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Almost Married

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“Paulie D told him not to sign anything.”

“Who the hell is Paulie D?”

“His lawyer.”

He took both her hands in his, trying one last time to get Steph on his side. “Steph, Paulie D doesn’t get to decide about your life. This affects both of us.”

“I’m okay with it. Just as long as Joey is taken care of. Please understand. I can’t afford Horizon Village. Joey would have to move in with me. He’d miss his housemates and all the activities they have there. And I would be a package deal. Anyone in a relationship with me would have to be with Joey too. He’s not that easy to live with. He has tantrums when his routine changes.”

“Why in the world would you believe Griffin would keep his word?” Dave asked.

“He faced down a gun for me,” she said. “If you could’ve heard him…it puts things in perspective when you’re looking death in the face. I know he’ll do this. He really does love Joey.”

“I thought you said he was in on the gun thing.”

“I don’t know that for sure. He really did sound sincere when he promised to take care of Joey.”

Dave frowned. “There must be other alternatives.” He ran his fingers through his short hair and pulled. “Other group homes. Or we could all live together.”

“You’d do that?”

“Yes. I’d like to meet him first, but…Steph, I really can’t deal with Griffin any more. I want him out of the picture.”

She stroked his cheek. “But we can still be together. We just can’t get married right away. That’s all.”

He clenched his jaw. “You’re choosing him.”

“No, I choose you. I won’t even see Griff again. It’ll all be done by the lawyers.” She gestured away from them. “Down the road.”

His earlier anger came flooding back. “Why did you go backstage with him?”

She stroked his arm. “I’m sorry. I had my eye on the prize, the divorce, and I should’ve just told him to go to hell.”

“Damn right.”

He shook his head. He didn’t like that she’d gone with Griffin while he was waiting at the hotel, but it did sound like Griffin’s fault. Asshole.

Still, he couldn’t help adding, “You let him put his hands on you.”

She moved to straddle his lap, running her fingers through his hair. He went instantly hard, which was probably her intention. Distract him from his anger. He had to admit it worked. He was doomed to want her all of his life. Even while she was tied to another man.

“I was scared, that’s all,” she said, her fingers still trailing through the hair at the nape of his neck. “That doesn’t mean I still love him or that I want to be with him.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and gazed into his eyes. “I want to be with you. I’m yours.” She kissed him. Her warm lips, so soft, and her taste enticed him, made him want to give in to it. And he did for a long moment, losing himself in the kiss.

But then he did the most difficult thing he’d ever had to do in his life. He lifted her off his lap and set her away from him. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”

“Because of Griff.”

He said nothing. No amount of talking between them would change the fact that Griffin still held sway over Steph, and Dave didn’t want to be caught in the middle anymore. He looked away.

“He’s out of my life,” Steph said. “I swear.”

He turned back. “Who knows when he’ll show up again? Ready to fly you in his private jet. Offering you diamonds. The world. And what do I have to offer you? A townhouse in Eastman. Help grading your math homework. I understand very well where I stand.” He looked at the floor. “I love you so much it makes me crazy, but I can’t live like this, caught between you and Griffin.”

“Dave, please.” Her voice broke, which made his chest clutch. “I choose you.”

He met her eyes, which were shiny with unshed tears. “You let him get away with murder. Until you stand up to him, we don’t stand a chance.”

She blinked rapidly. “I’m not good with confrontation! I’m sorry! I’m working on it.”

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