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Four Flames for Angela

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“I don’t think he’d pay any attention to that. He’s not going to leave until he gets what he wants.” Angie buried her head in Rock’s shoulder and let herself cry. How did she always manage to get into these messes?

River came back from the kitchen with a cup of hot tea just in time to hear Angie's statement. “Don’t worry, honey. We’ll take care of you and Todd.”

“Todd! What time is it? I have to get him from school!” Angie pushed away from Rock and started to stand up.

Rock pulled her back down. “Hunter and Sawyer will go and get him. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be alone right now. River’s going to go out and make sure Alvin doesn’t need anything. You are going to sit here and relax while you and I talk about Thomas and how we’re going to handle the situation.”

River, Hunter, and Sawyer nodded and headed off to take care of what needed to be done.

Chapter Thirteen

Angie listened to Rock as he explained how they were going to make sure she wasn’t alone. “If you and Todd don’t want to move into the house with us, then I or one of my brothers will be with you at all times.”

“I don’t think that’s necessary, is it? I really don’t want to upset Todd. He won’t understand why we have to move or why one of you is staying with us.” Angie turned and looked deep into Rock’s eyes.

“Todd would be more scared and upset if Thomas comes back and tries anything. You will both be safer with one or more of us around. This isn’t negotiable, Angela. I will not leave you in a situation where you or Todd could get hurt,” Rock said firmly.

“You don’t think Thomas will hurt us, do you?” Angie asked, her voice high and scared.

“I don’t know what he’s capable of, and neither do you. Neither of us know him or what he might do. You said he was mean to you and your mom when you were growing up. I don’t think he’s changed for the better. Do you?” Rock was slowly rubbing circles around her back.

“I don’t want to scare you, but we still don’t know who vandalized your house and I don’t want to take any chances with you or with Todd. Do you?” Rock brushed a soft kiss against her mouth.

“Sawyer and Hunter will be back soon with Todd. Let’s go outside and see how River’s doing with Alvin. I thought we might get part of the demolition done on your porch today. It will be better for you and Todd if you are at our house while we are working on the porch. It will be easier to take the puppies in and out. That’s what we will tell him. Okay?” Rock set Angie on her feet and stood to place one arm around her as he walked her to the door.

Angie knew Rock was right. She didn’t know what Thomas might do, and she would feel safer for her and for Todd if one of the men was around. She couldn’t handle this herself, and she needed help. “Okay,” she said softly.

“Okay?” Rock repeated.

“Okay. I agree. I can’t handle this myself and I need help. I want to take Todd and stay with you guys until this is over and Thomas either gives up or we know for sure he’s gone.” Angie didn’t say it out loud, but the only way Thomas was going to give up was if he was dead or back in jail. She didn’t wish either thing on him, but that was the only way he would leave her and Todd alone.

* * * *

Angie was standing outside talking with Rock and River when both men’s phones starting buzzing with text messages and phone calls. Both men stepped away from her and Alvin to take the calls.

Angie watched their faces and knew something was up. “Don’t worry, Angie. We’ll take care of this. We’ll figure out what’s happened,” Rock said, pulling her into his arms.

“Figure what out? What’s going on?” Angie cried frantically. Something had happened to Todd. She just knew it.

Rock held Angie tight as he felt her knees start to give out. “Todd wasn’t at the school when Sawyer and Hunter got there.”

“What do you mean he wasn’t there? He has to be there! Where else could he be?” Angie looked frantic, and Rock slowly lowered them both to the ground, pulling her into his lap.

“Maybe he went home with one of his friends. Do you know of any of his friends he might have gone with?” River asked, squatting down beside Angie and Rock.

“He knows. He knows he has to wait until I come to get him. He knows not to go with anyone else. He knows…” Angie sobbed, fisting both hands in Rock’s shirt.

“I’m sure it’s just a mix-up. Sawyer and Hunter will figure it out,” Rock tried to reassure her.

“I need to go to the school. He’s waiting for me. He knows not to go with anyone else. He’s waiting for me.” Angie started pushing and fighting, trying to get away from Rock. “Let me go. I have to go get him! Let me go!”

“Angie, listen. Sawyer and Hunter are at the school. They are talking with the teachers and will figure this out. We need to stay here in case Todd comes here. Until we figure out what’s going on, the best place for us is here.” River started rubbing Angie’s back, trying to calm her down.

“Are you sure? He never walks home. He knows he’s supposed to wait for me.” Angie looked at both men as if willing them to figure this out.

“The best place for you to be is here. Sawyer and Hunter will figure this out.” Rock’s phone buzzed, and he handed it to River. “You deal with the calls. Angie and I will try and figure out where Todd might have gone.”

Rock started asking Angie about Todd’s friends.

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