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The Baby Contract

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I imagined she was making Anne Francis…er Anne Erickson very rich. I didn’t doubt that her body and smile could sell anything.

The elevator reached the ground floor.

“Sorry to have barged in like that. I have a Pavlovian response when I think my brother is trying to dictate my life.”

“Maybe next time you just ask him.”

She pursed her lips at me, once again sending images of her sucking my dick through my head. Jesus, this woman was potent.

“Bran would dismiss my concerns.” She smiled and for a minute I was blinded. “Sorry again. Now I’m off to see a house. I think it’s perfect. Secluded and by the ocean.”

“Sounds perfect.” It certainly was what I was looking for when I bought my home.

“I’d say see ya around, but I’d rather not see you again. No offense.”

I laughed. “None taken. Have a good day, Ms. Erickson.”

I watched as she walked out of the building, her fine ass swaying in a snug dress. In another life, I would have asked her out. My phone vibrated again telling me that another life was gone.

I sighed trying to ignore the disappointment that I wouldn’t see Harper Erickson again.

Yes! Harper and Noel get their very own story. This will be a single dad next door, pregnancy romance. While you wait for that one, how about binge reading the entire Billionaire Secrets Series here?

I hadn’t spent much time around children, so I wouldn’t have been able to guess her age.

My heart died a little bit knowing that Lane left me in Mexico and a year later fell in love with someone else.

It was stupid of me to feel like that. It certainly explained her behavior though.

Except…the child was nine and there were nine months of pregnancy…

My heart stalled in my chest. Was it possible this child was mine?

No. Surely Lane would have said something. Besides, she’d been on the pill.

I rose from my chair and approached them.

Lane looked up at me. As soon as recognition hit her face, she looked down at the child and then back at me.

Her eyes filled with panic.

It was all the confirmation I needed. This child beside Lane was mine.

I was a father and Lane didn’t tell me.

She never planned to tell me.

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