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Queen of Their Colony (Kindred Tales)

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V’rone was certainly tasting her. He finally withdrew his fingers and thrust his tongue deep inside her instead. Terra could feel him lapping her juices as though he couldn’t get enough of her and all the while she was grabbing his horns and urging him on.

“Yes!” she heard herself moaning. “Oh God, yes, V’rone—you’re making me come so hard!”

Just at that moment, the door to the room their cell was in opened and the female guard who had captured Terra in the first place came in. She was holding a tray filled with the same kind of protein bars and nutrient drink bulbs they’d seen in the DY-12 version of a convenience store earlier. But when she saw what the four of them were doing, she gasped and dropped the tray.

Protein bars hit the floor and shattered into brittle shards and the bulbs full of nutrient drink popped open and splattered their watery white contents all over the floor. But it was the sound of the guard shouting for help that finally got everyone’s undivided attention.

“Help! Code 14-C!” she gasped, her eyes going wide. “Carnal activities in progress! Non-compliance of the highest order is occurring!”

“Shit!” Terra gasped, attempting to sit up. “V’rone, you have to stop! We have to get out of here!” She tugged forcefully on his horns and at last the big Monstrum raised his head.

His maroon eyes were wild and his mouth was shiny with her juices.

“Little Terra.” His voice was a deep, rumbling grow. “Not nearly done tasting you yet.”

“Yes, you are!” Terra informed him. “We have to go—now!’’

They scrambled to their feet and ran to the door. Tem grasped the knob and, to Terra’s vast relief, this time he was able to turn it. Finally, the glowing blue door swung open.

Terra had been meaning to poke her head in once they got the door open and be certain the next world they were traveling to was safe. Unfortunately, they couldn’t see the other world—there was just that same swirling rainbow vortex she’d seen at the original entrance to Mistress Bodikin’s portal.

Besides, there was no time for safety—the room was rapidly filling up with guards in black and white jumpsuits and the original female guard was fumbling with the cell door, trying to open it. At any moment she would be inside with her gun pointed at them!

“Go!” Terra heard V’rone shouting. He grabbed her hand and then grabbed Rive’s as well. Rive grabbed Tem and the four of them ran through the door just as the cell opened.

The last thing Terra heard was the female guard shouting,

“Halt in the name of The Watcher! The All-Seeing Eye is not done with you!”

And then the guard’s voice was abruptly cut off and she found herself in another world.


In the back of her mind, Terra had been worried they might wind up in mid-air. No matter what Rive said, it seemed frightening to jump from the top of such a tall building to a whole different world.

To her immense relief, however, she found herself not in mid-air, but rolling on a field of lush green grass. The three Monstrum were all around her and all of them seemed to be back in their right minds.

Still can’t believe that giving them my “honey” actually helped counteract the Peace Drops, Terra thought. Maybe there was something to the idea of a Queen being able to heal her colony.

But then she pushed the thought away. No matter what they’d just gone through, it hadn’t changed her mind about not bonding with the three of them…had it?

Before she could properly answer that question, Rive broke her train of thought.

“Well, this looks safer than DY-12,” he said thoughtfully. “Whether it is or not, I guess we’ll find out.”

“Let’s not,” Tem said quickly. “Look—there’s the path. Let’s just keep on going.”

“Agreed—let’s get the fuck out of here and finish this damn quest before something else happens.” V’rone rose to his feet…only to stagger several steps and sit down again.

“Whoa—are you all right?” Terra was instantly concerned. She went over to the big Monstrum and put a hand on his forehead. It was an automatic instinct from years of being a mom, but V’rone didn’t seem to mind. He caught her hand in his and looked into her eyes.

“My Queen,” he growled softly. “You saved me.”

“Well, I mean, I-I guess…” Terra stammered.

“You saved all of us,” Tem agreed and Rive nodded as well.

“I just wanted to get out of there!” Terra protested, feeling her cheeks get hot. She’d never been good at accepting the credit for anything and the way she’d saved them was pretty embarrassing. “It…it was Tem’s idea,” she added. “He was the one who realized that…um…”

“That letting us lick your pussy and taste your honey would bring us back to ourselves?” V’rone asked, raising his eyebrows.

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