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The Biker's Cherry (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 8)

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Chapter Twelve

“Can you believe Joseph dumped me? After I bought him that fancy bow he wanted for Christmas too. The asshole.”

“I’m sorry. That’s super shit of him. Did he say why?”

“He’s been talking to some girl that goes to college with his brother. Guess she puts out more than I do.” Sheena rolls her eyes.

“Well you don’t need him.”

“Easy for you to say. You have Brodix to fall back on.”

“I haven’t really saw him much. I went to his family’s holiday party, but other than that, Mom needed me at the daycare. By the time I was off work I was too exhausted to go out with him. He’s probably hooking up with someone else behind my back.” Brodix has been okay since he got me flowers, but we mostly talk through text messages. He’s supposed to go with me to shop for my Snowball dance dress later this week. Tonight, he’s having a big New Year’s Eve party. His parents are gone for the weekend again. Anyone who is anyone is supposed to be there or so he says.

I only hope he doesn’t start with the sex stuff again. I’m not ready to go there with him. I’m still trying to work out if I even like him. The holiday party went okay. I kissed him and it wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t anything like kissing Nav or Viking for that matter. I don’t know if it’s because they are grown men and he’s a boy in comparison. There was no real fire or passion that’s for sure. I can’t be with Nav. Not that I want to be after the shit he said to me. I can’t think about that day or him without wanting to cry.

“You’re still going to the party though, right?”

“Duh. I’m not sitting around all night moping over Joseph.”

“Good. Now how does my hair look?”

“Dude. You should start doing your hair straight more often.”

“You think so?”

“Uh…yeah. But you gotta let me do your makeup. Then you should send a pic of yourself looking all hot to Nav and tell him to eat his heart out.”

I shake my head. There’s no way I’m texting him anything.

“What are you wearing?”

“I brought this.” She digs around in her bag and pulls out a leopard print halter top and a black leather skirt.

“You’ll freeze your ass off.”

She rolls her eyes. “Not if I find a cute guy to keep me warm. I brought a jacket and tights to go under the skirt.”

“Then I approve.” I grin and she gets started on my makeup.

Jenny and Javi picked us up for the party about an hour ago. I totally lied to my mom and said Brodix’s parents would be around. I’m eighteen so she technically can’t stop me. Then Jenny and Javi told her that everyone is spending the night. Girls in the basement and the boys upstairs in the spare rooms. I can’t believe she went for it. I was totally expecting to be given an eleven pm curfew.

Music blares throughout the house. I’m shocked the neighbors haven’t made a noise complaint.

The house is trashed. His parents are totally going to kick his ass. He said he only invited about fifteen close friends but there’s gotta be fifty people here easily. I’ve even spotted some of my little sister’s friends.

Brodix hooks an arm around my neck and pulls me in for a sloppy kiss tasting of liquor. I tried a shot earlier and it had my stomach burning. I decided to quit while I’m ahead. I don’t get the appeal of getting wasted to the point you act stupid. Brodix was already drunk when I got here and he’s falling right back into old habits. Getting handsy and acting like an asshole.

I shrug out from under his arm and head to the kitchen to find something without alcohol in it to drink.

“Where you going?” He follows me, nearly tripping over his own feet in the process of trying to latch onto the belt loops of my jeans.

Anywhere you aren’t.

“I’m looking for Sheena,” I tell him and I partly am. I haven’t seen her in at least twenty minutes or longer. Not since Brodix was trying to feed me drinks and Sheena downed it instead to get him off my back. Jenny and Javi disappeared about five minutes after we arrived. I wish I hadn’t told my mom we’re staying the night. I should’ve asked to borrow the car so I could leave when I want to. I don’t know why I thought this would be fun.

I don’t like to drink and get crazy wild. I’d rather be home reading or watching movies. I keep trying to fit into the cool crowd and the reality is, I simply don’t.

“C’mere. I’ll help you find her. I think she went upstairs.”

I narrow my eyes on him. “When was that?”

Brodix shrugs and his drink sloshes over the brim of his red solo cup. We get upstairs and he takes me to his bedroom. The door shuts behind us and he locks it.

“Hey what are you doing? I thought we were going to find Sheena.”

“Later. I’m ready to be alone with my girl.” He sits his cup on the dresser and stalks toward me. I try to go around him when he grabs me around the waist. “You love to tease me. I think you get off on playing the good girl. Making me look like a fool. Following you around like a lost puppy waiting for you to throw me a bone.” His tongue glides along the side of my face. “Sheena is probably getting fucked. After she drank that cocktail I made for you, she’s probably begging anyone and everyone to get her off.” He laughs and my stomach drops.

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