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Saint (The Buck Boys Heroes 3)

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“You told me that you were nicknamed Saint because you’ve always helped out anyone who needed it.”

His eyes drop to my lips. “I do what anyone would do.”

I shake my head slightly, my cheek sinking into the pillow my head is resting on. “You go above and beyond.”

“How so?”

I can’t tell if the question is serious or not, so I point out an example. “You spend time with our neighbors because they miss their grandchildren.”

“I miss my grandparents,” he admits. “It’s kind of a win-win for all of us.”

“You tip really well.”

He lets out a low chuckle that shakes his bare chest. “I can afford to, and every person I tip well deserves it.”

“What’s the kindest thing you’ve ever done for someone, Sean?” I ask, hoping he won’t toss out a joke or try to divert with humor.

“Kindness is in the eye of the beholder,” he counters.

“In the eyes of this beholder, you’re very kind.” I smile.

His left hand jumps to cradle my cheek. “I’d do anything for you, Calliope. If you had something you needed help with, I’d do what I could without any questions.”

“I know,” I whisper.

“I don’t need to know everything about your past.” His fingers press into my cheek. “But if there is any way that I can ease a burden that you’re carrying, I want to do that for you.”

I slide forward so I can press my entire nude body against his.

He promised to let me sleep last night, but I wanted more. Once I was settled in bed next to him, I couldn’t resist kissing him. That quickly progressed into touching each other, and a fuck that left me feeling boneless.

I run my fingertips over the carved muscles of his shoulder. “I have to carry my burden alone.”

He bites his bottom lip. “That kills me, Champ. It’s hard not to help you.”

I know if I asked him to help me, I’d be free of my ex today. Sean would take care of it. He’d rid me of that burden, but then I’d be indebted to him, and I can’t put myself in that position again with another wealthy man.

He wraps both arms around me, tugging me even closer. “Before I make breakfast for you, let me show you how much you mean to me.”

I bite back tears because I never knew I could feel like this with a man. I feel safe and treasured. Sean makes me feel content in a way I never have before.

“How can I turn that down?”

“You can’t.” He laughs. “I still owe you a fuck ton of orgasms, so let’s get to it. Tell me how you want it. I’m here to please you.”

I push on his broad shoulders until he’s flat on his back. I slide down the sheet shielding his groin before he can say anything.

Wrapping my hands around his thick length, I bow my head. “I want this.”

His hand falls into my hair. His fingers weave between the strands. “I want you to want it.”

“You’re welcome,” I whisper as I look at his face.

A bark of laughter falls from his lips. “I didn’t say thank you.”

I lick a slow path over the crown of his cock. “You will.”

Two hours later, Sean adjusts the front of my dress before he holds out my shoes. “Do you want me to help you put these on, or will you head home barefoot?”

I take the heels from him. “Barefoot.”

He tugs on the waistband of the gray sweatpants he’s wearing. He pulled on those before heading out of the bedroom to make breakfast.

The spread was impressive. Everything from perfectly cooked bacon to scrambled eggs and a platter of fresh fruit greeted me when I made it to the dining room table wearing only my bra and panties.

“Thank you again for everything,” I whisper. “I had an incredible night and morning.”

“Me too,” he murmurs. “I’d follow you to work today, but Decky and I are meeting at the office late this afternoon to go over a few things.”

“Work on a Saturday?” I question. “I would have thought the boss could get away with taking the weekends off.”

“My brother’s guilt-wielding powers are second to none.” He chuckles. “We have a few things that need our attention, so we’ll do that today.”

Feeling disappointed that I won’t see him at the bar, I sigh. “I should get going. I need to shower, and I promised my sister I’d call her this morning.”

He perks a brow.

“She loves to talk on the phone.” I draw out the words. “I usually put it on speaker and go about doing what I need to do.”

He runs a hand along my cheek. “Maybe one day soon I can meet your sister.”

“Naomi would love that.” I take a breath. “She had a few things to say about that billboard in Times Square.”

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