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Gray Witch (Black Hat Bureau 5)

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It was kind of hot.

“All right.” I fought against my breathlessness. “I’ll allow it.”

Given her height and slight build, I elected to kneel on the floor to give her the best access to me without my hair posing a risk to her. Since she was Asa’s family, she might be immune when it came to me. But, given my violent reaction to her, and the questionable loyalty of the y’nai, she might not be.

“Hold still.” Her fingers gripped my shoulders gently. “This will tingle, but it won’t burn.”

Cool metal touched my nape, flooding me with serenity, and the oppressive darkness I had struggled against since fashioning the grimoire into an accessory lifted until I could breathe easy again.

Busy soaking up the relief, I startled when Callula yelped and stumbled back.

“How…?” Her voice trembled. “What…?” She thumped against the door. “I don’t understand.”

“Asa?” I checked my neck, but I only felt the one chain. No choker. “What happened?”

Slowly, I faced her, uncertain if her fear was directed at me or the jewelry or both.

“Mother.” Asa helped her to her feet then sat her in a wobbly task chair. “We need a moment alone.”

Worry carved grooves across Asa’s forehead as he led me out to the SUV where he locked us in.

“Can you ward this?” He didn’t crank the engine or fasten his seat belt. “How long would it take?”

“Not long.” I shut my eyes and drew on the well of magic within me to push out a temporary shield. “Got it.” Out of breath, I slumped back against my seat. “How bad is it?”

“The choker vanished when it touched the pendant’s chain.”

“Of course it did.” I pulled the pendant out from under my shirt. “Well, that answers that.”

Golden threads wove through the original chain, bright against its ancient patina.

“The pendant, or the grimoire, absorbed the choker.” Asa smoothed his thumb over the striking result. “I can still sense Grandmother’s magic within it.”

“I feel it.” I stared down at the oddly beautiful combination. “Her magic, I mean. Her intent?” I wasn’t sure of the proper term. “It’s soothing, like a cold shower on a hot day. The grimoire isn’t pressing down on me. I don’t feel it, or the pendant. Their presence is just…gone.”

“Perhaps the chain interpreted Grandmother’s wishes in an unexpected way.”

“Hmm.” I mulled over that. “I wonder if calling the grimoire out would separate them.”

“Would it hurt you to try?” Asa considered me. “Is it worth freeing the grimoire, even for a moment?”

“I’m not sure.” I examined the pendant, which hadn’t changed. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

Before he could talk me out of it, I murmured the incantation. The grimoire popped out, and I caught it on my lap. I swear it almost hummed as if it were pleased to be free of its constraints.

With the book in my hands, I tried again. This time, I focused on the chain. I could sense it on the edge of my awareness, pulsing with light, with warmth, with love infused by its creator. But it refused to budge. It was well and truly stuck.

“Well, it was worth a shot.” I returned the grimoire, which fought me every step. “So, your mom.”

“Your introduction didn’t go how I imagined, but she takes extreme measures where my father is concerned.” He took my hand. “She’s entitled to that, but it was hard to hear her test you on your ability to love both halves of me. As if it was the worst obstacle we’ve faced.”

“Her heart was in the right place.” I made myself believe it. “She’s aware of her faults, and she wants better for you than what she could give. I can respect that. She might not have gone about it the best way, but it shows she cares.” I leaned into his touch. “For both of you.”

Asa was all about seizing the moments given to us between cases, and I was ready to grab one now.

Sadly, not the one in his pants.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” I shrugged off my unease, given the nature of his mother’s test, but I was asking for the right reasons. “Can you keep a secret from the daemon?”

“Yes,” he said without reservation, and his trust sparked warmth in my chest.

A little afraid of his reaction, I asked, “How do you feel about skimming some baby name sites with me?”

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