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Mountain Men Triplets

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He grinned. “Hold on, baby.”

I gasped as he pulled out and then thrust back in, instantly setting a fast and hard rhythm that was as punishing as it was heavenly. I cried out his name and met his heated gaze in the mirror.

He reached around and covered my mouth while driving into me even faster. We both needed it, clearly, and we both careened towards our orgasms faster than ever. He rolled my clit between the fingers of his other hand and we both came together hard, my shouted pleasure still a loud cry from around his fingers.

He held me against his chest and breathed into my hair, his hand stroking down to my belly. “You okay?”

I laughed as I caught my breath. “Are you kidding? I feel like you just exorcised whatever demon was living in me.”

He grinned and turned me around to hold me properly. “I’m sorry we weren’t listening to you before. This is the first pregnancy we’d been involved with and we’re terrified of hurting you.”

I looped my arms around his neck and smiled up at him. “I know. I love you for how much you care about me, but I’m still a woman. I still have needs.”

“Oh, we know you’re a woman, baby. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to take care of myself lately. Seeing you like this, pregnant with our baby, it makes me want to fuck you long and hard, all day long.” He kissed me gently. “But your health comes first.”

“What made you three decide to change your mind today?” I grinned. “And how’d you get the privilege?”

“We talked to Kara about it. Which I know is weird, but she knows shit.” He shook his head. “She told us that we needed to rail you before she had to put a muzzle on you.”

I threw my head back and laughed, knowing those were the exact words my sister had used. “Lovely.”

“And I won because Isaac is chasing Hank and Julian got roped into a conversation with Tyler. I was rude enough to walk away from it.”

“Bless your rudeness.”

“I love you, baby. I just want to take care of you. You know that.”

I did. And I could see it and feel it after my orgasm. I hugged him and sighed into his chest. “I feel so much better.”

“You want to go back out and play nice with your sister? Isn’t that something you said to me before?”

“I’ll still kick your knees out from under you, Blake Steele. Don’t forget that.”

“Never. You make sure of that, Mallory Steele.”

I grinned at hearing the name, suddenly all sunshine and rainbows. I might’ve even skipped while joining everyone in the kitchen again. I looked around and saw Hank with a marker, coloring his face blue, Casey and Taylor fighting over Kara’s phone, and then watched as my men started fighting amongst themselves.

I sank into my seat, feeling the soreness that only came after really fantastic sex, and watched as Blake, Isaac, and Julian fought with the same silent intensity as Casey and Taylor. I knew they were fighting over Blake sneaking away with me. I could tell by the way they ribbed him and he puffed his chest out at them. I giggled and looked over at Kara.

She and Tyler were watching me with smirks on their faces. “Well, it seems that all you needed to slip away into euphoria was an orgasm.”

I grinned and nodded, all peace and flowers. I was still tingling from it as I watched Casey take Taylor in a headlock just as Julian did the same to Blake. The five of them fumbled around the kitchen, knocking over a plate of lasagna and sending spaghetti sauce everywhere. Hank went straight to the mess and flung himself in it. Still, I smiled.

Kara looked from me to Blake and then to Tyler. “You know what? We’re going to go see if we can’t find some of what you had. Just let the guys parent the kids for a while.”

Tyler, healed and healthy, stood up and threw Kara over his shoulder. “This is awesome!”

I waved them off and laughed when Isaac slipped in the mess and dragged his brothers down with him. The house was destroyed, Hank was a mess, and all the siblings were battling it out with food fights, but I didn’t care. I was happy. I had my men, the ones I’d married in a union service, and I had my happy home. Things were good.

“He’s giving me a wedgie! Make him stop!”

I wasn’t even sure what set of siblings that plea for help had come from. I just kicked my feet up at the table and breathed out a happy sigh. Things were so good.

“Don’t lick me! What are you, five?”

Again, not sure who that’d come from. I picked up the paper from the table and flipped to the comics. I especially related to Denis the Menace those days, but at that moment, I didn’t identify with the old guy as much as normal.

“Hey! Stop biting!”

I looked over the paper and saw Julian with his mouth on Blake’s leg as Blake held Julian in some kind of headlock with his thighs. Isaac was wrapped around Blake, and Casey and Taylor were next to them, rolling around in lasagna as they fought. I could’ve stopped it. They wrestled so often that I’d perfected the art of crying out in pain to distract them, but I didn’t feel like it. I was relaxed from head to toe, so I just lifted the paper back up and kept reading the funnies.

“Who the hell farted?”

Still wasn’t my problem.

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