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Entice (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies 1)

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“What does that matter? Your knowledge and expertise is what is needed here. Mark needs us—you, to advise him on the best course of action here. Clearly the crux of the matter is he doesn’t want to piss off Logstrick who are offering him a very sweet deal considering he’s going bust.”

That was the problem, although no one has said. I have a great P.I. who checks things out for me and he knows when shit doesn’t look right but the clients are holding off on being up front.

“You think he’s going bust?” she asks.

“Yes,” I answer and lean closer. “It’s intuition. And the numbers don’t look right to me. The man has his back against the wall, so he’s the little guy in the scenario. He wants to save his ass so he can keep doing what he does, but he wants to save that thing that’s most precious to him.” I phrase it like that because I know exactly what I would do here and I want to see where her head is at.

“His knowledge of what only he can do,” she puts in and nod.

“See you are different to most from Stanford.”

She smirks. “Josh, there are some nice people who went to Stanford. It’s really not as bad as you think. I loved it there.”

I frown. “Woman… tread softly. First you get me to like you, now you want me to like the whole pack of them.”

She holds my gaze and runs her fingers over my chest. “You like me?”

The question throws me off guard, but then what did I expect from my comment.

“I guess I do. Enough to allow you to handle the case.”

“Maybe you won’t like me so much if I tell you that I think Mark should hold on to his rights.”

I smile at her. That’s the very thing I was going to suggest. “And why do you think he should do that?”

“They’re merging with him as a company. Business is business for monetary sake. If he wants his ideas to be his only and not classed as part of the newly formed company then he’s within his rights to. Sure if he wants to share his trade secrets with them on new projects after the merger that’s probably more acceptable, but I don’t think this is.”

“Wow…” I state and she looks nervous.

“Is that a good wow or… something else?”

“It’s good. I agree with you. Besides, if they want him that bad they’ll agree to his terms. I don’t think he has anything to worry about, so go over what you think is best to protect his rights, meet with him and discuss it. If he’s happy with that I’ll set up a mediation meeting here and sit in with you.”

She smiles down at me. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”

“That’s okay. Go… take a break, wrap up and go home early. I have something interesting planned for later.”

The spark that comes into her eyes hardens me up.

“What is it?”

“You’ll see.”

“Don’t I get a clue?”

I lean in to her lips and kiss her. “The clue is I think you’ll love it.”

“That’s not a clue.”

“When you get to the club, you’ll see what I mean,” I answer and run my fingers over her breasts.

She shuffles over my cock and I wish now that I had closed the door.

Damn it though, I have another meeting in fifteen minutes and it’s in the other building. It’s one I can’t be late for.

I kiss her again, making that be enough to satisfy my need for her.

“Go… before I get myself in trouble.”

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