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Blind Trust

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She’d taken a package of chicken breasts out of the freezer, determined to make at least one home-cooked meal for her nephew. She found one of Malina’s recipes for a cheesy chicken and veggies dish that looked easy enough.

Finn returned her call a few minutes later. “Hey, I’m getting ready to leave headquarters. I should be there within twenty minutes or so, and we can leave for the custom-framing craft shop whenever it’s convenient for you.”

She was glad Finn wasn’t there to see the silly smile that had bloomed on her face. “Mikey’s taking a nap now, but I don’t expect him to sleep for long. Oh, and I’m cooking dinner—nothing fancy, but hopefully edible. You’re welcome to join us.”

“I’d love to.” Her silly smile widened at his words. “See you soon.”

“Bye.” Once again, she set her phone aside, then turned toward the food items she had sitting on the counter. Determined to prove she wasn’t a complete imbecile in the kitchen, she painstakingly followed the recipe and then set the covered dish in the fridge so she could bake it in the oven later.

“Auntie Eva, I’m hungry.” Mikey’s plaintive tone had her moving quickly to the playroom. She scooped the boy into her arms and kissed his cheek.

“How about a snack while we wait for Officer Finn?”

Mikey perked up. “We’re going to get my picture framed for Daddy?”

“Yes, we are.” After all the excitement from the night before, having normal plans for the evening seemed strange. There was a small part of her that feared leaving the house, but she shrugged it off. Finn wouldn’t let either of them out of his sight, and they’d have Abernathy with them, too. “We’ll do that first, then when we get back home we’ll have dinner.”

Mikey nodded. “Pizza?”

“No, I’m making dinner tonight, one of your mommy’s recipes.”

Mikey’s lower lip trembled, and she instantly wished she hadn’t mentioned his mother.

“It’s okay, Mikey. Your mommy is here, in your heart.” She tapped his chest lightly. “She’ll always love you.”

Mikey patted his chest, too, following her lead. “Is my daddy coming home? Or is he in my heart, too?”

“Oh, sweetie.” Her heart ached for the little boy. “Your daddy is in your heart, but he’ll also be home tonight, hopefully before you go to bed. But even if he can’t get home until later, he’ll give you a hug and a kiss when he arrives, okay?”

“Okay.” Mikey seemed mollified by that, and she let out a soundless sigh, feeling good that the impending crisis had been adverted. For now.

She gave Mikey animal crackers and milk for his snack and put the finger painting off to the side of the table, in case of a spill. Finn arrived ahead of schedule, Eva greeted him with a warm smile.

“You made good time.”

“I did.” Finn took a moment to fill Abernathy’s water dish, then came over to ruffle Mikey’s hair. “Hey, buddy. Ready to head out to get your picture framed?”

“Yes!” Mikey’s tone was full of excitement.

“All right, then. If you’re finished with your snack, we can leave.”

“Goody!” Mikey squirmed out of his booster seat and the three of them, along with Abernathy, went outside.

The drive to the craft store took longer than picking out a frame. While they waited in the checkout line with the finished product, an older woman smiled at them. “Oh, look at that, your son made a family portrait! How sweet.”

Eva smiled and nodded, not bothering to correct the woman’s assumption that Mikey’s drawing was of the three of them. But when Finn glanced at her and winked, she blushed.

Finn’s carefree attitude confused her. His playfulness was helpful during times of stress, and at other times, like now, it seemed to be his way of telling her not to take this—whatever it was between them—too seriously.

Just another reminder of how she needed to protect herself from becoming emotionally attached.

* * *

Finn loved the way Eva blushed and had to stop himself from stealing a kiss right there in the middle of the store. The framed finger painting turned out better than he’d expected, and he hoped Pete Stallings knew how fortunate he was to have a son like Mikey.

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