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Almost Married

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Chapter Six

“I’m just saying, I wouldn’t kick Griffin Huntley out of bed.” Jaz waggled her eyebrows.

“Me either,” Amber chimed in.

Steph was with her friends at Amber’s house for a sorely needed girls’ night in on Friday night. They were eating Thai food in the living room.

Amber’s husband, Bare, popped his head out of the kitchen and peered at them. “What’s this now?”

“Girl talk,” Amber quickly said.

“Amber,” he growled and went back to the kitchen.

Amber’s face flushed. She leaped up from the sofa. “I’ll be right back, guys.”

It was really quiet in the kitchen, so Steph whispered her confession to Jaz. “I haven’t even gotten Dave into bed. Every time I see Dave, Griff shows up.”

Jaz’s eyes widened. “Is Griff stalking you?”

Goose bumps ran down Steph’s arms at the thought. It was strange the way Griff kept popping up. She hadn’t told him where she’d be any of those times.

She ate some more pad Thai, considering. “Maybe he is,” she finally said.

Jaz leaned forward across the coffee table. “Would he hurt you?”

“No, never,” Steph replied immediately. Not the Griff she knew. They’d only dated six months before their three months of marriage, but he’d been open with her, even vulnerable at times, as he shared his sometimes painful memories of childhood with her. And he was so good with Joey. He wasn’t a violent man. At least not until he’d gotten a look at Dave. Of course, Dave hadn’t seemed like the type to get into a physical altercation before he met Griff either. It was like some kind of manly pissing contest. Ridiculous.

Steph went back to her meal.

Jaz chewed her basil chicken before saying, “Still, it’s creepy.”

Steph waved that away. “He’s leaving tomorrow, so I don’t have to worry.”

“You can call Chief O’Hare if you feel unsafe,” Jaz said. “You know he’ll take that seriously.”

“I know.” Especially since Steph was friends with Ryan O’Hare’s wife, Liz. They both worked at Clover Park Elementary.

They went back to eating in comfortable silence. A few minutes later, Steph glanced at Amber’s food sitting untouched. “Amber?” she called.

“Coming!” Amber gasped.

Jaz and Steph exchanged an astonished look. Omigod, Jaz mouthed.

I know, Steph mouthed back.

“Should we go?” Jaz whispered.

They stared at each other, then burst into laughter, covering their mouths to smother the noise. Jaz got up and tiptoed toward the kitchen.

“Don’t!” Steph hissed.

Jaz stopped and did a little thrusting move. “Oh, Bar-ry,” she whispered.

“Shh-shh-shh,” Steph whispered, giggling.

They went back to eating. Jaz kept holding a hand to her ear like she was listening for the big finish.

Amber finally returned, smoothing her hair. “So, what’d I miss? Bare needed help with something in the kitchen.”

“Something,” Jaz quipped.

Amber returned to her lemongrass chicken. “Mmm…something.”

Jaz filled her in. “We think Griff might be stalking Steph, but she’s not worried, and he’s leaving tomorrow. Have you met him?”

“Yeah,” Amber said. “He was at the school.” She bit her lip, eyes dancing mischievously, and said louder, “He’s even better looking in person.”

Bare popped his head back in. “Amber,” he growled.

Amber flushed, but stayed where she was.

Bare returned to the kitchen.

Amber giggled. “I’ll pay for that later,” she whispered in a delighted tone. She turned to Steph. “You want to stay here tonight so you don’t have to worry about Griff? We’ve got a guest room.”

“As much as I’d love to hear you and Bare going at it”—Steph raised her voice for Bare’s benefit—“all night long, I’ll pass.”

“You can stay with me,” Jaz offered.

“That’s okay,” Steph said. “I’ll be fine.”

After dinner, they drank wine and watched this insane Zombie Bonanza show Amber was obsessed with. Jaz kept throwing popcorn at the screen every time a victim innocently went to check out a strange noise. Steph relaxed for the first time since Griff had showed up in town. She couldn’t wait for him to go back to L.A. Things would get back on track with Dave. If that kiss outside Garner’s was any indication, Dave had a raw, carnal side to him she was very willing to explore.

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