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O Line (The New York Nighthawks 3)

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Eventually, I collapsed on top of her. I would have immediately rolled away so I wouldn’t crush her under my weight, but she wrapped herself around me and held on tight. “Don’t move,” she begged softly. “Not yet.”

“I’m not too heavy?” I asked, looking down at her skeptically.

She shook her head and smiled, almost shyly. “I was built for you, remember? Besides, this moment, it’s…perfect. You stretching me, making me feel so full, your body shielding me and making me feel safe and protected. It’s perfect.”

My answer was to kiss her, pouring my emotions into it to show her that I completely agreed.

After a while, though, I worried about how sore she’d be if I stayed too long inside her pussy right after I’d taken her virginity. So I eventually pulled out amidst reluctant groans from both of us. I pecked her lips and whispered, “Wait here, gorgeous.”

Climbing out of bed, I chuckled at my bobbing cock. Seriously, all that come, and I was still somehow semi-hard. Shaking my head, I went into the bathroom and quickly cleaned up, feeling a sense of wicked pride when I saw the pink that tinged the jizz on my dick. When I was done, I took a warm wet cloth over to Wrenley and gently cleaned her up. By the time I was done, she was fast asleep.

I didn’t want to spend our first night together at the hotel. I wanted to be home, in our bed. But I decided to let her sleep a little before waking her and taking her home. Partly because I’d worn her the fuck out and also because I needed to give Clay time to clear out. I felt a little guilty for kicking him out with no notice and so late at night, but not enough to let him stay when I knew I would likely make my girl come several more times throughout the night.

I’d never regretted doing my friend a favor…until now. I shot off a text to my soon-to-be ex-roommate, then set an alarm and climbed into bed with my girl. An hour later, I woke her, and we dressed before sneaking out of the hotel and grabbing a cab back to our place.

For the record, it was four. She screamed the walls of our home down four times before we both passed the fuck out again.



Waking up in Jordan’s bed with his big, strong body wrapped around mine was a surreal experience. I was tempted to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t still dreaming, but that wasn’t necessary because the slight ache between my legs confirmed that I truly had lost my virginity to him last night. And then some.

When I rolled over to check if he was still sleeping, I realized that we might have overdone it a little with the fourth round of sex only a few hours ago. An involuntary groan slipped past my lips, and Jordan’s eyes popped open. Concern shined from the jade-green depths as he cupped my cheek. “Are you okay, baby? Should I run you a hot bath?”

After scoping out his oversized Jacuzzi tub last night, I wasn’t about to turn down his offer. “Yes, please. That sounds amazing.”

“Wait here until I come to get you.” He claimed my mouth in a passionate kiss before sliding off the mattress to stride into the en suite bathroom. About five minutes later, he returned and scooped me off the bed to carry me all the way to the tub that was now filled with hot water.

“Oh, wow,” I sighed. “This feels amazing.”

“Looks fucking fantastic, too.”

I went to smile up at him, but my gaze snagged on his hard length as I extended an arm. “I bet it would feel even better if you joined me.”

“Sorry, baby.” He bent low and gave me a quick kiss. “Your pussy needs a little break before I take you again.”

I knew he was right, but I still grumbled, “Hopefully not too long of one. I’m already hooked.”

“You better be.” He flashed me a cocky smirk. “I promise to make it up to you tonight, even if that means I eat your pussy and make you come over and over again until you can’t take anymore.”

“Great plan,” I murmured, shivering at the sensual promise in his tone.

He turned on his heel to pad over to the shower, and I stared at his perfect butt until the glass door fogged over. Then I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the towel he’d left on the edge of the tub for me to use as a pillow. I must have dozed off because the next time my lids drifted open, the water had cooled, and Jordan was standing next to the tub, dressed in a pair of athletic shorts and a T-shirt.

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