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Harem (Alien Authority 2)

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He is eloquent, and he does not seem broken by the loss of his great home on the cliffs above. He looks down at Tethys and I see a softness that speaks to what he truly values.

“I owe you everything that matters,” he says.

“Good. Then you can help me leave.”

He looks up at me, and I see something that makes me uncomfortable to behold in what should be glittering lizard eyes: sadness.

“You have chosen us time and again. Why can you not admit that you might love me? That you might want this to be your family?”

“Because you don’t love me, Sithren. I saved you. Yes. But you’ve never done anything besides ruin my life for your own selfish ends.”

“I will do what you ask. The one thing you have ever asked. I will make you the only woman in my life. I will dedicate my life, my heart, my body to you. There will be no other. Is that enough?”

“It might be,” I admit. “If I thought you wanted me as a lover, and not a convenient protection dog for your daughter.”

“And what a good pup you were, alerting us both to the danger,” he smiles. He is joking, but there is a little quiver low in my belly when he calls me good pup; it’s probably twisted, but the impulse to be praised is very much at the core of me.

“I was good, wasn’t I.”

“You were such a good girl,” he says. Again I feel that tingle.

He must see my reaction in my eyes, for he presses his advantage immediately.

“Let me reward you.”

We slide away into the bushes. Tethys is sleeping deeply, but we will have to be quiet. And careful.

“Don’t take all your clothing off. We may need to…”

Yes, we have to be quick. We have to indulge ourselves without exposing ourselves, a challenge set for parents of all species across many galaxies and times.

My cloak hides us from the eyes of the world, the little iridescent skittering lizards basking in the sun and spray from the nearby waterfall. There I put myself into mating position like any one of these wild animals might. Sithren takes his proper place behind me and above me.

“Yes,” he growls. “Lift your pussy up for me. Show me where you want to be fucked and filled so you can swell with life. I want to see that good little cunt on display.”

I am glowing. I am squirming. I am wet and I need more than anything to be fucked. He does not waste time. We know that at any moment Tethys could wake, or some other disaster could befall us. We have to do this now while we have the chance, make the most of every moment. We faced death in these last hours. Now we celebrate life.

He gives me his cock with those sensuous, sinuous movements, making love to me with great passion. In his arms, I feel more than loved. I feel treasured. I feel valued. His tyranny melted the moment he threw himself from the edge. He could have stayed and fought. I think he would have preferred to. He had his own guard. He had weapons and means, alliances. But he refused to risk Tethys. Or me.

Sithren has sacrificed everything for his family. And he counts me among them, whether I count myself or not. I close my eyes and I feel him surging inside me, the rippled scaling of his cock giving me an internal massage that comforts, soothes, and elevates until my toes are curling and my breath comes in desperate little gasps and I come the way he wants me to come, with a deep and satisfying climax that cleanses my nervous system, takes all the stress, the fear, and replaces it with a hot flush of connection and pleasure.

“Such a good girl,” he grunts one last time as he fills me up with that fertile, virile seed. I feel that hot cum sliding out of me with his cock as he pulls out and then glides back in. We have both hit our peaks of pleasure and this is something new, something comfortable and soothing and full of softer connection.

“We are going to have a very wild and dangerous time ahead of us,” he tells me. “I know you will be strong. And I know you will be devoted. I also know you don’t want to be. I want just one thing from you. Trust me. And talk to me. We have only each other now. No more sneaking away. No more seeking escape. I need you.”

“I’m not going to abandon you,” I tell him. “You’d deserve it if I did, but I won’t.”


“Is this where we live now, Father?” Tethys wakes curious, and yet accepting of her sudden shift in circumstances. We returned to the fire before she woke and prepared something for her to eat. Looking after Tethys centers us both and makes sense of the wild.

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