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The Biker's Cherry (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 8)

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There will only ever be her.

Now I know what she meant when she said it happens to all the brothers when they meet the one. They just fuckin’ know. May have taken me pulling my head out of my ass and her being in danger to make me realize it, but I know this is it.

Kimber and her candy kisses. Those green eyes that set my soul on fire. Her pale freckled skin.

“Tell me what you dream of, cupcake. Tell me what you want most in the world.”

“When summer comes. I want to climb on the back of your Harley and travel. To take pictures of everywhere we go. To make love under the stars. For nothing to exist but being in your arms.”

“I’ll make it happen. Promise you that.”

I kiss her again, ready to take her to my bed when my damn cell goes off.

I start to ignore it but remember that I left Bambi back at the clubhouse.

“Gotta take this.” It’s an unknown number which means its likely the club. “Lo.”

“Where the fuck are you at, Prospect?”

“Had a situation to tend to.”

“I don’t give a god damn what you’ve got, get your ass back here. Now.” The call drops.

“Let me guess. Club business. You’ve gotta go. I’ve heard Link get the call enough times to know.”

“Will you stay here? I like the idea of you waiting in my bed for me”

“You want me to stay?”

“Yeah, cupcake. Nothing I want more. Go on to bed and I’ll wake you when I get back.”

“Bambi gonna be there?”

“I left her there to come to you.”

“You cutting her loose soon as ya can?”

“What do you think?”

“You better. Because, Nav. I’m not going to play second fiddle. Not to her.”

“No comparison. Lock the door and keep it locked.”


I kiss those sweet lips and force myself to walk away.

I hope Prez called me because he’s got what he needed from that phone.

“We’ve got a situation.” Murder doesn’t waste anytime cutting to it. The ol’ ladies have either gone home or up to one of the rooms. Its only the brothers left at the bar. “Wylla Mae went upstairs and came up on Bambi. Looked like she was trying to leave the room for help or the bathroom. Fuck if I know.”

Shit.“She okay?”

“If by okay you mean dead,” Smoke deadpans.

My stomach drops to my feet. Fuck. I left her alone. I hang my head. I didn’t care about her, but I never wanted anything bad to happen to her. She didn’t deserve to die. “Where is she?”

“We’re taking care of her,” Sandman volunteers. “Putting her in the cemetery to send back a message to whoever dumped Mariah in the dumpster. Anyone asks you about her you say she got pissed off and left. You haven’t heard from her since.”

I nod. “Got it.”

“Where were you?”

“Had something to take care of.”

“I asked you a question I expect an answer,” Murder growls. “Got another dead stripper on our watch. A bitch you were tasked with keeping tabs on. A death we gotta clean up. Now I’m gonna ask one last time. What the fuck was so goddamned important that you abandoned your post?”

My gaze cuts to Link. Fuck. He’s going to kill me. Maybe I deserve it. “I was with Kimber.” The second the words leave my lips the brother comes at me. I don’t defend myself. Not for the first two licks he lands. I owe him those.

“Here we fucking go,” Viking grumbles coming up behind me hooking me under the armpits from behind, locking his fingers at the back of my neck as Link lands a punch to my ribs.

“Fuckin’ warned you, Prospect.” Crunch. His fist connects with my jaw then my nose. Boom. Pow. He doesn’t hold back. Hit after fuckin’ hit comes as blood seeps out from different wounds on my face. “Want my niece then ya better fight for her, you pussy motherfucker.”

I spit blood on the floor and Viking shoves me forward.

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