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Club de Fleurs 5: Tina's Twins

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“When did this happen, and what is up with the expensive security system we had put in? Why is all this happening to me?” She finally put her hands over her face and started crying.

Kurt unfastened her seat belt and pulled her into his lap. He needed to hold her and comfort her. This woman was going to be his wife, and he couldn’t stand to see her hurting.

“Shh, baby, shh, Kevin and I will take care of it. It will all work out. Please don’t cry, baby.” He tried to soothe her, but she just cried harder.

Kurt held her tighter and whispered in her ear, he felt so bad and didn’t know what more to do. He loved this woman with all of his heart and she was in distress. It was his job to make it better.

“Tina, baby, please, I love you, please don’t cry any more. Kevin and I will take care of everything, please, baby.” He just wanted to make it better.

Tina looked up at him and smiled through her tears. “Say it again,” she said quietly.

“What part, baby?” Kurt asked.

“The part where you say you love me, did you mean it?” she asked, her voice full of awe.

“Yes, baby, I meant every word. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you and Kevin feels the same way.”

“He does?” she asked, turning to look at Kevin.

“Yes, angel, I do love you. I’ve loved you since the minute I first saw you in the Club with Rachel. We were going to wait until tomorrow to do this, but Tina, would you marry us? Kurt and I want to be your husbands and your Doms. We want to spend the rest of our lives with you and protect you always.”

Tina was still crying, but now for a different reason. They wanted to marry her. They wanted to keep her. How could she be so lucky as to have both of them want her?

“You really want to marry me? You’re sure you really want me?” She was shocked, bewildered and in awe. She couldn’t believe that they wanted her.

“Yes, baby, we both really want you. We were going to ask you tomorrow, but couldn’t wait. We have a ring and a collar for you at home and will give them to you when we get there. Will you wear our collar and our ring? We both really want you to. I love you, Tina,” Kurt told her.

“Yes, I will marry you both and wear your collar. I want that, I want it more than anything,” she answered, snuggling into Kurt.

“I have a confession. After I told you I loved you both the other night, when you didn’t say it back, I got upset and was going to go home tonight. I’m so happy now, you won’t be able to get rid of me.”

Kevin had parked the truck and moved closer to her. He pulled her into his lap and took her mouth in the hottest kiss yet. “Does that convince you of how much I love you?” he asked when he finally let her up for air.

Tina just smiled, she was euphoric. Even with the threat looming over her head. Nothing could ruin this day.

Chapter Nineteen

The men were very concerned about the break-in at Tina’s house. The fact that someone had been able to circumvent the security was very disconcerting. Evan had been to the house himself twice to check connections and see if he could figure out how it was being done. It had him angry and puzzled. His security system was state of the art and should have been tamper-proof. He had designed much of the system himself and had patents on most of it. There should have been no way, but someone had managed to leave several packages without being caught, and now they had managed to break into the house.

Kevin and Kurt were glad Tina wasn’t going back to the house, and couldn’t wait to get home and give her ring and collar. They were all going to start a new phase of their life.

“I have a question,” Tina asked.

“What, baby?” Kurt answered. They had separated and were now driving the rest of the way home. Kurt still had one hand between her legs, but she was now back sitting between them.

“How do I marry both of you legally?” She figured Kevin would have the answer to this.

“You will marry me in the civil ceremony, and then at the Club we will both collar you. On paper you will be my wife and I will be your husband in the eyes of the law. But where it counts, our eyes, you will be married to both of us. We will both treat you equally and you will treat us both equally. Any children will belong to all of us. It won’t matter who the biological father is.”

“That makes sense, and you really won’t care who fathers the children? Do you want children?” She hadn’t thought about children, but really did want them.

“Yes, baby, we want children, lots of children, how about you?” Kurt answered her.

“I hadn’t really thought about it, but I think I do. A couple little boys to drive me nuts like their daddies do and maybe a girl to take my side occasionally. That would be nice. You already have a house that would be perfect. Yes, I want children with both of you.” She smiled picturing it in her mind.

When they got home, the boys immediately took her to the playroom. As per their rules, she was naked before she entered. Kevin left them while Kurt got her ready.

When Kevin entered the room, she was kneeling submissively with her hands clasped behind her back. “Oh angel, you are so beautiful,” he said as he entered the room.

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