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O Line (The New York Nighthawks 3)

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Marleigh must have been waiting outside my door because she flung it open right away and came darting into my room. “Absolutely.”

She made quick work of the zipper and then pressed her hands against my shoulders to turn me around. When I faced her, she stepped back to take in how the dress fit me. “I was so right about this gown. You look amazing in it. As far as I’m concerned, you don’t need to bother trying any of the others on. This one is the winner, by far.”

“Do you really think so?” I asked, twirling around to see how the skirt of the gown swirled around my legs.

Marleigh planted her fists on her hips. “Are you doubting my knack for finding the perfect dress for a woman?”

“Definitely not,” I denied with a shake of my head. “It’s just that there are so many other gorgeous dresses on the rack in the living room.”

She bounced on her heels and clapped. “Just because you already know what you’re going to wear tomorrow doesn’t mean you can’t try on the other gowns. We can have a little fashion show. Plus, you still need to pick out a pair of shoes. A few would be amazing with what you have on.”

“Well, if you’re going to twist my arm”—I beamed a grin at her—“then I guess I have no choice but to practice my best runway walk in each of those fabulous gowns.”

“While wearing the most amazing heels money can buy.” She smiled back at me. “It’s a shame that we aren’t closer in dress size, but at least we’re the same in shoes. So I can try on all of those.”

Her suggestion was too tempting to turn down. “Let’s do it.”

Five minutes later, Marleigh stared up at me from where she was sitting on our couch. Turning her foot from side to side, she showed off the red-bottomed heel she’d fallen in love with. “If I’m right and your football player insists on you keeping all of this stuff, I’m calling dibs on this pair.”

“First of all, he’s not mine.” No matter how much I wished he was. “And secondly, there’s no way that’s going to happen. I’m only going on one fake date with him. I probably won’t see Jordan again after tomorrow night, so there’s no reason that I need a dozen expensive outfits. I’ll go back to my normal life after the gala is over.”



I smoothed my hands down the jacket of my tuxedo as I traversed the hallway to Wrenley’s apartment. Then I took a deep, calming breath.

For years, I’d been facing down huge, scary motherfuckers on the football field, and I couldn’t remember ever being this nervous. Not because I was worried about Wrenley’s reaction. No, I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to control myself, and the second I saw her, I’d drag her gorgeous ass back to her bedroom to explore all of her mouthwatering curves.

However, I wasn’t going to disappoint Wrenley, who’d been looking forward to tonight. Or my mother, who would threaten to plaster my naked baby pictures all over the locker room if I didn’t show up at the gala. And we both knew Lennox would open the door for her himself, then stick around to laugh his ass off when the team arrived to enjoy my embarrassment.

I knocked on the door, and when it opened, my jaw dropped. Wrenley looked amazing in a figure-hugging gown that made me want to hide her away so no one else could see her spectacular curves. Her honey-blond curls floated softly around her head with one side held back by a sparkly clip. She’d done her eyes in a smoky style, and her plush lips were painted deep red. I immediately wondered if it was the type of lipstick that would stay on or leave a ring around my cock when she sucked me deep into her mouth.

Not the time to go there, I told myself sternly.

Wrenley’s smile was almost shy as she opened the door wider and stepped back to let me into her apartment.

"You look fucking gorgeous, baby.” I leaned in and brushed my lips along her cheek.

She looked at me in surprise for a moment, then shook her head and did a quick scan of my body. “You’re not so bad yourself,” she quipped as a beautiful smile spread across her face.

I pretended to be relieved, then winked at her. “Thanks. You’ll outshine me no matter what I’m wearing, but I wouldn’t want to look like a slouch with someone as exquisite as you on my arm.”

Wrenley chuckled and shook her head. “I doubt I’ll outshine you, superstar.”

Her comment reminded me of the present I’d brought. “Of course you will. But I’m going to make sure of it.”

I withdrew a long, skinny box from my coat pocket, then a smaller square one. A small table was in the entry, so I set the square box down. Then I turned the long one to face her before opening it to reveal a string of diamonds set in platinum. The designer had assured me that the jewelry she’d picked would go with any of the dresses Wrenley chose. But the one she’d picked highlighted her elegant neck, and the necklace would look amazing.

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