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Almost Married

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He cradled her face with both hands. “I want you to have my babies.”

She blinked back tears.

“Or not. You don’t have to.” He stroked her cheek. “Don’t cry.”

She couldn’t help it. Tears leaked out of her eyes even as she smiled. “I want that too.”

“You do?” His eyes welled up, and he crushed her to him. “As soon as we’re married.”

She laughed. “I didn’t hear a question in there.”

He pulled back and grinned. “No, you didn't. Then we'll spend the summer on a long honeymoon at my family's cabin up at Lake George.”

She ran her finger along his stubbled jaw. “I love all of that, but—”

He cut her off with a kiss that left her knees weak. When he let her up for air, she said, “But I still need that divorce.”

Dave groaned. “He promised to sign the papers.”

Her lips formed a flat line. “Griffin makes a lot of promises he doesn’t keep.”

“We’ll get a good lawyer.”

“Lawyers are expensive.”

“So we just wait for Griffin to get off his ass and sign the papers? Fuck that.”

She rubbed his chest, trying to soothe him. “I’ll talk to him. He can be reasonable. We ended things as friends.”

“And I’m supposed to wait around while you try to talk sense into him?” He jammed a hand in his hair. “How long am I supposed to wait?”

“Is there a time limit? Does your love expire?”

His jaw clenched, and a muscle ticked in his cheek. “Dammit,” he muttered.

He pulled her into the bathroom, turned on the shower, and glowered at her while the water heated. She didn’t say one word. She knew what was coming next. He pulled her in and was absolutely beastly to her.

~ ~ ~

Steph answered the door in her robe while Dave was still shaving. “Hi, Griff. Leaving today?”

His gaze dropped to her chest, and she tightened the robe around her.

His eyes met hers. “Today’s the day.”

“Don’t forget you promised to sign those divorce papers.”

“You really love him, huh?”

She raised her chin. “Yes, I do.”

He heaved a sigh. “All right.”

“All right?”

“Yeah, what can I do? I tried.” His shoulders slumped, and he lost all traces of his usual arrogant swagger. “You know I’ll always love you. Nothing I can do if you don’t feel the same way…”

“Thank you.”

He frowned. “Listen, I called Paulie D. He said the paperwork is complicated because, hell, I dunno, he just said it was complicated. But he’ll take care of everything as soon as I say the word. You want this done fast? Fly back with me, and I’ll have Paulie D bring the papers. I’ll sign right there backstage after the concert.”

Relief flooded through Steph. Tonight. She could have a divorce as soon as tonight.

“Okay, I’ll go,” she said.

He flashed a quick smile. “You will? Great. I’ve got a private jet. You’ll love it.”

“Sounds good. You know Dave will be with me.”

He scowled. “You want to bring Dave.”

“Yes.” Two arms wrapped around her from behind. She could feel the heat of Dave’s bare chest on her back. Dave rested his chin on her shoulder.

“Where we going, Griff?” Dave asked.

“Griff invited us to his concert tonight,” Steph said brightly. “Then he promised to sign the divorce papers. We’re flying on his private jet. Won’t that be fun?”

Dave shifted to her side and draped an arm over her shoulders. He wore only jeans. “And do we believe that he will actually sign the papers?” He spoke to Steph, but never stopped glaring at Griff.

“I said I would, didn’t I?” Griff snapped.

Steph turned to Dave. “It’ll be fine.” She turned to Griff. “We’ll go.”

“Can’t wait,” Dave said, only it came out sounding like fuck you.

“Let’s go,” Griff said.

“We’ll meet you at the airport,” Steph said.

“Yes, we’ll meet you,” Dave said.

Griff rolled his eyes. “Plane leaves at noon out of Eastman.”

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