asshole under her breath, she released the catch of her bra and handed him her panties. She attempted to cover her body.

“I’ll keep these.”

He took a step toward her, but she was pissed enough not to back down. Blaze touched the flesh at her side, and she gasped, trying not to show her body’s reaction to his touch. “Thank you.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, then stepped away, going into the kitchen.

Blaze did this just to make her something to eat.

She was completely naked. This wasn’t good. She couldn’t leave his apartment with him holding her clothes hostage. Glancing down at her body, she gritted her teeth. Every time she’d been here, he’d gotten her naked, and she was still a virgin.

Did that mean anything?

Shaking her head, she decided to go into the kitchen to watch him. There was no point in standing around his apartment, attempting to find an escape route. There was a small table in his kitchen, and she slid out a chair.

“Can I have a towel?” she asked, nodding at the chair.

He shook his head. “Sit!”

She lowered her ass to the chair and gritted her teeth. It was cold to her heated flesh.

Blaze chuckled, and she folded her arms across her chest. “What are you cooking?” she asked.

He held up a boxed meal. She didn’t have time to read the label.


“I’m not much of a cook, Fay. You know that, and I seem to recall this was one of your favorites when you were younger.”

She was touched that he would remember that far back.

Glancing at his ass, she admired the length of his muscular body. He wore a pair of jeans and a plain white shirt. With all the ink he possessed, against the white shirt, the designs were rather striking. He made her mouth water.

Fay pressed her thighs together, feeling the arousal build.

He moved to the fridge and grabbed some milk. Then he went to the sink for some water. He emptied a couple of the packets before putting it on the stove. She remembered him doing this for her and Blair when they were studying, trying to pass their exams in their last year of high school.

The food didn’t take long, but Fay didn’t feel like making conversation.

He served the food on two plates, grabbed two forks, and then turned toward her.

“Enjoy.” He put the plate in front of her and sat opposite.

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