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Possessing Liberty (Claimed 1)

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Killian wants me to ride with him, but I convince him to let me take my car home instead of leaving it in the parking lot. He doesn't like it but agrees when I remind him that I either need to get clothes now or I'll have to go home to get ready for work in the morning.

By the time we arrive at my condo, I'm a mess of nerves. I know what going home with him signifies…what it means. I'm a little worried I won't live up to the way he's built me up in his mind. To him, I'm a goddess. I feel more like an imposter though.

He's older, hotter, a literal millionaire. He could have anyone or anything he wanted. It's crazy to me that he wants me as badly as I want him…that he could want me as badly as I want him. He's the sun, blotting out everything else. And I'm just me. A twenty-two-year-old virgin with abandonment issues.

"You're overthinking it," he says, reading me like a book as soon as he opens my car door and helps me out. He gets in my space again, pulling my body flush against his. His hand skims down my back, gripping onto my ass. His lips seek mine in the darkness, his stubble scraping my chin. "Stop thinking."

He makes that sound so easy.

"I'm nervous," I whisper against his lips. "I've never…"

"Done this before?"

"Wanted anyone this badly."

"Jesus." He bites my lip, using his grip on my ass to pull me closer. "Me neither, baby girl. Need to get my cock in you so fucking bad it hurts. Need to make you fall for me."

"What if you change your mind?"

He growls. Faster than I can process, I'm caught between his body and the side of my car, held captive by his massive frame. He blocks me in with his hands on either side of my head. His crystalline eyes shoot off sparks when they meet mine.

He eyes me for a long, silent minute, looking like a pissed off, avenging angel. "I've spent my life looking death in the face, Liberty. I don't have regrets, especially not about you."

"That's not what I meant."

"I know what you meant. You're afraid to let me in."

I nod, unable to deny it.

He expels a heavy breath and then pulls me into his arms. "You don't have to be afraid with me, baby girl. You don't have to keep those walls up either. I'm not going to hurt you."

No, but he might break me. I don't say that though. Instead, I let him hold me.

"Going to teach you what it means to have someone to lean on."

"I've never had that."

"You do now." He kisses me again and then pulls me away from my car, holding my hand like we're two lovers out for a stroll instead of…whatever we are. I'm not even sure at this point. I just know that I don't want whatever this is to end because he's already claimed a big piece of my heart.

"You live here alone?" he asks, guiding me up the steps toward my condo.


He grunts. I love when he makes that sound. He communicates so much in the simple sound, more than I ever knew anyone could communicate with a grunt. It's way hotter than it should be.

My hands shake a little when I unlock the door. He pushes it open, motioning for me to go in first. The alarm beeps a warning, so I quickly hit the lights and then disarm the system.

Killian follows me inside, looking around. My place isn't fancy. Honestly, it's barely big enough for me, but it's mine. The living room and small kitchen are open, with my bedroom and bathroom down a short hall. The stackable washer and dryer sit beside the fridge, which isn't ideal. But my furniture is new. The deep purple accents look good against the cream walls and hardwood floors.

I glance at him to see what he thinks, but he's staring at me again, his eyes dark with need. My body responds to that look on his face, desire blasting through me in a powerful wave. One second, I'm nervous. The next, I'm pretty sure I'm going to die if it doesn't kiss me again immediately.

"Killian," I whisper, swaying on my feet.

"Fuck." He grabs me by the hips, yanking me into him again. Somehow, he turns us so my back hits the door as his mouth crashes down on mine. A needy growl vibrates in his chest, the sound full of hunger.

It touches me everywhere, coaxing a moan from deep inside. I clutch him to me, tugging at his shirt because I need to feel his skin against mine right now or I might burst into tiny pieces. He seems to know how I feel. He helps me rip his shirt off over his head, his lips leaving mine for only a split second before he's back again, licking inside my mouth and grinding me against his erection.

I run my hands up and down his chest, trying to touch him everywhere at once. His body is literal perfection, made of smooth, contoured muscle and coarse hair. His chest and shoulders are covered in tattoos. He's all man, powerful and strong. And so damn beautiful. I rake my nails down his chest and abdomen, yank at the button on his pants.

He grabs my hands before I manage to get it undone, trapping them against the door above my head. His mouth breaks from mine, leaving a line of kisses down my throat. Before I can protest the fact that he's not letting me touch him, he bites my nipple through my shirt. A shock of pleasure races through me, my legs threatening to give out.

"Goddamn, I can't wait to get my mouth on these," he growls, letting me go to pull my shirt up. Within seconds, he's tossing it over his shoulder, leaving me in nothing but my bra and skirt. His gaze rakes over me, hot and hungry.

I instinctively move to cover my stomach, trying to hide my flaws and imperfections from him.

"No," he says, grabbing my hands before I can do it. He pulls them up over my head again, holding me hostage once more. "Those curves you try so hard to hide? Those are my playground, my temple. I worship them, Liberty." He places the sweetest kiss to the corner of my mouth. "Gonna teach you how beautiful you are, baby girl. You'll never doubt it again."

"Killian." I melt all over again. For someone who doesn't say much, he sure knows all the right words. I love it so much. "I'm not self-conscious usually. Just…no one ever sees me, you know? They look through me or around me. Not you."

"Never me." He presses his lips to mine and then pull away. "You going to be a good girl and do what I say, or do I need to tie you up?"

Oh. My.

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