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Deep Freeze (West Coast 1)

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Jenna sped away from the curb and noticed Travis’s truck on her bumper. Three and a half minutes later, they pulled into the school’s lot in tandem.

Allie, backpack slung over one slim shoulder, was waiting near the front doors of Harrington Junior High. Leaning on a post, arms crossed over her chest, she looked angry as all get out. Jenna didn’t care. She threw herself out of the Jeep as Allie started walking to her.

The door to Travis’s pickup burst open and slammed with a thud behind him as he crossed the parking lot.

“Where’s Dani?” he asked, his expression military-hard.

“I already told Mom I don’t have any idea,” Allie said, some of her bravado slipping. “I haven’t seen her since lunch.”

“Has anyone?”

Allie shrugged and shook her head.

“Wait here,” he ordered, then his tone softened. “Please.”

Jenna’s arms had surrounded her daughter. “We will,” she promised as Travis left them standing outside and she, though it was over eighty degrees, shivered. Dear God, what was happening? Where was Dani? And Blanche? Why would anyone murder Blanche? Payback Time? What the hell did that mean?

Her cell phone chirped and seeing Shane’s name on caller ID, she forced a smile. “Hi,” she said, glancing around the deserted parking lot.

“Hi. Look, I thought you should know, my gut tells me this doesn’t have anything to do with you or Allie. Whatever happened here is about Blanche.”

“Then why is Dani missing?”

“Don’t know yet. Maybe a coincidence, but—”

“But you don’t believe in coincidence.”

“Right. Listen, we’ll figure it out,” he assured her. “I already called the house. Cassie answered. She’s fine.”

“I was just about to do that.” Jenna felt a new wave of relief that was tempered by her thoughts of Travis and his daughter. What the devil was going on with Dani. She’s all right. She’s all right. She has to be. Calm down. This is all just a big mistake.

Except that Blanche Johnson is dead.

Jenna squeezed Allie more tightly and was thankful for Shane. For his strength. For his love.

“Are you okay?” Worry edged his voice.

“Fine,” she said, her throat thick with emotion.

“Good. Then, I’ll see you at home. I’m going to be tied up for a couple of hours, so I’ll catch a ride with someone.”

“Or call me and I’ll come get you.” She was eager to be with him again. To feel him close.

“Either way,” he said, then added, “I love you, you know.”

“Yeah, I know. Me, too.”

“The way it’s supposed to be, darlin’,” he said as Jenna heard the muffled sound of another voice vying for his attention. “Look, Jenna, I gotta go.”

“Yeah.” She blinked rapidly.

“See ya later.”

“I’m counting on it, Sheriff,” she teased, her eyes suddenly hot, tears of relief close to the surface as she clicked off, then pulled herself together. This wasn’t the time to fall apart. Her girls were safe. Her life with Shane more secure and filled with more honest love than she’d ever thought possible.

Yet she couldn’t help worrying about Dani Settler. Where the devil was she?

Travis felt as if something inside of him was about to explode. He jogged to the front doors of the school and swung them open. The halls were nearly deserted. No laughing children, no teachers, just a custodian wheeling a large garbage can down a hallway.

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