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Gray Witch (Black Hat Bureau 5)

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“That’s it?” I watched her closely. “There’s no other reason?”

“I might have also recognized a modified Mystic Realms emblem on their website.”

“What does that mean?”

“One of the teens designed it,” Clay speculated with amusement. “I doubt it was altruistic, if they added the subtle nod to their club while they were at it. Since it’s still there, the parents haven’t noticed it yet.”

The idea had merit, given how tech savvy kids were these days compared to most of their parents.

“Reminds me of the symbols travelers used to carve into the siding or gate posts of homes who had been kind as a favor to those who came behind them who were also in need or food or shelter.”

“That doesn’t sound very appreciative.” I frowned. “Defacement of property, which is disrespectful, and leaving a message that guarantees they would have a stream of visitors who would deplete their stores. It’s a slap in the face to hospitality.” I noticed everyone staring at me. “Anyway… LARPers? Website?”

“Colby?” Asa turned his attention to her. “What do you think it means?”

The spotlight shining so hotly on her choices made me itch to leap to her defense. I was used to being the one to call her out, but Asa had the right to ask. Not on the grounds of our relationship, which he would never abuse, but as an agent on a case that had taken a slight detour into Coincidenceville.

“That a Mystic Realms Live Guild meets here?” She emphasized the G in Guild. “Lot of guilds have weekly IRL meetings or game together. Everyone is in the same room but on their laptops. This guild, the West Field Wastrels, is super active.” Her wings drooped down her back. “My guild lives too far apart to meet.” Her antennae sank to half-mast. “They would also think I was a giant freak if they saw me in person.”

“You’re not a giant or a freak.” I scooped her in my arms for the unwanted hug she needed nonetheless. “The way these kids run around playing dress-up as characters, they would faint to meet the real deal.”

“You really think so?”

The fragile hope in her voice broke me.

“I know so.” I kissed her forehead. “Next time, though, tell me if you’re playing double agent, okay?”

There was no harm in it, this time, but all agents required permission for covert missions.

“Okay.” She cuddled in close. “Does that mean I can stay here and live vicariously through the LARPers?”

As much as I longed to hand down a firm no, I couldn’t clip her wings.

“As long as you stay moth-sized and out of sight.” I stroked her back. “If you see anything weird, I expect you to fly like the pirate expansion pack has been released and the only copy is in my back pocket.”

“It’s an online download,” she pointed out then mimed zipping her lips. “Yes, ma’am.”

With her living in a virtual world, I shouldn’t be surprised online games no longer came with hard copies. It showed my age, though. I might look like a pink-cheeked college kid with her whole life ahead of her, but I was a cranky old witch who appreciated purchasing items I could reach out and touch.

Before long, I would be shouting get off my lawn to neighborhood kids.

Asa cupped my nape, slid his thumb up the column of my throat, and my knees wobbled under me.

The supportive gesture made my gut clench and my mind pivot away from worries about Colby.

“Be safe, Shorty.” Clay made it an order. “Don’t fly into any flames, you being a moth and all.”

“I’ll try to resist temptation.” She rolled her eyes. “Are you guys leaving now?”

“Did you feel that?” I rubbed my butt. “I swear I felt someone kick me to the curb.”

The three of us left Colby to trail the kids into the woods for their LARPing.

I won’t lie.

I wasn’t happy.

More than protective instincts were to blame for the knot in my gut. There was a very real threat to her. But for her to stay in the field, I had to trust her to assess danger and react as we had been training her.

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