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Our Desperate Bride (Treasure Falls Brides 2)

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Two years later, Lee gazed around at his beautiful wife while holding their son. The boy was a little tiger running around and getting into everything. But he loved him more than he’d ever thought possible.

Daisy sat on the couch breastfeeding their newborn daughter. She was barely a week old, and already, she’d captured their hearts. She had a head full of white hair and he thought she would be the spitting image of her mother.

Ellis was in the kitchen preparing dinner while Lee was on toddler duty. Lee had never been happier, and he hoped they had half a dozen more children.

Daisy glanced up at him and smiled. “I think she’s asleep, but she hasn’t turned loose of my nipple yet.”

“Aw, I’m jealous,” he said, smiling.

There was a knock at the door and Daisy, pulled up the blanket covering their daughter who lay sleeping at her breast.

Setting Lee Junior on his feet, the boy ran to the front door. Lee followed behind him and slowly opened the door, grabbing the kid by the arm, to keep him from running outside.

Stunned, he stared in shock.

“Lee,” his sister said with a smile.

A man stood behind her and she grinned. “I’d like to introduce you to my husband, John.”

“Come in,” Lee said, opening the door wider. Beth kneeled and gazed at Lee Junior who stood staring.

“Hi,” she said. “I’d recognize that face anywhere.”

His son wrapped his arms around his leg. “Come in and meet the baby. We have two children.”

“And I’m expecting,” she said with a smile.

“What brought you back?” he asked.

“John,” she said. “He found me in Texas, and he told me it was time to come home to Montana. We fell in love but he left Montana and then when he returned, I was gone. I’m so glad he found me.”

Instinctively, Lee reached out and hugged his sister, his heart filled with love. They were all back together and he was so glad.

“Beth, it’s so great to see you.”

“You, too, big brother. You too.”

Just then, little Cora let out a squeal and it was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. After wanting a family, his life was now full and Lee knew he was a lucky man.

Glancing at Daisy, she smiled at him and he realized she knew. She knew how much this moment meant to him. Thank goodness she’d come into their lives. Thank goodness she’d married him and Ellis.

And now he had everything he’d desired. A family of his own and his returning sister. Lee couldn’t be happier.

* * *

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