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Wolf Marked (Magic Side: Wolf Bound 1)

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Savannah shot daggers at me with her eyes, but as far as I was concerned, the LaSalles could collectively go to hell.

The overbearing cop crossed his arms. “Is that true, ma’am? If you don’t tell us, we’ll have to book you.”

She set her jaw, and her eyes burned with hatred. At least she was loyal. That, I could admire.

“Okay, ma’am. We’re going to need to take you downtown.” The cop turned to me. “Do you and the pack want to press assault charges, Jax?”

Her eyes went wide. “Assault charges? I was the one who was attacked by a damn monster and that asshole over there!” She pointed at the body, trembling.

I could smell her rage and fear.

My wolves watched eagerly, waiting to see how this played out, hoping the cops threw the book at her. I could smell their hatred, and I owed my pack justice. Savannah should rot in jail for a month for what she’d just done.

But we needed her to stop these abductions and clear the pack’s name. The seer had told me that Savannah would lead me to the answers I sought, and I hadn’t gotten any yet.

I waved the cops away. “Let me talk with her.”

The officers stepped back, and Savannah’s body tensed as her eyes widened. I smiled as if to say, Yes. I have sway here. They’ll do as they’re told.

“Are you going to have your corrupt cops lock me up, Jaxson?” she spat.

“You’d be safer there, so I’m considering it.”

She jabbed a finger into my chest. “Bastard. You’re the one who murdered someone.”

“Someone who was coming after you. Don’t forget that.”

Her lip curled up in frustration, and she balled her fists. “Fine, so you’re my savior. What are you going to do with me?”

Such gall. “I need your help, so I’m not going to press charges. But there are conditions.” It took all my restraint to spit out the words without growling. My wolf struggled in my chest in protest, and the way in which the other wolves slunk away told me the pack would be angry. Not surprising, but it wasn’t the alpha’s goddamn job to make everybody happy. It was my job to protect the pack.

The woman crossed her arms. “What conditions now? I’m already risking my life to help you.”

I stepped close so she had to crane her neck to meet my gaze. “Never touch that shit again. Wolfsbane.” Even the word burned my lips.

“And how do I protect myself, then, from the freaking werewolves trying to kill me?”

“Pepper spray. Something else. It’s non-negotiable.”

She ran her hands through her hair. “Fine. Whatever.”

“Second, you have to make it up to the pack.”

Her eyes widened. “How?”

“That’s for you to figure out. But know this: they will hate you now if they didn’t before.” I turned to walk away.


The pleading in her eyes stopped me in my tracks. “What?”

She wrapped her arms around herself and joined me. “What was that thing that attacked me? Did you kill it?”

“We killed it, yeah, but I have no idea what it was. A type of demon I haven’t encountered.”

She swallowed hard, and I could smell the terror rising from her. And determination. “I need to see it. If I’m going to have nightmares for the rest of my life, I want to see it for real.”

Impressive. My wolf grudgingly agreed.

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