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Taken by the Rebel

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“I’m good at it.”

“Yeah, and in five years now? Ten years? What about twenty, when your opponent is another you, and you get your ass kicked or killed?”

“That’s a strong vote of confidence on my part,” he said.

“I’m sorry. I just … you shouldn’t be fighting.”

“Fighting isn’t the end game, babe. I do specific fights. I’ve got a business plan.”

“Are hospital fees and a concussion part of it?” she asked.

He smiled. “It’s nice to know you care.” Blaze stared at the clothes she wore. They were his sweatpants and shirt. They had seen better days, but he rather liked seeing them on her.

“Didn’t have time to change?” he asked.

“I knew you’d go to my apartment, and you were already stirring when I left.”

“Fay, you’re mine. This isn’t going to be over. You know that.”

“I know.”

“Then why do you keep on fighting this?”

She shrugged. “I guess I’m not used to it.”

“Not used to what?”

“Having someone in my life who is willing to fight for me, even when I’m being … difficult. We haven’t even had sex. Is that what you want? My virginity?”

Blaze sighed, wrapping his arm across her shoulders. “I’m going to have your virginity, but you’ve got to understand me when I say this. I don’t want any other man to have you. You’re mine. I don’t share. I will never share.”

“So, what is your end game?” she asked.

“You’re going to have to stick around to find out.”

He had a game plan, one that he’d built completely around Fay. She was essential to his plan.

“Now, are you going to come home with me, or do I have to put you over my shoulder?”

“I’ll walk,” Fay said, getting to her feet.

Blaze took hold of her hand, locking their fingers together.

“I don’t like you fighting,” she said, gripping his hand a little tighter.

“I know, but there won’t be many more.” He’d already told his boss what he wanted to achieve. It would mean fighting for at least a year, but so long as he won every single one, he was going to be made.

Then, he’d be able to set his real plan in motion.

Fay paused, and he had to look back at her. “What is it?” he asked.

“I … I don’t want you to get hurt.”

He pulled her close, banding his arms around her waist. “I won’t.”

Blaze took possession of her lips, and he didn’t care that they were in a park. He kissed her lips, tasting the subtle spice of coffee.

Fay closed her eyes, and Blaze joined her, feeling an answering pulse in his dick. He wanted her so damn badly.

He had no choice but to break away from the kiss or cause a scene, and he didn’t think the people here would take too kindly to him fucking his woman right there in front of them.

Holding her hand, he took her back to the car, and this time, their stomachs rumbled at the same time.

“Have you had breakfast?”

“No. Just coffee.”

He opened her door for her, helping her inside, and then went to his driver’s side. He knew a fast-food joint that served the nicest breakfast sandwiches he’d ever eaten. With Fay safely by his side, he drove to the place and ordered them both coffee and breakfast sandwiches. He grabbed them from the window after paying and parked at one of the slots.

It was way too hot to sit in the car, so he helped Fay up onto his hood, and he jumped up beside her. They rested against his car, eating.

“This is good,” Fay said, taking a bite.

He chuckled as she nearly dribbled grease down his shirt.

“Shit, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. They’re crap clothes anyway.” He used them to work out.

He finished his sandwich before Fay ate hers, and he enjoyed his coffee, simply watching her.

“You know I’ve had my eye on you for a while,” he said.

“No, you haven’t.” Her cheeks were bright red.

“I have. This was always going to happen, Fay.”

“What made you wait?” she asked.

“You weren’t ready. You needed time to see that you were strong enough to handle this world on your own.”


Blaze smiled. “I didn’t want you to think that you could only handle the world if I was there. So, I waited. I let you discover who you were. Gave you the time you needed. When I knew you were ready, that was when I was done waiting.”

He wasn’t going to tell her that he was responsible for getting her kicked out of her trailer. Not that her parents wouldn’t have done it. They would’ve attempted to milk her dry for every last cent she earned, and he wasn’t going to have that. They were pieces of shit to her. All he did was stop them from milking her while they could.

Fay wouldn’t have been able to afford the apartment straight away, so he helped with that, and also funding the repairs.

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