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Almost Married

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He impulsively stopped at The Dancing Cow on his way home in hopes that a giant bowl of sugar would somehow help him figure out just how the hell he was supposed to compete with a freaking rock star. The shop was empty. He checked the clock on the wall. It was nearly six thirty. He figured most people were home eating dinner, not stuffing themselves with junk.

Barry was working the register. They’d met last weekend when Dave went to Barry and Amber’s wedding as Steph’s date.

“Hi, Barry.”

“Good evening,” Barry replied cheerfully. “Oh, hey, I remember you from the wedding. You’re Steph’s boyfriend, Dave.”

Dave inclined his head. He didn’t know if that was true anymore. He crossed to the counter with the bowls and took an extra-large.

“Ten percent off for friends,” Barry called.


Dave filled the bowl with chocolate peanut butter fro-yo, then headed to the candy bar, where he scooped on crumbled Oreo cookies, chocolate chips, Gummi bears, Heath bar, and mini-Reese’s peanut-butter cups. He shifted down the counter to pump three huge globs of hot fudge over the whole thing. Finally, he set it on the scale to pay.

“Someone’s in the mood for chocolate,” Barry said with a huge, friendly smile.

“Yup,” Dave said. “I thought you’d be on a honeymoon.”

“We took the long weekend in Cape May, but Amber didn’t want to leave her classroom for too long. We’ll take the real honeymoon over winter break.” Barry rang him up. “Aruba.”

Dave nodded absentmindedly. He paid a ridiculous amount, even with ten percent off, and took a seat at a long counter by the window. He took the first spoonful, but his throat was tight, and he set the spoon down. He dropped his head in his hands and stared at the table.

“Hey, you okay?”

Dave raised a hand. “Fine.” He heaved a sigh and was about to leave when Barry took the seat right next to him.

A beat passed while Dave sat uncomfortably, staring out the window, unsure why Barry was sitting there. They weren’t exactly friends. He’d only met him briefly at the wedding. He could feel the other man’s stare.

Finally Dave turned. “What?”

Barry shook his head. “Nothing. What’s got you so depressed that you can’t even eat that delicious pile of sugar?” He indicated the mess of candy sitting untouched.

Dave said nothing.

“Putting two and two together,” Barry said, “a giant bowl of candy and looking depressed, I’d say woman troubles.”

Dave grunted and stared at the table. He really didn’t want to talk about this with another guy. It was a blow to the ego to have a famous rock star top you in the man department. Women thought his dilemma romantic—how to win the girl. Men would see it for what it was—a ballbuster.

“Steph’s crazy about you,” Barry said.

Dave turned in surprise.

Barry nodded. “I know this for a fact because she’s good friends with my wife, Amber. Marriage confidentiality rules.” He nodded sagely. “My wife—I just love saying that—my wife. Anyway, we tell each other everything anyone tells us, but it stops right there”—he circled his hand—“in the circle of marriage confidentiality.”

“Steph’s married,” Dave muttered.

“I heard,” Barry said sympathetically.

Dave stood and grabbed the bowl of uneaten fro-yo. “See you around.”

“Wait, don’t go. I’m sure I can help you. I know Steph. I’ve got the inside scoop between her and Amber.”

Dave shook his head. “You can’t help me. Not unless you can turn me into a rock star.”

Barry’s eyes lit up. “Stay right there.”

A few minutes later, over Dave’s protests, Barry was putting the necessary items into the trunk of Dave’s car.

“I’m not doing this,” Dave said.

Barry patted his arm. “Just in case,” he said with a wink.

Chapter Five

Griff finished his room service dinner in his briefs while watching the home channel that always had those happy families moving into their new homes. He liked to pretend sometimes that he was part of one of those families, nestled in their new home, loving just being together. Life on the road wasn’t as glamorous as it first seemed—hotels blended together, lots of solitary meals, living out of a suitcase.

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