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Blind Trust

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Had Malina worked for Roach? What was her job? To sell the drugs or to simply transport them from one place to another? Was she involved in handling the cash inflows? Why had she taken the package from Roach and his accomplice? For personal use? Or to sell on her own? Had she really thought she could get away with doing something like that without repercussions?

He stared at the list of questions, thinking about how Malina had got fired from the guide dog training center yet had maintained her Fitness Club gym membership. What other secrets had she kept hidden from those closest to her? Remembering the five hundred dollars Eva had found in Malina’s bag, he couldn’t help but believe there had been many.

But the real question revolved around motive. Why would Malina get involved with these guys in the first place? She had a husband, a beautiful son, a job at the guide dog training center. Why risk it all?

He turned his attention to the list of patrons that had been provided by the woman behind the desk at The Fitness Club. He’d had to fax in a court order for the list and she’d immediately sent it to him.

Scanning the names of gym members was depressing. There were so many of them, and even if he split the list in half, he had over 250 men’s names to sift through.

Frustrated, he closed the document as Eva entered the kitchen. “Something wrong?”

“Other than that I’m sitting here spinning my wheels on this case? Not at all.”

“No new evidence today?”

He hesitated, not sure he should be confiding in her. Sure, Eva was a victim in this crime, but it was an ongoing and active investigation. She deserved to know the truth, but he wasn’t so certain his boss would agree. “Not really.”

“I thought Roach wanted to make a deal?”

“He will, but his lawyer was tied up today and the DA’s office wants to be involved, so we aren’t set up to meet until tomorrow.”

“Bummer.” Eva sighed and then yawned. “Oops. Sorry. I guess my lack of sleep is catching up to me.”

He longed to take her into his arms but forced himself to stay where he was. This attraction he felt toward her was getting out of control. Maybe it was time to pack up and head home. Pete would be here in an hour or so and he had a cop stationed outside the house. There was really no reason to stay here with Eva like this.

Mikey and Abernathy came running into the room. “Can Abe sleep with me tonight? Please?” Mikey looked squeaky-clean in his Superman pajamas.

“Oh, I’m not sure that’s allowed,” Eva said, responding before he had a chance. “Abe is a police dog, not a pet.”

“But I wanna sleep with Abe so I won’t be scared.” The little boy’s clear blue eyes were wide and pleading.

“You can sleep with Abe for a little while,” Finn offered. “Until I need to head home.”

“Yay! Thanks, Officer Finn.” Mikey ran over and gave Finn a hug. Finn kissed the top of the boy’s head, breathing in the comforting scent of baby shampoo.

“You’re welcome.” He cleared his throat and glanced at Eva. “I won’t be in your hair for much longer.”

She gave him an odd look and simply nodded. “Come on, Mikey. I’ll read you a bedtime story.”

The kitchen felt empty after they left, and it occurred to Finn how much he’d grown accustomed to having Eva and Mikey around. Annoyed with himself, he turned his attention back to his work.

As he reviewed the information he’d dug up on The Fitness Club, he stumbled across the name of Grant Ulrich. Ulrich, Ulrich.

Why was that name so familiar?

He pulled a thick file from his computer case and began searching through the paperwork he had in there from other drug-related cases. In particular, from the recent drug bust Zach Jameson had uncovered at LaGuardia.

There! He pulled a sheet of paper from the pack and stabbed the name with his index finger. Grant Ulrich. Not only did he own The Fitness Club but also the furniture store, located near the airport and found to be central to the drug-smuggling operation.

Was The Fitness Club another undercover operation for dealing and smuggling drugs?


Eva read Mikey one of his favorite bedtime stories, touched by how the little boy snuggled up against Abernathy. When Mikey finally drifted off to sleep, she set the book aside and watched him for a moment.

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